"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Day 4.

4. I love/hate twitter because .....

I have this weird relationship with twitter. I love twitter. I hate twitter. I'll never leave twitter. No seriously, I'll probably never delete my account. I joined back in '09 a little before it changed and the beginning of what it has become was slowly brewing. Twitter today, is a social circus for the most part. Mainly because the world has caught on to how powerful twitter is. But there's ways to filter it. So it's fine I suppose. 

I love twitter because.... I can tweet whatever I want and it has become a thought catalog for my randomness and thoughts that never holds much value until I forget about them and someone RTs it from their favorites and I'm like oh shit, I said that? I was on to something. I love my followers, I follow some very comical, interesting, thought provoking individuals. I'm always laughing or thinking further in depth after glancing at my timeline. I love the connections twitter has made possible. I love how far a tweet can go, I love seeing conversations and relationships form between my followers that happen to follow each other as well. The promotional aspect of twitter that most use to further push their crafts in a non annoying factor. (Ill explain the annoying factors in a few) I love the dots that twitter connects. Through a simple RT, a mention, a follow, a DM so much positivity has come from it. I have a tendency to ignore calls and texts, when I'm on twitter. Its not that twitter is more important, its just I gotta get these tweets off and texting and talking just interrupts me. Being that I've been on twitter for a long time and I never really abandoned it and returned like alot of people I know.. I've been very observing of how it has evolved since I first logged on. Alot of people have use twitter as their platform and have been very successful since. Alot of people have found themselves on twitter, some created themselves .. Not always for the better. But those who have become better and it's documented  through twitter are good in my book. They're proof that people can change and that it takes time. Shit is real.

*disclaimer: the following things I hate about twitter I rarely deal with because I've filte(red) my timeline, got rid of all the bullshit but, thanks to the power of a RT.. Sometimes the bullshit slips right on to my timeline.* 

I hate twitter because... 
People who are attention seekers use this social network to gain as much attention as possible. It's annoying. They tweet about anything for the sole purpose of being RT'd or mentioned... Women do it in hopes of getting chose, men do it for the love of the hoes. Tweeting for reactions instead of just getting these tweets off like the rest of us. The women who are just sex experts and perfect women, yet lonely as ever. The men who bash these women yet chase after women like them in the streets like both these women aren't the same. The groups of people who brag so much about how great they are and what they think and how their thoughts are just way better than others because their opinions are facts once they press send. Those promoters that constantly send you links to their work, like 1. I didn't ask for this 2. You're being annoying now this the 5th link you sent me now I don't wanna click it at all. 3. It's always people that neverrrrrr speak to you but begging you to check out their work.. Fuck out my face. Oh, those people who feel the need to comment on every little thing.. Like did I really ask you? And those that get mad you igno(red) their comment to something that didn't need commentary .. And it's like, I thought you just wanted to get that off your chest.. You're expecting a response as well? Sheesh. You're asking for a lot. Those that ask for a follow back.. Um. No. Don't ask me to follow you back, don't tell me to follow you back. I don't like to be told what to do. People who I know personally in life but on twitter they're a different person. Which makes me wonder who's who? If tweets come from the mind, then your twitter account is your mind. No? Where these tweets coming from, if its not you?.. Your personality off twitter can't be real, your tweets will reflect that to a degree. No? Those "it's just twitter" types are annoying. It's not just twitter, when all someone has to base who you are, are your tweets. And yes you can say whatever you want. But in that freedom of speech, you pay for how you're viewed. You're painting the picture for us, a mental picture of how your mind works using twitter. Those who use twitter to put on maury inspi(red) shows, not realizing they're just embarrassing themselves. Oh I hateeeee argumentative twitter. I stay the fuck away from them. They wanna argue about every fucking thing and call it a debate. Debate this, why you care so fucking much? It's obvious you care you won't shut up about it. It's very annoying. But thankfully there's an unfollow and a block button.. And a mute button for the overly sensitive people who notice and care when you unfollow them. 

Speaking of, I love twitter more than I hate it.. I like to tweet and read tweets. Here's the thing though, I don't give a fuck about followers, idc who follows me and who doesn't. If I genuinely like your tweets I'll follow you. You don't have to follow me back, that's not gonna make me dislike your tweets, won't stop me from mentioning or RT'ing you. There's plenty of times I mentioned people on twitter and I don't get a response. It doesn't bother me bc I tweet to get it off my chest not for a response. I don't feel obligated to follow people back off the strength that they follow me.. What your tweets like? Lol that determines everything. Twitter has become this cyber highschool where everybody wants to be apart of the "cool crowd". And I don't care for any parts of it. I don't tweet for approval, I never needed acceptance from you outsiders (Rick Ross grunt) I just play the cut like I do in real life. Twitter is more of an enjoyable experience to me that way. 

– @OohCrissy

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