"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Experiment.

Have you ever thought that you could be part of a social experiment? How would you know you are if you're not supposed to know?
Maybe I'm just high and seen too many weird movies, but it has crossed my mind. But of course, being me.. I always have to take it to the next level.

"What if we are apart of a social experiment... but it's our own, like we're the conductors .. Our souls guiding us." Sounds alot like life to me.

Our entire existence could be a social experiment. Our mind collects data, brings in and remove variables, our emotions change how we react to the variables .. I mean think about it, we are not the exact same person we were at birth, we've been molded and still are being molded by society and experiences. Alot of our experiences we create with our minds which is like an experiment.. We don't know how it's going to turn out. You get these urges from your soul to try things and everything else goes from there .. The ever changing experiment called life.

And death is really checking back in. And your memory|actual life is played back for you at the review board ( god and his squad, think ANTM judging panel.. I believe it'll be that fierce lmfaoo ) I mean, who's to say its not true? Only one way we'll find out. Maybe I'm really on to something. Maybe I'm not.

I'm not sure how life is "Supposed" to be lived or who's really calling the shots. but I feel life should be whatever you feel is right. As long as you are at peace with yourself, you're living Life right. It's that unsettling feeling that gets me to feel a higher power controls me or my desires are burning intensely as they continue to be buried deep down (I shall set you free soon).

And after I read "Do You" by Russell Simmons and he explained this feeling, I knew I was on to something. (I'm still pissed all I did was smile when I saw him, we shall meet again) I don't know what thoughts or feelings people keep to themselves, because well.. They keep it to themselves. Duh.

But I know what I think to myself, I know what I'm feeling and I don't understand how people can live their lives doing things they don't genuinely wanna do for so long, you ever seen the dullness in a person eyes who you could tell they hated their life? I never wanna be that person. I never want to lose that sparkle in my eye. I don't want to get drowned out in the sea of sorrow that life may toss in my direction. I want to fall in love with my life everyday .. Slowly but surely I'll get there. I am aware that I want alot out of life, but I feel life has alot to offer me. Why wouldn't I get all I feel I'm worth? Now that I think about it. I haven't had a bad day in a while, every day isn't amazing yet but it's decent. I live to see another day. Always grateful for that. I've been jotting down and plotting .. I'm experimenting (lol) with things, ideas and I have this weirdly good feeling about all of it. Alright I'm done rambling. Hopefully if I am apart of a social experiment conducted by any(one)thing, they don't pull the plug on me for writing this. Lol but no one reads this anyway, so I should be safe. Lol

"A long life may not be good enough, but a good life is long enough." — unknown

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