"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Domino effect.

In a pack of dominoes, comes 28 pieces. You can use one pack/box to play a game. But to create domino effects you might need more than one. Depending on your longevity. You know, the game where you line up or draw out your designs with dominoes and watch them all fall flat with the tipping of just one single domino. Just one touch sets everything into motion. How you set up your dominoes determines how and where they fall. Remember that. 

Now I want to apply that to life moves. Moves you make in life, whatever it is that keeps you going. 

See, I've seen messages written out in dominoes, messages that can only be seen once they all fall. And I got to thinking... Go figure.

Life is a domino effect. How we set up our dominoes(life plans) is how they fall.. And if you don't like how they fell you gotta question your set up. It's all about the set up. Did you take your time setting up your dominoes in alignment? so the message you tried to convey was clear? Do you even realize the message you sent out after your dominoes fell? Are you ready to take responsibility And start over, maybe get more dominoes if you don't like what you have once shit hit the floor? Take your time setting them up this time..


People think if you wait for the right time you waiting forever, no such thing as the right time. Oh but there is. You see depending on your message.. You'll have two times; time to get it started, time to reveal the message. Get the ball rolling. That's a time on its own. That's the beginning of the right time. The right time won't come until all your dominoes are laid and ready to unveil the hidden message. You have to know what you're trying to say to determine the two times. Every domino is crucial in your lineup.. They following up what you initiated you gotta make sure you aligned them right. 

No one is responsible of this but you. You know your message, you know how you have to set up your moves. See people won't see your message and try to realign your dominoes. No. Thanks but no thanks should be your automatic response.

Never compromise your message, we all have a voice.. If someone has their own message don't let them use you to voice them. You got your own shit you wanna say.

Even if they don't wanna help you set up your dominoes because you won't alter it to their liking.. Fuck them. Go get your own dominos. Some may they mean well but if you can't trust that I know what I'm doing, my own way without you feeling the need to intrude with your input, I don't need you around. And it's crazy cause people won't even know what your message is but will tell you, you're moving wrong .. Yeah okay.

Just keep in mind, your life is full of dominoes .. How you set them up determines how they fall, how you place them determines where they gonna lay. Take your time in setting them all up and tip off once you aligned them to your perfection and took two steps back to see the layout. Once your satisfied with that. Don't hesitate to tip the first one over.

See my dominoes is almost all aligned.. The tipping soon come. Real soon. Even though many won't see the message for sometime, shit... a long time. they'll definitely hear each domino as they fall exactly where I want them too.

Creators don't make mistakes. They make masterpieces.

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