"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Unsolved mysteries presents..

Cristina A. Melo; case filed: at birth.
Born June 10, 1991
My mother stares at me like I'm an alien. Lol she knew I was gonna be different, she says. Doctors actually told her I was going to be born abnormal (conside(red) normal at birth).. Maybe they were right after all.

I always hear how weird I am .. Or how I'm different, (yeah I'm diffrnt *2chainz dance* lol) you're a different breed Cristina, I can't explain it, it's something about you.
And I always wonde(red) what is it about me?

All those I ask never know, and I never see what they're taking about in the first place because I feel I'm just being myself. And with everyone i meet it varies on how they perceive me. Now as I'm still climbing up on my life journey I always feel the need to ask myself who am I .. Really?

Of course you have this perception of yourself, that you feel is who you TRULY are; but that may be distorted by our natural self-bias instinct. "of course I am who I say I am, if I wasn't then why would I say I am?"
But let's be honest for a moment.
It's easy to own up to your good qualities, but people tend to sweep their bad qualities under a rug.. Sometimes even forgetting that the bad is still apart of who they are. Whether they acknowledge it or not.. I acknowledge it, even when I don't mention it. So I know others do the same towards me. So I always try to check in and make sure I'm aware of both compounds that make me, me. But with that in mind ... I always observe how people react around me. 9 out of 10, people's body language will always tell you more than any conversation spoken between you two. Not everyone will say how they feel.. But their bodies will. I started paying more attention when I got to high school .. But that only got more advanced as I mentally blossomed into who I am today. Everyone I come into contact with says the same things about me, more often within a first meeting. I like that. I know I have many charms, I'm aware of that among other things. But I really think people appreciate who I am because I will always give you me and never make you uncomfortable for being you. If I ever made anyone comfortable, I swear to you it's because we didn't speak. Real shit. And I know this because everyone I speak to, I feel the good vibes. I pick up on hints pretty well often correctly identifying other people's emotions and they'll look at me with those eyes like where have you been all my life? I've seen that stare enough to recognize it anywhere.

When I was at school AJ would call me Herks mystery. Lmaoo he couldn't figure out my moves for the life of him. I am aware I move different. But that's just me.

God, I'm high and I'm rambling I could really go on forever but there would be no end because I don't have all of the mystery solved. I know why people think I'm mysterious, or weird and rare .. Because I am. I know with every fiber in my being that another me, could never be.
But I wish I knew why, what made me so different from "the rest".. Maybe I'm meant to figure it out on my own time. I think I'm doing pretty good with the clues I've been given and at the pace I've been receiving them at. I know I talk in code alot. But metaphorically everything is better understood, to me anyway. (There I go again .. Lol I really can't help it.) it will all make sense some day. I'm sure of it.

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