"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Day 15.

15. When I turn 30, I hope that if a Bugatti not sitting in my driveway.. I will be purchasing one. Or if by some weird twisted fate I can't, as I've mentioned, I'll kill myself. I'm not joking. 

Like I said before I don't value money I value what I can obtain. And if I can't obtain my dream sportscar by 30 I'm a failure. Why would I put all of my worth in a sportscar? Its deeper than a sportscar. To buy that Sports car means I have everything I need and even more of what I want, I have no worries and money is the least of my issues. It's also the fact that present day at 22 I have triple the knowledge for someone my age. Twice the ambition and realistically maybe just one shot to get it all. 

8 years til I'm 30. 

If in 8 years I'm not in the position I planned for myself, ima failure that doesn't deserve to live. All these years of planning and making moves and I haven't reached my goal for 30? You're fucking kidding me. But I have very little doubt that'll happen because I'm more determined than delusional of my plans for world domination. [inserts evil laugh here]

By 30 I would hope to already have given birth to not only my empire but a kid or two with the man who I'm meant to be with. Sounds good no? I want to be freeeee of all worries and if I wanna board my private jet and fly to brazil for a day or two, I can do that. That's all I ever want. I want to do whatever I want, whenever, however. As long as its in my power of control.. It'll happen. 30 isn't old to me. But it's certainly a checkpoint. Because at that point in your life, you better have one. And be in full control. It breaks my heart but brings me joy at the same time when 30+yr old people just now begin to live their lives. It's like great, I'm glad you're with the program, but wtf took you so long.

You spend most your life finding yourself and your niches.. Granted everyone's personal development varies because time doesn't exist, only when one is ready will it be the time for them. 

But I know myself, I know my niches and am further discovering into them deeper and deeper everyday. So if I, at 22 has figu(red) out who I truly am, what I'm truly capable of (at the moment, in the past.. The future is created) why would I not reach my goals at 30? Nothing can stop me. Hold me up maybe, but even then.. When I'm released from that hold up.. My speed and resilience will make up for that. 

I wonder where I'll be at 30, who I'm with, what I'll be doing. Where my mind frame will be at that age .. It's scary. Good. But scary. 

Will I even make it to see 30? 

You just never know. 

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