"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Crayola effect.

8, 16, 24, 48, 64, 96, & 120 packs of crayons available today. So many shades of colors and people still stick to black and white .. And sometimes gray.

Let's compare this to life.

Lets say we all start out with 8 pack of crayons .. And each of those crayons depicts how broad our experiences are .. 8 being minimum, children aren't exposed to much anyway .. Like an 8pack of crayons.

So you got your basic colors and this is what you know.
Red is red. Blue is blue.
But as you expand your horizons you are exposed to different reds, red violet orange red, .. Blue evolves into blue green, blue violet, Indigo ..
You moving up in the crayon world you got the 48pack now.. You know you got more options, and hell you're gonna use them (good for you!) you feeling the colors, using them, knowing when to pull them out and making sure they're sharp. Pretty soon you're speeding up the crayon charts maneuvering swiftly with the 120pack .. Nobody fucking with you. You familiar with colors people still don't know exist and that's just your weekend choices. You out here lending out colors, showing others who just got it, how to blend them. Pretty cool huh? Possibilities must feel endless right? Everyone should wanna fuck with the 120 pack because who doesn't like options?

Some are content with whatever pack of crayons they're at, 48 may seem too much, the 16pack is fine with them .. 120?? Woo not in this life time.
That's fine too.
People should be content with whatever their hearts desire. Some feel all those crayons are just plain greedy while others won't be satisfied until they get that pack. It's all on you.

But let me not stray .. I have a point here. Two actually, but let me finish the first.

A person who has been exposed to the larger quantities of crayons will always be able to get more in depth than those with the knowledge of just an 8pack crayons .. Is the person with the most knowledge of crayons the better person? No, but that person has broken out of a box that many wouldn't have. In life some people don't branch out farther than the 64 pack and that's because it comes with a built in sharpener. (Who doesn't want a built in sharpener??) They are comfortable with the colors they know and don't feel the need to add to the collection. Or... they aren't even aware these colors exist. So they stand strongly by what they know.

When people around you playing with 48packs and you on 24, you might get defensive .. Who's this assshole, doubling up.. 2 good 4 24pack huh?.. Now you're questioning your pack .. All of sudden it looks raggedy, run down, you notice brown's paper is peeling. You're feeling like shit. Why? You too can move up in the crayon world, you can expand ya color pallets .. Regardless of what you're told or taught, you're not restricted to the colors you're used too.


I'm using this crayola analogy, because they come in variety and they're kept in a box. Something we humans tend to do. Our box is our mind. We rarely break out our box til we're exposed to "new colors".

Closed minded people would judge everyone they know based on crayons they've been exposed too. They stay within their box. This is all they know.
Open minded people would understand that all crayons are different but serve their purpose in different packs, they may stay in one box, but they've explo(red) several on their journey through crayola world. Lol

Please remember crayon is a metaphor for mentalities/experiences(which alters mentalities, but whatever). I don't wanna lose you. (I'm really talking to myself lol)

Your entire life you been exposed to 16 pack of crayons .. Every person you know fits each crayon in your 16 pack .. Every crayon you meet, you'll feel fits your crayon box criteria .. But what if they weren't in your box? What if no matter how you tried to sort it, that crayon just doesn't fit.
They must be wrong?
But, of course that's what you'll tell yourself because you don't know any better. Your first thought isn't maybe this crayon belongs in another box, shit you don't even know about any other box; the first thought is what's wrong with this crayon that it doesn't fit? You'll find ways to alter it and force it to fit, instead of accepting it for what it is.

Now, a crayon exposed to 120pack will see a crayon from 64pack and know it belongs there. Won't try to alter it or fix it, just help it finds it's place back in its rightful box. Also, being exposed to different shades of crayons you know there's more than one shade of green, and understand the difference in each shade of green. While a crayon only in the 8pack knows one type of green, so no matter the shade.. To them, green is green.

Now, that may be true depending on what it's being applied to but in this case it isn't. Everyone is truly different. Even if we're in the same pack, no two colors are the same ..

Serve the same purpose, our mark is just different. The shade we leave is whatever we make it to be. Yet these boxes confine us to this reality that all we are is what we know. And we're way more than what we know. We think we know, but in reality we don't know shit. Everyday is a learning experience. And as you're exposed to different experiences(colors), you'll see it's okay to come out your box, you may find you're a better fit elsewhere or you may find that you were in the right box all along, just now you gained a better understanding of the other boxes around you in the process.

Which brings me to my second point ( I know I talk too much, that's why I talk to myself) let's talk about Red from 24pack ..
She explo(red) and found out she's not only red but she's Razzmatazz.. She glowing too, so many nights she tossed and turned wondering where were these deep red flashes coming from in her dreams.. Just to find out she Razzmatazz. Shes accepted among the red area of the 96pack, red orange giving her props, brick red giving her high fives and he head honcho around that end. You go home, back to your 24pack .. Everybody looking at you funny. Red? That you? Oh nah guess what guys? I'm Razzmatazz now......
Razzmatazz ???
*everybody laughs and now you're embarrassed*
They're cracking jokes and you don't understand, you had it all figu(red) out just a few minutes ago and now you feel like a fool. Who am I kiddin? Razzmatazz pshh.. I'll be plain old red forever. :(
*cues worlds tiniest violins*

Wrong. Razzmatazz was right all along. The signs were there and what she was feeling was accurate. Her doubts only came after her encounter with her boxmates, they couldn't see her past red. why would they? they never been outside the box.. But nonetheless, she was born a red, she would grow up to be Razzmatazz thus the red shades flashes in her dream .. But she never knew how to identify who she was because she was in the wrong box. The box was right for them, but for Razzmatazz it wasn't. But everyone assumed it was, who were they to question anything? They thought they knew it all. So imagine them accepting Razzmatazz as one of their own when they're used to her being red? And Razzmatazz is just too different for their box. They won't. They'll try to break her down and mold her into what they want, for her to fit in that box again, which is awkward for everybody. If she moves on to another box, she's a traitor. If she stays, she's betraying herself. What does she do?

Everyone at some point will betray you, you can't control that. but you can control betraying yourself. You owe yourself that much, to never let yourself down. Even if all the crayons are looking at you shady.. Fuck that. Stand by your color and if you wanna leave your box, you can. People will judge you by the box you came from, the box you're in, the shade of your tip and which crayons you're coloring with (yes that is a SATC reference)... But as long as you're comfortable with your shade. Can't nobody tell you shit. Not even brown.

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