"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Friday, December 28, 2012

I'm fake sick. Mental recap.

Boo hoo, sad story. (drake voice)

I managed to stay sick free for the entire year so I guess I can't complain. I was feeling horrible yesterday and it snowed (I think thats the real reason I got sick.) I popped a pill and drank some tea.. it's working.. For the most part.

Christmas was real nice. I finally had the conversation I've been wanting to have with my mother for years and it went pretty good, I'd say.. Did she fully comprehend what I was saying? I hope so. Only time will tell if she truly heard me out.

New Year's Eve is approaching. And I tryna get as much done as possible before then. I'm on several deadlines I gotta meet. I'm tryna be more punctual. Especially on things I set myself. I tend to get distracted which is why alot of stuff never gets finished. That has to stop.

My funds aren't what I'd like them to be. But I'm making the best of it.. The new year should definitely raise my financial stock. Lord knows I have alot of things to do, and money will make it alot easier. But that soon come. I'm not really as stressed out about money as I used to be. Thank god for that.

Shit may not be happening right on schedule, but shit I'ma make it happen one way or another. I'm not trying to play anymore. I don't have time for that. I always say playtime is over.. But it really is. Idk about everybody else, I'm not concerned with everybody else. I'm not on anyones time. I'm focused on me, working on MY time and I already feel I'm behind schedule. Regardless who feels I'm "ahead" of the game or right where I'm supposed to be. I won't rest until my soul is truly at peace at where I am. And to get there, I have to truly give it my all.

And I'm at a point in my life, why not give it my all? Everything else, I half ass .. Half the time I got it right, I probably guessed. Drake wasn't lying. So when I half assed shit I did more than a decent job, imagine if I give it my ALL .. My ALL nigga? Do you know what that is? No because come to think about it... I never gave anything my all in my entire life. No person, place or thing. I always preserved a piece of me. Idk why, maybe I felt I didn't need to give it my all.. Some of me was enough. Maybe I felt like I wouldn't get all of me back if I threw it all in, so I kept a chunk of me sac(red), hidden deep in a box. Or maybe, I was just sca(red) if I gave it my all and still failed I wouldn't be able to handle that type of mental beat down I'd hand myself.. So my reasoning for failing would be, but I didn't give it my all in the first place .. which spark other curious thoughts. Whatever the reason(s) I now feel I'm strong enough mentally to dive head first .. If I fail, fuck it. I tried. If I succeed .. Yippie for me. And that applies to alot of aspects in my life. I can't complain about the results of my work ethic ( in any aspect ) if I'm not giving it my all. That's like complaining about how slow you're going, but you're barely tapping the gas pedal.. Doesn't make any sense.

Not only was I hesitant to give my all .. At first I couldn't determine what to give my all too.. That's key as well. You can give your all but if you're giving it to the wrong person, place or thing.. You will never get back what you put out.

Now, that I figu(red) who I truly am (for the most part, I'm still evolving) I know what I want to invest my time and my all in. Now I just have to lay the foundations and go for it. Sounds simple right? I wish it were. Lol let me get some sleep. I gotta work in the am. Blah.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Reflection time ..

I always try to check in with myself frequently, make sure I'm not getting ahead of myself and I'm fully aware of what's going on around me and in my mind. I take this shit seriously lol too many lost souls wandering the streets, I'm pretty sure that's a result of not checking in. Funny, alot of people are so quick to give out reality checks to others but haven't cashed in any for themselves.

Anywho, the end of the year is approaching and we survived what was rumo(red) to be the end of the world. I do believe it was the end, it was the end of the bullshit. And as a new era is approaching .. I gotta reflect in depth.

Now I lay at night and reflect on my day .. I do this everyday faithfully. Always good to replay the daily events, but when you glance back on an overview of your life within certain time intervals you see more of a difference than you do with your daily reviews. And although there's things I wish I could change, I don't dwell on it. For what was, made today what it is.

This year has certainly taught me alot. Shit, I went through alot, way more than I'll ever speak on. There were nights I really cried (yes, I know I couldn't believe it either) with no clue as to what the next day held .. But here I am. Still standing. And even more hopeful than I have ever been in my entire life. I have an idea of what the future holds because I know what I want out of life .. But to the extent as to how I'll receive it, is beyond me. And it took me some time but I finally understand that it's okay.

I don't have to know exactly how things are gonna turn out, just knowing they're going to turn into a reality is enough for me now.

I remember being really stressed, frustrated and couldn't understand what the fuck was I doing wrong, I was voicing my concerns with one of my realest friends and as I pou(red) my soul to her (which I do quite often) "I think it's my attitude, I try to get everything I want, exactly how I want. And if I can't have it how I want it, I don't want it." I went to check my horoscope (yes, I do believe in astrology, shit has proven its accuracy and zodiac isn't what it used to be..bullshit) and its like the people who wrote my horoscope was eavesdropping and answe(red) my concerns. "You have your mind set on things working out a certain way, so if what you want presents itself in another form, you'll neglect it. open up your mind and allow something even better than you can imagined to come into your life" I paraphrased it, there was more, but boy did it make my jaw drop.

I thought about it, and came to the conclusion that I had to change that aspect of myself. I wouldn't say I'm a perfectionist (I don't like to label myself for personal reasons) but I like for things to be structu(red) to my liking. I'm very understanding to others but rarely am I ever understanding of things not working for me exactly how I want it. Once I finally grasped that I can't control every single aspect of my life, I learned to truly go with the flow. Instead of just going with the flow I created somehow someway, I learned how to adjust my sails as I flowed with the natural order of things.

It's not easy. Lord knows it took me some time, heavy dedication. But it was worth it, I wanted to change. And it worked. It really worked. Things started looking up or maybe I just got ti(red) of feeling down. Either way, I'm happy I took that route. I can now say as the year ends.. I have nothing but great feelings for the new year.. I made a two year list and I already crossed two of the main things on that list before this year ended. I can only imagine what the next year alone awaits.

Everything I ever wanted is slowly becoming a reality in my life, of course not in the EXACT way I wanted it, but my horoscope was not lying about better things than I imagined falling together. And I couldn't be more happier.. I mean I could, but right now is what matters and I'm happy.

Of course, I still get upset every now and then. And I still struggle with keeping my mind free of constricted thinking of certain things, but I don't give up. It does get easier, if I get mad it never last long. I realized letting go is the easiest way to get over something. No need to harbor anything negative or negative causing things|thoughts|people in my life.

I'm still not where I need to be, but I don't worry about that .. Where I'm at now, is gonna get me there. That I have no doubt in. The seeds I've planted, the ones I'm planting are going to blossom beautifully, I have no doubt in that as well. I've told myself doubt is not apart of my vocabulary unless NO in front of it on my Gwen stefani shit. In the past I've doubted myself plenty of times.. I know why I doubted, and I know why I don't anymore.

The beauty of self-reflection.
You can answer your own questions if you dig deep enough.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

They'll ask me how I did it and who I did it for ..

The only way you can write the truth is to assume that what you set down will never be read. Not by any other person, and not even by yourself at some later date. Otherwise you begin excusing yourself. You must see the writing as emerging like a long scroll of ink from the index finger of your left hand; you must see your right hand erasing it —Margaret Atwood

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Déjà vu, or dreams come true?

Since I can remember my dreams always meant something to me, especially how real it can feel. I try to replay them as many times in my head until I either figure out what they meant, or I permanently stamped them into my mind for further observation.

Now, as many dreams as I tried to hold on to, many do get lost or forgotten til I'm reminded by some random clue in my everyday life. Which gets me to thinking ..

What's déjà vu?

Definition says feeling of having experienced a situation already.

- doesn't say where you experienced it.

It's believed you experience déjà vu because of past lives we lived.

It's also believed that if you say déjà vu while experiencing it, whatever was going to happen, isn't because you now alte(red) events by saying déjà vu.

But what if déjà vu .. Is just dreams come true?

Now maybe this is just me, Idk .. My grandma is a bruja. But I've had wild regular ass dreams that seem odd in the first place ... To actually fucking happening and I get that déjà vu feeling .. And it'll click, I had a dream about this.
I keep alot of this shit to myself anyway.. But I always keep it documented within myself. Tooo many dreams have come true either exactly how the dream went or better than the dream.

I do believe in reincarnation. I've had flashbacks and its not my life I'm viewing. Gotta be someone I once was. That's how I separate dreams. The ones from my life and the past lives that make guest appearances every now and then. The ones about my life, the people in it, the places I'm at. I pay close attention to.. Your dreams are your subconscious speaking to you anyway, and you become what you think about.. Imagine the subconscious side? That's a stronger force. Those gut feelings are apart of that subconscious as well. People often ignore their instinct and clearly, you know what's best for you. Your mind, body and soul has proven itself time and time again. Just listen.

And next time someone says déjà vu .. . Tell 'em, nope. A dream came true.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Crayola effect.

8, 16, 24, 48, 64, 96, & 120 packs of crayons available today. So many shades of colors and people still stick to black and white .. And sometimes gray.

Let's compare this to life.

Lets say we all start out with 8 pack of crayons .. And each of those crayons depicts how broad our experiences are .. 8 being minimum, children aren't exposed to much anyway .. Like an 8pack of crayons.

So you got your basic colors and this is what you know.
Red is red. Blue is blue.
But as you expand your horizons you are exposed to different reds, red violet orange red, .. Blue evolves into blue green, blue violet, Indigo ..
You moving up in the crayon world you got the 48pack now.. You know you got more options, and hell you're gonna use them (good for you!) you feeling the colors, using them, knowing when to pull them out and making sure they're sharp. Pretty soon you're speeding up the crayon charts maneuvering swiftly with the 120pack .. Nobody fucking with you. You familiar with colors people still don't know exist and that's just your weekend choices. You out here lending out colors, showing others who just got it, how to blend them. Pretty cool huh? Possibilities must feel endless right? Everyone should wanna fuck with the 120 pack because who doesn't like options?

Some are content with whatever pack of crayons they're at, 48 may seem too much, the 16pack is fine with them .. 120?? Woo not in this life time.
That's fine too.
People should be content with whatever their hearts desire. Some feel all those crayons are just plain greedy while others won't be satisfied until they get that pack. It's all on you.

But let me not stray .. I have a point here. Two actually, but let me finish the first.

A person who has been exposed to the larger quantities of crayons will always be able to get more in depth than those with the knowledge of just an 8pack crayons .. Is the person with the most knowledge of crayons the better person? No, but that person has broken out of a box that many wouldn't have. In life some people don't branch out farther than the 64 pack and that's because it comes with a built in sharpener. (Who doesn't want a built in sharpener??) They are comfortable with the colors they know and don't feel the need to add to the collection. Or... they aren't even aware these colors exist. So they stand strongly by what they know.

When people around you playing with 48packs and you on 24, you might get defensive .. Who's this assshole, doubling up.. 2 good 4 24pack huh?.. Now you're questioning your pack .. All of sudden it looks raggedy, run down, you notice brown's paper is peeling. You're feeling like shit. Why? You too can move up in the crayon world, you can expand ya color pallets .. Regardless of what you're told or taught, you're not restricted to the colors you're used too.


I'm using this crayola analogy, because they come in variety and they're kept in a box. Something we humans tend to do. Our box is our mind. We rarely break out our box til we're exposed to "new colors".

Closed minded people would judge everyone they know based on crayons they've been exposed too. They stay within their box. This is all they know.
Open minded people would understand that all crayons are different but serve their purpose in different packs, they may stay in one box, but they've explo(red) several on their journey through crayola world. Lol

Please remember crayon is a metaphor for mentalities/experiences(which alters mentalities, but whatever). I don't wanna lose you. (I'm really talking to myself lol)

Your entire life you been exposed to 16 pack of crayons .. Every person you know fits each crayon in your 16 pack .. Every crayon you meet, you'll feel fits your crayon box criteria .. But what if they weren't in your box? What if no matter how you tried to sort it, that crayon just doesn't fit.
They must be wrong?
But, of course that's what you'll tell yourself because you don't know any better. Your first thought isn't maybe this crayon belongs in another box, shit you don't even know about any other box; the first thought is what's wrong with this crayon that it doesn't fit? You'll find ways to alter it and force it to fit, instead of accepting it for what it is.

Now, a crayon exposed to 120pack will see a crayon from 64pack and know it belongs there. Won't try to alter it or fix it, just help it finds it's place back in its rightful box. Also, being exposed to different shades of crayons you know there's more than one shade of green, and understand the difference in each shade of green. While a crayon only in the 8pack knows one type of green, so no matter the shade.. To them, green is green.

Now, that may be true depending on what it's being applied to but in this case it isn't. Everyone is truly different. Even if we're in the same pack, no two colors are the same ..

Serve the same purpose, our mark is just different. The shade we leave is whatever we make it to be. Yet these boxes confine us to this reality that all we are is what we know. And we're way more than what we know. We think we know, but in reality we don't know shit. Everyday is a learning experience. And as you're exposed to different experiences(colors), you'll see it's okay to come out your box, you may find you're a better fit elsewhere or you may find that you were in the right box all along, just now you gained a better understanding of the other boxes around you in the process.

Which brings me to my second point ( I know I talk too much, that's why I talk to myself) let's talk about Red from 24pack ..
She explo(red) and found out she's not only red but she's Razzmatazz.. She glowing too, so many nights she tossed and turned wondering where were these deep red flashes coming from in her dreams.. Just to find out she Razzmatazz. Shes accepted among the red area of the 96pack, red orange giving her props, brick red giving her high fives and he head honcho around that end. You go home, back to your 24pack .. Everybody looking at you funny. Red? That you? Oh nah guess what guys? I'm Razzmatazz now......
Razzmatazz ???
*everybody laughs and now you're embarrassed*
They're cracking jokes and you don't understand, you had it all figu(red) out just a few minutes ago and now you feel like a fool. Who am I kiddin? Razzmatazz pshh.. I'll be plain old red forever. :(
*cues worlds tiniest violins*

Wrong. Razzmatazz was right all along. The signs were there and what she was feeling was accurate. Her doubts only came after her encounter with her boxmates, they couldn't see her past red. why would they? they never been outside the box.. But nonetheless, she was born a red, she would grow up to be Razzmatazz thus the red shades flashes in her dream .. But she never knew how to identify who she was because she was in the wrong box. The box was right for them, but for Razzmatazz it wasn't. But everyone assumed it was, who were they to question anything? They thought they knew it all. So imagine them accepting Razzmatazz as one of their own when they're used to her being red? And Razzmatazz is just too different for their box. They won't. They'll try to break her down and mold her into what they want, for her to fit in that box again, which is awkward for everybody. If she moves on to another box, she's a traitor. If she stays, she's betraying herself. What does she do?

Everyone at some point will betray you, you can't control that. but you can control betraying yourself. You owe yourself that much, to never let yourself down. Even if all the crayons are looking at you shady.. Fuck that. Stand by your color and if you wanna leave your box, you can. People will judge you by the box you came from, the box you're in, the shade of your tip and which crayons you're coloring with (yes that is a SATC reference)... But as long as you're comfortable with your shade. Can't nobody tell you shit. Not even brown.

Saturday, December 15, 2012


RT @philoquotes: Whatever one of us blames in another, each one will find in his own heart. ~ Seneca

In simpler terms, whatever you think someone is capable of, you are too. If you're not capable of it, why would someone else be? .. It wouldn't cross your mind at all.

It's weird. Ima try to explain this, I really gotta get this out lol.

The keyword in the quote being IN ANOTHER, deeper than actions, these are specific qualities in your soul. If you can see something in someone else, you have to had seen it in yourself. Real recognize real.. Sound familiar?

I always say ( I always say, that. too. Lol same conversations different people. Shit becomes repetitive. I digress) how people like to accuse others of things, they know damn well if they were on that side, that's what they'll be doing. The worst people are the ones in denial about it. They'll act like they would never even think of whatever they just randomly suggested. It's like if we're not capable of something, it doesn't exist at first thought. Think about it.

The mind is a powerful thing. There is plenty we are capable of, good* and bad*. The only thing missing is the urge. Thats when shit get real. Urge, like hunger only grows.. Even after many attempts to ignore.

Serial killers, rapists, addicts, just to name a few extremes. The urge may vary upon several variables, but it's there nonetheless.

To satisfy an urge, as any history will prove (wo)man will go to great lengths to do so. Ever got an urge for a healthy slice of homemade strawberry cheesecake with the whip cream mountain surrounded by sliced strawberries laid just right, Hershey's chocolate crust *kisses fingers* lol any urge can get that specific ask anyone in any categories I mentioned above.

Now, when you get what you've been craving for ..you're either satisfied or you're not.

Subconsciously we think people we come across are just like us, even if they don't appear to be on the outside. If we're not satisfied with something we don't think other people would be either. If we would do something, our first thought is so would (s)he.

My first thought is that.

Whatever I think of, I think anyone is capable of the same thing. I mean why not? How would I even know? Until they act on it .. Exactly. You know how many things crossed my mind but I never acted on it? Alot, alot. Some thoughts are meant to be just thoughts .. Some people may not feel that way. Who are we to say?
You don't know what someone is capable of, until they get that urge to act on it. So now, if people don't act on an urge, people think it's not there. Ehhhh. Self-control is a beautiful thing, due to the advanced nature of today's civilization.. Majority of Humans tend to act uncivilized by nature (Man, it's so hard not to act reckless.) self control comes in handy when trying to refrain from giving in to your natural animalistic urge to wild out. (Home training .. Starts as a child. "You better calm your ass down before I calm you down" *flashback*)

Certain situations calls for certain types of behaviors. But again, until someone is pushed to their limit, or their back is against a brick wall with no where to move, we'll never see what they're capable of. So when you do believe someone is capable of something .. Are you stereotyping their appearance or do you see that quality in you too?

A person who never did wrong, would see no wrong in anyone else.
Think about it.

Which gets me to thinking again,
How fucked up are some people?

How fucked up am I?
What am I really capable of, I think anyone is capable of anything .. I can't exclude myself. Certain things I didn't think I was capable of, I happened to be just the opposite of that.
But then again, I have a very great sense of self-control. Seriously, my refrain reflexes are on point. I would hate to lose all self control in a situation I'm trying to keep all control .. I really doubt that would end well. You never really know ...
That's the most interesting part of it all.

*- good and bad are subjected to reader's view of right and wrong.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Just a thought.

What's worse?

Never feeling anything at all or feeling but having it fade as quickly as it came?
Leaving you yearning for a feeling that can out last previous emotions.

Who's to say what's worse?
In my opinion, it's worse to feel and fade than to never feel at all ..

When you don't feel you don't know what you're missing ..
But feeling and fading ....

It's like tasting something good and never being able to taste it again .. Or tasting something horrible and the taste doesn't leave a bitter after taste.

It has its advantages and disadvantages like most things in life. But whichever one outweighs the other varies on the person.

What's my point? I don't have one. I mean if you found one that's great. But I'm just rambling as usual ..

Don't pay me any mind.

Just a thought.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Strangest Secret.

"This is Earl Nightingale and I would like to tell you about the strangest secret in the world".....

His voice is pretty weird, but his message is amazing. It's not a validation but rather a reassurance of things you may have felt but couldn't describe .. Or maybe that's just how I felt.

If you can listen, truly listen to that and not have a change of attitude afterwards ... This is not for you. You are the 95% who like to ignore the truth. I swear I can always tell who listen to it by how their lives are structu(red). Listen to people when they talk. You can tell how they view life by how they speak of their own. It's indeed the strangest secret.

I think it's amazing to me how a message like this can be around for decades (1956) yet still only 5% succeed in life. Since I've made this message apart of my life, I've tried to pass it on to any and every one willing to listen. Majority of those get the message; the few that didn't just only confirmed what I already knew about them but didn't want to admit. They're failures before they even got a chance to try. I've realized in life that failure is a state of mind, just as success is. Just as everything in life is, if you want to get technical. Conformity is also a state of mind. A very dangerous state of mind as Mr. Nightingale explains in depth .. That's the problem with people today.

“The opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice, it’s conformity.” — Rollo May

Conformity. Acting like everyone else because everyone else is doing it.
Clones. Easier to blend in. Easier to live life by standards set by the majority party. Because in all reality people don't truly wanna live, they're just getting comfortable as they await death. If people really wanted to live, they would. Less miserable souls wandering the streets and more happy beings bursting with joy lighting up the pavements when they pass on by. Because living, is doing what makes you feel alive; not what turns your face stale as if life is a bitter old apple you just took a big bite of. People often do what they think is right rather than what feels right. That may work in some cases, but even in my 21 years of living I can already tell you that with life itself. That's not gonna work.

“People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can’t find them, make them.” — George Bernard Shaw

I love everything about the quote above, especially because I was once that person .. Blaming my circumstances, using that a crutch because I couldn't stand up on my own two and accept my circumstances, were the cause of me. Didn't do me any good, so I tossed the crutch .. Ain't limp since. I try to help people change their mind frame, because as Mr. Nightingale told us; we become what we think about.
We think about what we become.
It's a never ending cycle.

The same reason we aren't supposed to invest so much time and thought into fear but rather invest it in something more positive, more desirable. Of course, it's easier said than done .. But if you really focus on it .. Eventually it'll be done and you will be amazed at why you didn't change your mind frame sooner. Some people are so stuck in their ways, they don't see it .. But that's because they don't want too. If they want to change, they would be open to change. Right? But to admit that, would mean admitting that one was closed minded to begin with, and lord knows no one wants to admit that willingly.

But this is a great inspirational taping, and I will forever spread the knowledge and belief I have for that particular message. You become what you think about.
I'm sure I'll be more convincing once I become all I ever thought of .. I'm getting there.

"What you think today and tomorrow, the next month, the next year, will mold your life and determine your future. You’re guided by your mind."

Friday, December 7, 2012

Why So Serious?

In my best Joker impression .. RiP Heath Ledger. 

I really don't get it. Nothing is ever personal unless you take it that way .. and if you decide to take it personal, how is that my fault? Why must I get the cold shoulder because you're taking things more personally than originally intended? I can't understand. 

I know I'm a difficult person to deal with, this I am aware of .. I tend to withdraw from society from time to time, its never intentionally .. certainly never personal. I just like to focus on me, I never feel people care that much to begin with. I just move on my own time and I don't feel the need to inform people of my every move .. that's usually what brings distractions. Lord knows I don't need those.

Idk if it's because I understand people need their space that I don't mind when people distant themselves from me, But whenever I do pop up again like shit is regular (because I feel it is), I get cold stares and snide remarks. I guess that's inconsiderate on my behalf .. but my intentions are never to hurt people or make them question my character or motive. Now that I think about this, I think I may have a similar post on this topic (I'll check when I'm done here) But, I guess it will never change. I am progressing as a person but maybe certain qualities are as advanced as they'll be. Accepting that isolated loving part of me is apart of ACCEPTING ME AS A WHOLE. People tend to love alot of your qualities but the few they don't like, they use against you the most. I can't help who I am. 
Can a young bitch live man? you can't tell people lighten up without them taking it even more personally that you didn't take their original statement as serious as they took it in the first place .. and so on ... it's really a hard battle to win. You argue your side you're wrong .. you let it go, you don't care. which one causes less stress? ... exactly.

Why so serious? 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


I'm here, I'm not all the way settled in. But this is my apartment. I'm still as excited as I was when I first walked through the door, It hasn't even been a week, everything isn't kosher just yet. Yet, I couldn't be more happier. This is exactly what I needed to start off my new year right. 2013 will be very prosperous, no matter what obstacles are thrown my way, I will not be phased. I told myself over and over what I needed to really get my dreams off the ground and now I got it. I have to take full advantage and as my life seems to be finally getting easier (or I'm getting better at taking control of my life) I can't continue to let opportunities pass me by. I'm constantly inspi(red) by everything and everyone I see on a daily basis, the time to do something with it is now. 

I broke down what I need to do, what I want to do and time frames for both. My mind working 100mph and I need to be as organized as possible .. when your attention span matches the one of a curious squirrel, Organization is key. I have so many ideas, but timing is crucial. which is why I choose to take my time and make sure the blueprints are perfected. I'm almost there, and New blue prints are being created everyday .. I really can't wait til We (my cousin and I) are done decorating the apartment. Once that's complete we'll be ready to go. Everyday that passes just proves that this was the right decision. I really have no idea what awaits me, all I know its gonna be bigger than I imagine. and my imagination is already far out. 

Remain; Positive, Focus and smoking. lol 

No one can give you better advice than yourself. ~ Cicero

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Unsolved mysteries presents..

Cristina A. Melo; case filed: at birth.
Born June 10, 1991
My mother stares at me like I'm an alien. Lol she knew I was gonna be different, she says. Doctors actually told her I was going to be born abnormal (conside(red) normal at birth).. Maybe they were right after all.

I always hear how weird I am .. Or how I'm different, (yeah I'm diffrnt *2chainz dance* lol) you're a different breed Cristina, I can't explain it, it's something about you.
And I always wonde(red) what is it about me?

All those I ask never know, and I never see what they're taking about in the first place because I feel I'm just being myself. And with everyone i meet it varies on how they perceive me. Now as I'm still climbing up on my life journey I always feel the need to ask myself who am I .. Really?

Of course you have this perception of yourself, that you feel is who you TRULY are; but that may be distorted by our natural self-bias instinct. "of course I am who I say I am, if I wasn't then why would I say I am?"
But let's be honest for a moment.
It's easy to own up to your good qualities, but people tend to sweep their bad qualities under a rug.. Sometimes even forgetting that the bad is still apart of who they are. Whether they acknowledge it or not.. I acknowledge it, even when I don't mention it. So I know others do the same towards me. So I always try to check in and make sure I'm aware of both compounds that make me, me. But with that in mind ... I always observe how people react around me. 9 out of 10, people's body language will always tell you more than any conversation spoken between you two. Not everyone will say how they feel.. But their bodies will. I started paying more attention when I got to high school .. But that only got more advanced as I mentally blossomed into who I am today. Everyone I come into contact with says the same things about me, more often within a first meeting. I like that. I know I have many charms, I'm aware of that among other things. But I really think people appreciate who I am because I will always give you me and never make you uncomfortable for being you. If I ever made anyone comfortable, I swear to you it's because we didn't speak. Real shit. And I know this because everyone I speak to, I feel the good vibes. I pick up on hints pretty well often correctly identifying other people's emotions and they'll look at me with those eyes like where have you been all my life? I've seen that stare enough to recognize it anywhere.

When I was at school AJ would call me Herks mystery. Lmaoo he couldn't figure out my moves for the life of him. I am aware I move different. But that's just me.

God, I'm high and I'm rambling I could really go on forever but there would be no end because I don't have all of the mystery solved. I know why people think I'm mysterious, or weird and rare .. Because I am. I know with every fiber in my being that another me, could never be.
But I wish I knew why, what made me so different from "the rest".. Maybe I'm meant to figure it out on my own time. I think I'm doing pretty good with the clues I've been given and at the pace I've been receiving them at. I know I talk in code alot. But metaphorically everything is better understood, to me anyway. (There I go again .. Lol I really can't help it.) it will all make sense some day. I'm sure of it.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

You have the right to remain silent.

It's more attractive when you hold it down.
Always say less than necessary.
Less is more.
In life people will talk your ears off, best way to attract attention is to speak and some people never shut up. And I mean that in the literal sense. People forget that silence is an option. Atleast selective silence. You don't have to reveal everything you know or everything you've experienced or seen. In life, the perfect time and place will present itself where you can showcase what you know and be useful. People volunteer useless information everyday for the sake of being heard. Shut up. Whenever you volunteer useful information it never goes unnoticed. Yet the useless information always cause annoyance .. I never understood how people can't pick up on body language. Are you that self absorbed you can't feel anyone's vibes but your own?... I digress.

I don't repeat everything I hear, and I know way more than I let on. I learned early on, running ya mouth will only lead you into unwanted trouble. But whenever I choose to volunteer information, it's relevant to whatever's going on. Alot of times, people are often surprised I'm knowledgeable of the topic bc I wasn't so hype to prove what I know. The irony, I know so much because I keep quiet alot. Listen to what others have to say on it, maybe learn something I can add to what I already know. But how would you know what you don't know if you're always talking? Oh I know, you'll wait til you're making a fool of yourself and someone corrects you.

Eh. It's just a thought.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Positive Thoughts.

I wrote this on May 17, 2012, I felt like my world was crashing down. No, it did crash .. I had hit what I felt was rock bottom for me. Negativity was at an all time high, I felt like I was being consumed by it and I didn't like it. As I held back the tears on my way to work that day.. I wrote this. I lived by it. Still do. And I swear whenever I read it, I feel better. It was everything I needed to hear.

Positive thoughts.
Everything will be fine
This is not the end.
You are destined for great things ..
And nothing will stop you from achieving greatness unless you let it.
Take every bad and find the good, extract the good and focus on that
Obstacles are put in your way to test you, do you really want this?
How bad do you want it if a couple misfortunes are enough to break you. You are strong. You can not be broken. You have overcome, you will overcome anything that's thrown your way.
Don't doubt yourself. Don't think it's impossible. It's not.
You are more than capable. Put your mind to it. You know your potential. You know you haven't hit it, don't worry about others. Worry about fulfilling your deepest desires, obtain all that you aspire to obtain. Enough is enough. Positive vibes, positive thoughts. Positivity is key. Negativity is a lock. Unlock your negative thoughts and free your mind of anything evil. You can be what you want to be. You want to be great, you shall be great. Those little voices and imagery in your mind can become reality. You are the only one who can make that happen. Believe in this and you win. Truly believe. TRULY believe. Don't lie to yourself. Don't live in misery, depression. You are alive. Make it count. I just hate that it took me 20 years to discover this. Thankfully, I'm young. I will be great. Mark my motherfucking words. I will not be broken. I will not be average for settle or anything less than I have imagined for myself. Promise to myself. Promise to read this everyday until I reach every dream I ever dreamt and every now and then after I achieved it. I never make a promise I can't keep. Word to Dru hill.

Friday, November 23, 2012


I worked a double shift on thanksgiving, got off at 7 and enjoyed good, food, bud and alcohol with my Family. Now I know the horror story behind thanksgiving but I do appreciate what it's become, reunions and memories.. Food and drinks.. An all around good time with people you care for, depending on who you talk to. But I'm thankful.
Now more than ever. I'm healthy, I'm getting closer to my goals .. And it doesn't stop. I'm always a bit more cheerful around the holidays and I don't even have to be in the best situation to do so. Just the holiday spirit floating in the air is enough to keep a smile on my face. I almost got mad ... No, I got mad, I pouted about it for a few minutes. I took deep breaths and let it go. I am really in a place where my pros out weigh my cons, I'm done letting minor cons outshine my pros. I'm not exactly where I gotta be but those pros will get me there. "And progress, no matter how long the process .. Should never be belittled." (I like to quote myself lol) and in 6 days I'll be able to cross one of my goals off the list .. And lord knows how long it's been on the list, yet the timing couldn't be more right. And now that I look back on my "depressive state of mind" phase .. I'm glad I went through it. I'm glad I took everything so hard .. It's just what I needed. I knew the sun would shine, I just didn't know when .. And as I stare at the clouds .. I see the sun finally peeking through. (Im such a cornball lol)

"Blessed are those who give without remembering. And blessed are those who take without forgetting." — Bernard Meltzer

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

8 days ...

8 fucking days.
This feels surreal ..
Excited is an understatement. I'm finally getting a whole lot closer to where I wanna be. Moving day is approaching, I haven't been this excited since I went away to college.. To think, I've been wanting this for so long and I thought I wouldn't even get to start planning this til next year .. And it just got 10x easier. I'm fucking ecstatic. I get to live in my own apartment (my cousin and I are roomin together) it's gonna be so fun. I can't wait. We get along great and have a million and two things in common .. She's just as excited as I am. I will definitely post pictures when we're done decorating, it's gonna look so beautiful. This is the start of something new.

I swear I have to keep reminding myself I deserve this, I've waited for this. I asked for this .. Everything is happening so fast and I'm used to shit falling apart but alot has changed since then. Especially my attitude towards life. I swear ever since I FULLY and TRULY devoted myself to thinking positively, everything has been taking care of itself. The timing couldn't be better. This is really only the beginning.
*birdman hand rub* muahahaha :)

Friday, November 16, 2012


Shit is getting real. In the most great way possible. Something that I've been wanting is becoming more real as the days progress .. I'm moving quick and making sure this opportunity doesn't pass me by. This is making me a little nervous. In a good way, I'm anxious I want this to work out as planned but I don't want to get too excited that things get ruined. I'm finding a balance. I should be fine. I'm just so excited, finallyyy I'm seeing progress, it feels great. This is what I've been waiting for. Only a few weeks left. Thinking good thoughts every step of the way. A beautiful thing is forming. The start of something new.

"You cannot win without sacrifice." — Charles Buxton

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Experiment.

Have you ever thought that you could be part of a social experiment? How would you know you are if you're not supposed to know?
Maybe I'm just high and seen too many weird movies, but it has crossed my mind. But of course, being me.. I always have to take it to the next level.

"What if we are apart of a social experiment... but it's our own, like we're the conductors .. Our souls guiding us." Sounds alot like life to me.

Our entire existence could be a social experiment. Our mind collects data, brings in and remove variables, our emotions change how we react to the variables .. I mean think about it, we are not the exact same person we were at birth, we've been molded and still are being molded by society and experiences. Alot of our experiences we create with our minds which is like an experiment.. We don't know how it's going to turn out. You get these urges from your soul to try things and everything else goes from there .. The ever changing experiment called life.

And death is really checking back in. And your memory|actual life is played back for you at the review board ( god and his squad, think ANTM judging panel.. I believe it'll be that fierce lmfaoo ) I mean, who's to say its not true? Only one way we'll find out. Maybe I'm really on to something. Maybe I'm not.

I'm not sure how life is "Supposed" to be lived or who's really calling the shots. but I feel life should be whatever you feel is right. As long as you are at peace with yourself, you're living Life right. It's that unsettling feeling that gets me to feel a higher power controls me or my desires are burning intensely as they continue to be buried deep down (I shall set you free soon).

And after I read "Do You" by Russell Simmons and he explained this feeling, I knew I was on to something. (I'm still pissed all I did was smile when I saw him, we shall meet again) I don't know what thoughts or feelings people keep to themselves, because well.. They keep it to themselves. Duh.

But I know what I think to myself, I know what I'm feeling and I don't understand how people can live their lives doing things they don't genuinely wanna do for so long, you ever seen the dullness in a person eyes who you could tell they hated their life? I never wanna be that person. I never want to lose that sparkle in my eye. I don't want to get drowned out in the sea of sorrow that life may toss in my direction. I want to fall in love with my life everyday .. Slowly but surely I'll get there. I am aware that I want alot out of life, but I feel life has alot to offer me. Why wouldn't I get all I feel I'm worth? Now that I think about it. I haven't had a bad day in a while, every day isn't amazing yet but it's decent. I live to see another day. Always grateful for that. I've been jotting down and plotting .. I'm experimenting (lol) with things, ideas and I have this weirdly good feeling about all of it. Alright I'm done rambling. Hopefully if I am apart of a social experiment conducted by any(one)thing, they don't pull the plug on me for writing this. Lol but no one reads this anyway, so I should be safe. Lol

"A long life may not be good enough, but a good life is long enough." — unknown

Monday, November 12, 2012

All I want for Christmas ...

As the holidays approach, I can't shake holiday spirit. Thanksgiving is next week and I can't wait. All the good food, drinks and bud to be consumed. After thanksgiving, comes Christmas, I know what I'm getting my siblings, my mom and grandma .. hopefully I can get that out the way quick, After all the events that have happened this year, I'm definitely treating myself to a few gifts. If I don't, who will?

iPad Mini

I love the iPad concept and now even more that it's a tad bit smaller. Perfect fit in all my bags. Of course I want it in black to match my phone. 

Xbox 360 Star Wars edition 

Now, I'm no Star Wars fan .. besides those Family Guy episodes, I never saw a Star Wars movie. Me purchasing my own Xbox is way overdue, so this is a must. Several games I've been wanting to play and I just love the design .. But do you see the controller????\

No seriously, Do you see this shit? this is the MAIN reason I want this. 

Rose Gold Movado Women's Watch

 I love Rose Gold and I need some arm candy.

Celine Winter '12 Trapeze Canvas Bag*

This is a little outta my budget, but I would loveeee this bag in either color. this is more of a wishlist item but eh, fuck it. Who knows, maybe my wish will come true. :) 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Thoughts before bed.

I had a pretty good day, decent weekend overall.
Now as I just get comfortable in my bed, soon the sun peek through ..
I'm watching Family Matters, only because the batteries in my remote control finally died.

Any who, after the interesting day I had..
I realized, people are who they are and unless they have a true sense of self, no matter what you tell them about themselves whether it's true or not; they won't see it. I'm learning how to leave people as they are .. No matter how much I want to see people better themselves all around, I can't force that. That's something people have to want for themselves. I have no control over that. And it saddens me, when people are trapped in a certain mindset that's holding them back from becoming a better person.

I could give my perspective on a view but because of how I'm viewed my perspective isn't taken as serious, that's top 5 most annoying things. A friend of mine told me literally 20 minutes ago "you give good advice and make valid points but you don't live that life, you don't care about anything" because I'm not as vocal with my concerns, because I don't like to complain, because I TRULY believe anything endu(red) will pass, people assume I'm careless. If not everything, majority of the words I speak, I live by. And anything otherwise is usually introduced with an "I heard" .. I like to practice what I preach, I hate people who are full of shit so I never wanted to be anything close to a resemblance to that. I never claim to be perfect and of course I get upset, but I pride myself in letting shit go and moving on. Life doesn't stop here and neither will I. I refuse to let things bother me for long periods of time, life is literally too short for that. People really tend to forget that. We're not here forever, no one is .. So I'm going to make my time here enjoyable. ( earl nightingale voice ) I honestly can't remember the last time I had an entire bad day. And I hope that memory stays distant.

I've been up all day you'd think I'd be ti(red) ... But I'm not. Kinda. I have to work tomorrow too. :/ let me get some sleep.

"Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing." — Camille Pissarro

Friday, November 9, 2012

High, are you?

I'm just laying here and mentally plotting out the next couple months since things have been going smoothly.

Not as fast as I would like it.

But, progress no matter the speed is still progress indeed. I keep getting all the signs, I really have to go after my dreams ( as many as I can make come true ) and I know I create my future as long as I can control my thoughts. Decluttering myself from negativity wasn't as hard as I thought. If you ignore negativity, it tends to go away. Misery love company and if you're a terrible host they'll find a new one. I never been one to host misery so comfortably so that works.

I gave myself a personal deadline. I won't reveal what is supposed to be done by this deadline but just know that's all I'm thinking of. And since you become what you think about, I'll be where I wanna be in no time right?
.. I hope so. Nah, I know so.
It's only a matter of time. This patience shit is tricky but I'm getting the hang of it. I like to remind myself of what I'm waiting for and that the wait is worth it. I just gotta keep myself busy so it doesn't seem so long once the day gets here.

My social life could use a pick me up. I don't really engage in social scenes, not that I don't like to. I just haven't found the time lately. I've been on my hermit shit. But that should change. The holidays coming up. I'm tryna have fun. As the year comes to an end at a weirdly fast pace .. I'm just happy to be alive. Really. I just want to enjoy my life any way I can for as long as I can. And find ways to enjoy it even more. Pursue all my interests and discover new ones. Meet interesting, fun, positive people who are on their own life journey for eternal peace. (Thats all anyone wants anyway, peace of mind right?) I don't ask for much .. I don't rely on anyone to ensure this happiness for me either, I'm fully capable of pleasing myself like I masturbate. Lol, I know what I want, so no one else will take the credit or blame for my actions. Okay now I'm rambling. Ima finish watching Martin and hope I fall asleep before this high fades. Goodnight you.

"A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes." — Hugh Downs

Thursday, November 8, 2012


I love Thursdays. Idk what it is about it, maybe the Pre-weekend vibes start kicking in, idk. But Thursday always proves to be productive, whether I'm getting a check or just doing some cool shit. I love Thursdays. And even more when the Weeknd dropped that Thursday track which just gave the actual day an anthem. I see I'm not the only one who loves Thursdays lol yesterday it started snowing, idk if its snowing right now because I have yet to look out the window .. I'm not too fond of snow but whatever. First a hurricane, now a snow storm? Yikes. But today is Thursday. And like every day, today will be filled with positive thoughts (THINK GOOD THOUGHTS) and activity that leads to prosperity and joy. That's all that matters anyway.

"The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on. It is never of any use to oneself." — Oscar Wilde

Oh and a big congratulations to Mr. Obama out savior for another 4 years.
Ball out my nigga.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Nov. 2012

One month and some change left til 2013 .. I'm in a better place mentally. Thank god. Alot of things are falling together quite nicely .. I have stuff I have to attend to.. But overall I'm okay. I honestly mean I'm okay. I'm more than grateful for alot and especially after Hurricane Sandy, more things have gotten clearer in perspective. I just have to remain focused and keep my eye on the target. Smoking weed in the waiting room, since I'll be here for a while .. The wait is definitely worth it. Ooh thanksgiving coming up, can't wait for all the food and herbs I will intake. Lol I do have alot to be thankful for, but that's everyday.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Thirst

In a world where Social media and screen shots run everything, people have used the term "thirst" to "expose" or as I like to say showcase attention given to them from others. 
Now, let's back track and dig deep to the root of this problem. 

Insecure females and males always feel the need to broadcast signs of attention. Whenever attention is given to them, they want the world to know, someone is paying them mind because deep inside they're so empty inside that the attention from others give them such fulfillment they must show it. (ie. Retweeting every compliment, Screenshotting conversations etc.) The more someone shows attention to someone, it goes unappreciated and into the thirst bucket. And once that thirst bucket gets filled, the bucket gets pou(red) out to the internet for all to see. really fucking pathetic if you ask me. 

I certainly don't find humor at the expense of someone else's emotions especially when they're genuinely trying to get to know you. Girls be so quick to call a nigga thirsty because he's sending her texts and commenting on her pictures on instagram but ask them how many times they told a nigga flat out, I'm not interested. or Thanks or but no thanks ... I won't hold my breath. Now, don't get me wrong some people are overly expressive on how they feel and don't know how to take a hint or won't take no as an answer, but that's no reason to show case to the world how this person's been "thirsting
for you. Just be cool. 

What's worse is, now a days everyone so sca(red) of being labeled as thirst that alot of things go unsaid and undone. nobody wants to look thirsty, no one wants to feel like they're doing too much, so now what happens when someone doesnt wanna do too much, but the other person feels like enough isnt being done? ... neither party wants to say how they feel because they don't want to come off as overly interested. Just sad, It happens to the best of us. But the cycle has to be broken, Fellas stop exposing females you preyed on to begin with, and ladies .. please stop screen shotting conversations and RT'ing compliments. It's not that serious. 

Fuck a thirst, If you interested, say something .. If you feel your interest isn't interested in you, cut your losses and move on. Avoid the people who would even call your interest in them "thirst"


When I look at people who are unsatisfied with their life .. I always wonder, where in their life they igno(red) the signs??

... I am a firm believer in vibes, signs and energy .. and I feel all are key components in life. I also feel that if you're heading in the wrong direction in life, there are signs to tell you such; whether you want to recognize or ignore it, that's ultimately on you. I been paying attention lately, more than usual .. especially now that my mind has been becoming much more clearer. All I wanna do is right my wrongs .. and WRITE my wrongs .. so that getting right is nothing but a thang. All I've been doing is plotting and some more plotting. At this time in my life, I know exactly what I want, in a very clear idea .. I don't really have time for much else these days, but perfecting my blueprint. on a pursuit of happyness .. word to Will & son.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Just a Thought ..

As I get older, and everyone around me ages as well; I notice alot.
Since I've always been one to be observant, I have alot of mental data and notes from my life. I can only call things how I see it, through my eyes, I rarely speak on emotions, but more so on logic, thoughts .. conclusions. Emotions have substance, but as we all know emotions are as changeable as the day.

But I digress, that's not what I wanna speak on at the moment.

 Image is what society is solely based on. I noticed alot people will portray or try to maintain an image to the outside world no matter how different it maybe from their reality. I feel too much time is invested on maintaining an image instead of investing that same time to correct the life behind the image. Who cares what other people say? or how they think of how you're living? The public does not pay your bills, feed you, clothe you. You invest the time and funds to fix your life how you want it to be, you won't have to worry about an image, your image will be created for you. Competing with others, worried about others, talking about others; I can guarantee you unless you run a gossip column, concerning yourself with others will never benefit you. Kanye west said it best, "You worried bout the wrong things, all the wrong things" And its so true.

I don't know if its just because I'm different, I really don't care how I'm perceived by others, I can't take their opinions to the bank, airport, to the dealership .. So their opinions don't mean a thing to me, I'm not living for the approvals of others, I live for the approval of me. everyone should be able to look in the mirror and truly love who they are, and how they choose to live their lives. If not, I advise those people to go on a self-journey, People will always criticize what you do or how you live, NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO, SOMEONE WILL HAVE SOMETHING NEGATIVE TO SAY. As long as you're not criticizing yourself or unhappy with the choices you make .. that's all that matters in the end. Really though.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

You aint about that life.

That term is fun to throw around when you're playfully teasing/joking but some people use it in the most serious tone.
But, I just want to know ..
How do you know what life I'm about?
You know me since birth?
You know my thoughts? My dreams? My aspirations?

People tend to forget, just because you know someone doesn't mean you know everything or every side to them. Just because you weren't aware of what someone was capable of doesn't mean "they're not about that life" ..

Susie could be the sweetest girl, she kills three people and someone she knows would say nah she not about that life .. Umm apparently she is.

People are so quick to box people into this frame they've built off of what they've seen and assume this is all the person is; it never occurs to them that maybe there's more to this person than they know. I, for one am rarely ever surprised when I see or hear things from people that isn't what I'm used to seeing or hearing from them. But I don't judge or claim "they're not about that life" the most I say is "shit, I ain't know (S)he had it in 'em"

People show you what they want to show you, You never stop getting to know a person, if you feel you hav,e that's where you fucked up at. everyday is different than the last and people grow every day. Don't underestimate anyone. Anyone is capable of anything. You most certainly can be about that life, if you choose to.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Allow me to re-introduce myself ....

I re-read every post on here. I've changed, not so much .. but I've changed. I'm in a different place than I was previous posts .. 
But I still have the same mind frame. Which gets me to thinking ....
What am I doing wrong? 
Why haven't I reached my goals .. 
I have so many I know, but why don't I seem closer to them? 

I'm lazy. 

I'm great with ideas but executing them? I get as nervous as a person flipping the switch for the first time in an execution chamber. I have all the drive in the world but I refuse to put it in Drive. I feel I'm in park. why? Do I not believe in myself enough? Am I too sca(red) of making change? Or am I sca(red) I won't be able to handle everything that comes with what I want to pursue? 

I question myself about this constantly. As I try to figure things out. I learn more about myself every day and re-reading these posts and my entries in my notes app and cute ass journal, I realize I'm capable of so much.
But I don't do enough. I feel I know what I want, where I want to be, how far I wanna go and everything that I have to offer. I just don't know where to start. Of course whenever I feel progress I always get slapped with setbacks harder than Day Day & Craig's grandma in that commercial ( LMFAO *still hilarious* ) I used to let it discourage me, but now .. 
I feel like these are just tests to see how bad I want these dreams and goals to manifest. I'm trying something new. real new. see where it gets me. You know what they say, "To get something you never had, You have to do something you never did" I'm going to force myself to be more bold. more assertive. I act like I have all the time in the world and I don't. Had I applied myself heavily three years ago, Lord knows where I'd be, shit probably half way through my goal list. Just bear with me 
(Helloooo! is anybody out there? probably not) 

I'm running a marathon with myself .. Let's see what I can accomplish in a month. I know, I know... what makes this time so different than the last? .. I'll show you.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


So idk, I'm finally 21 .. This is really the beginning of everything. I have my goals and blueprints ready to execute. I just gotta have faith and patience.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Pray that we make it to 21 ...

In a matter of hours I'll be officially legal. Lord knows ....