"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Friday, December 14, 2012

Just a thought.

What's worse?

Never feeling anything at all or feeling but having it fade as quickly as it came?
Leaving you yearning for a feeling that can out last previous emotions.

Who's to say what's worse?
In my opinion, it's worse to feel and fade than to never feel at all ..

When you don't feel you don't know what you're missing ..
But feeling and fading ....

It's like tasting something good and never being able to taste it again .. Or tasting something horrible and the taste doesn't leave a bitter after taste.

It has its advantages and disadvantages like most things in life. But whichever one outweighs the other varies on the person.

What's my point? I don't have one. I mean if you found one that's great. But I'm just rambling as usual ..

Don't pay me any mind.

Just a thought.

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