"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Day 3.

3. The last person you kissed...

I'm smirking as the memory replays in my mind. 

We were walking, he was drunk and my bladder was full. 

We're making small talk when he stops in the middle of the block and says, gimme a kiss. 
I sta(red) for a few seconds..

"Stop playing, give me a kiss" 

He's so handsome, and his drunken state made him even more appealing. His aggressive nature made me melt as his hand around my waist pulled me closer to him.. I kissed him. His lips are so soft and it was nice.. Neat, a few lust taps before I said 'lets go'. I had to use the bathroom and I'm not one for PDA despite the fact that it was late and not a soul in sight. 

I love kissing. I won't kiss just anybody, I'm not sca(red) to turn my face if I don't want to kiss you. Lip locking, tongue kissing, lip biting and lip sucking. Alot of smirking in between, It's very easy for me to get carried away when I'm in that intimate zone.. I like kissing him. We kissed some more throughout the night, with more intensity and the same thought that crosses my mind like clockwork when I'm about to kiss a man popped up.. 'Why does he want to kiss me? My lips are so thin'. Lol every man I ever locked lips with always urged it, and their lips were always perfectly full... Fuller than mine, but they never seem to care that I barely have lips.. Kisses after kisses like its never enough. 

Kissing is just beautiful, it's like the transmission of intimate emotion. Anything you could possibly think of to say about how you feel towards someone will never beat the kiss. The kiss you plant on someone that says all your lips could never even begin to speak. You don't need to speak, the kiss spoke for you. 

I think of how I was kissed and what his kiss told me.. I liked it. I wouldn't say it was fireworks like the 4th of July but it was more of an electrical shock through my body as my lips touched his. His soft rough kisses with the intensity fueled by his desire for me had me on fire.. 

I can't wait to kiss him again. 

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