"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


How many of us have them?

I don't have many, but I cherish and appreciate mine so much. I have real friends. Individuals rooting for my success and genuinely caring for me. I've weeded out my fake friends, I had a few frenemies lingering around but they're long gone. I don't fuck with people who don't like me but wanna be in my face. I never understood that. Just scram if you dislike me. Just wanna know your business and find ways to fuck you over, those aren't your friends cut the ties while you have the chance.

People don't know how to be friends. They think simply calling someone a friend, taking silly pics and going out solidifies a friendship. A friendship to me is just like any other relationship; you need a connection, communication and a genuine care for one another.

A friend is someone you can count on, someone who's there when you need them in any way they can.. Someone who not only listens but by the end of the conversation, they've come up with a solution or some form of advice to help you. Someone who doesn't question your motives, but trusts you enough to know you wouldn't steer them wrong. A friend is great, they help you grow and you usually grow as friends as well. Motivating each other to reach goals and deadlines.

Every friendship is different but the above mentioned are key. I would include loyalty but that's more instinct than a trait you can obtain. And not everybody loyal. But I wouldn't advise continuing any relationship where the other party has no loyalty. They will fuck you over with no second thought. People who don't posses loyalty are extremely selfish to begin with.

My circle is pretty small. I have plenty of associates but very few I call Friends. But what I love most about my friends, they're more than that.. They're my extended family. I really thank god for them like I thank him for my family. My friends are the best. All different but with hearts of gold. They genuinely care about me, they know me very well. They motivate me, push me, drag me out the house when I don't wanna go out but by the end of the night I'm glad I did. Always there when I need an ear .. And on the same note. They accept me for me, don't try to change me. Even more, they encourage me to step out my shell and be the best me I can.

I am a very good friend, any of my friends can vouch for that. I love that. I love that they feel I'm just as great of a friend to them as they are to me. It makes me feel very loved and appreciated. That's a great feeling.

Friends are key in life. It's not about quantity, but the quality in your friends. And even if you have one great friend with all the right qualities, you're good. It's good to have someone you have a bond with and can enjoy each others company.

With intimate relationships, friendship is also very key. You should have a solid friendship with your significant other before you even pursue anything serious. It just works better. In my opinion.

Fuck history when it comes to friends.. Idc how long you've known someone. If they're not a real friend. Get rid of them. People have this misconception that friendship and years go hand in hand. Wrong. Friendship doesn't have a time frame. You can have a friend for 10+ years and another one for 5+ years and the one you knew for 5 could be the better friend while the one you known longer talks shit about you to others when you're not around..

Be very cautious of the company you keep. Make sure everyone around you is really there for you. If they're not, they'll be plotting your demise soon enough.

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