"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Regrets. When we're wrong about something, someone .. When we pick the wrong answers.. We can't help but feeling regret. We always want to get it right. But we can't. And I'm learning that regrets are more harmful than anything. 

That's why I choose reflect than to feel regret. I've done few dumb shit in my life.. But I've done some stupid shit, I can admit that. Certain situations I could've avoided all together. Certain people I shouldn't have even bothe(red) with in the first place. But I can't cry over spilled milk right? Just gotta clean up the mess best way I can and pour me another glass.. Sure I wish I could go back in time and tweak a few shit here and there.. Hold out on a few things, move a little different. But I know that would fuck with the now. And although Now could be better, I'm certainly happy with where I'm at on more levels than where I'm not. 

Shit is real. Karma is real. And I'm aware that there are things I will maybe have to pay for in the future.. But I will cross that bridge when I get there, If I ever get there. What I won't do is feed into the what ifs and the sad eyes of remorse over situations and people I have no control over. I can only control me. I can only react to life as it comes and act accordingly. Of course in a more efficient manner as I progress. Because that's how you defeat regret. Learning how to move quicker, smarter than your last move, so your last fuck up, remains your last fuck up... Cause quite frankly you ain't for time to be fucking up. Atleast that's how I see it. 

People will always try to remind you of the past when your future shining bright. Some do it for the sake of a reality check, or to rub it in your face.. But how you react to that really determines who you truly are. If you are at peace with your past, free from regrets .. Your past will never haunt you. Your past is just the beginning stages of you .. Not everything you are. It's your past for a reason, you put that behind you. You made peace with your past and moved forward to better things for you. 

To live in regrets is too much time spent on the impossible. To my knowledge, at this point in time (2013) it's not possible to go back in time just yet.. You can always think of all the ways you could've went about the situation differently, all the things you could've NOT said to whoever, all the things you should've said, should've done... But the moment is over. It's never coming back. It will never happen that same way again, you won't get that second chance. "Lets move on". (Precious voice) lmfao seriously though. It's over. Let it go. Lets focus on applying all these great alternatives you just happened to think of after the fact.. To your every day life so you can progress. Huh? How bout it? Lets talk about what you want to do? what you gonna do? how you gonna make these moves? Cause seriously. Hearing would've could've should've is a waste of time. And I hate to waste time. I rather use the time I would spend regretting a decision into analyzing my decision and seeing where did I go wrong so I can know for next time. 

And another reason I don't really have many regrets left, I do what I want. Honestly, even if I don't know why I want to do something, if I wanna do it.. I will. The answer will come to me later. I'm not ashamed of anything I've done, but some things I'll never discuss because you wont understand my reasoning cause you're not me. And I rarely ever steer myself wrong. It's always an adventure with me. Maybe cause mentally I make it that way. Regardless of any outcome, I learn a thing or two.. Or three. I guess because I'm not dwelling on the outcome, I'm focused on the message. What is this situation trying to tell me? I know I'm not a loser, I'm not made to lose, so if I'm stuck or I made a wrong turn.. It was definitely for a reason. It's up to me to see it. Learn it, use it when I see it needed so I can avoid similar shit to it. 

You taking chances, it's life.. you bound to make a few bad ones but as long as you know why and how it's bad choices, your selection process gets better. You know right from wrong because you seen the wrong with your own eyes and instead of crying about the wrongs and how you're always so right; you embraced that wrong, learned it in and out you can spot em even when its in Rights clothing. And there's nothing to regret when you have so much to look forward to, you won't dare let your mistakes and misfortunes weigh you down. 

Life's too short to not make the most of what we have and what we can build, to live with regret is consuming your present with the past.. And unless you're a history teacher, I suggest you come up to date. And live your life like each day is new, cause it is. No room for regret.. Only reflections on how to make the present better and the future brighter. 

No regrets. 

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