"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Images of women; Woman on a pedestal.

Women have been held on pedestals since the creation of Eve. I mean if Adam didn't have Eve on a pedestal he wouldn't even conside(red) eating the fruit right? Why would he even consider her suggestion if he felt she was beneath him? Think about it. Today, the pedestal varies for women by men.. There's a few pedestals;

The Physical pedestal —physically appealing women are placed on this trophy like pedestal for no reason other than the obvious fact, they look good. Arm candy. Men will pamper these women and praise them because they know this type of woman is fueled by outer beauty and they won't let her tank ever touch E. they don't care to know what makes her tick.. What dreams or desires she harbors inside they just make sure you make all your vanity appointments and you're smiling ear to ear after a trip to the mall. 

Pros; what woman doesn't want to be pampe(red)? Shopping sprees and spa dates, feeling like the baddest bitch on the planet when you're done and not having to decrease your funds in the process. The trips and dates that come with this trophy package that you either weren't exposed to so you're enjoying it even more or you feel you're finally getting the treatment you deserve.. Life is just grand huh? 
Cons; it's no deeper than the material and physical. (Now this can be a perk depending on who you ask) You only spend time when he's tryna spend or be seen with you.. He doesn't have any intention of being with you, unless he's trying to make an impression on others with a fine piece of candy by his side, like yourself. He doesn't want you to be with anyone else because he's leasing you.. And you sort of belong to him, in his eyes of course. So now you got the makings of a great picture but there's no story. He gives you the pictures but never any words. And by the time you realize this is nothing more than a showcase you're in too deep. And sometimes you realize this after you've been replaced and are looking at the pedestal you once called home from the sidewalk. 

The Mental Pedestal* — very rare due to the fact most women aren't mentally appealing to men. But when a man finds that woman who sparks a mental erection, they put her on the highest pedestal. They value her opinion, thoughts, ideas even suggestions. They are intrigued by her thought process and love to discuss an endless amount of topics. These women on this type of pedestal are what every man craves but has such a hard time finding.. So when they do they go above and beyond to remind you how worthy you really are. 

Perks; for a man look beyond your physique no matter how appealing it might be and find your mind even more appealing is a beautiful feeling. To be infatuated with what you think and how you feel is super rare, a blessing indeed. The biggest perk being on this pedestal is the fact that in exploring your mind, he learns you and he uses his knowledge to earn his way to your heart. Thoughtfulness comes naturally when who you're dealing with, takes his time to listen to your thoughts and dreams and his actions co sign every word he speaks. 
Cons; there is only one downside to this pedestal. Is the man who's so evil he plays this game so well, pretending to want to learn you to be a better companion to you; when in reality he just wants to ruin you. Destroy what you have, so you won't become who you're meant to be. Get in your mind, and it starts out like a good mind fuck.. And you're zoning.. And then, you realize he's raping you, he's not touching you in the places he said.. he's all the way over here when you said he can only be there. He's too rough now, his caress is now so aggressive. All while he whisper baby it's okay. These type of men are alive and well, you have to be very cautious. Fucking with the mind worse than fucking with the body.. The body will heal, the mind might never. Be wary of these DEmental men. They're no good. 

The Sexual Pedestal — Men are very sexual.. So of course a woman who has sexual intelligence is placed on a pedestal. Know how to ride, spin around and keep the dick still inside? Get your ass on that pedestal. Know how to take him high and drop it low once you get a hold of that pole (that pedestal has a pole and other kinky shit surrounding it.) there's equal negative and positive in this pedestal. But a pedestal nonetheless. 

Perks; if the man who places you on this sexual pedestal is your man, you don't really have to worry about him straying.. And having someone who praises you sexually is seductive as shit.. Especially when you're just as turned on by him.
Cons; you may be just that, a sexual object to this man. Sure he praises your arch and ability to "take the D" but it's only then, during those sexual times that he's praising you, and all the conversations are sexual. Every joke is sexual... Whenever he's yearning for your touch, it's sexual. There's nothing more he expect from you. It's just sex, sure you're good at it.. But it's just sex. It's not you it's what you do with your tongue, and how you swirl your hips that you got you that spot on that pedestal. That shouldn't be enough.

The Ultimate Pedestal — the combination of all three pedestals from the pros aspect. Very rare .. In fact when you find yourself on this triple threat pedestal, don't fuck it up. Especially if you put him on the same pedestal he has you on.. a match made in heaven, that earth separated but not even that stopped you two from attaching to each other like magnets. The beauty in this pedestal is that it never feels like a pedestal because he's right by your side.. Just as high as you. Your regal equal. 
There is no con to this pedestal!  

Women often don't know the difference in pedestals so they settle for any one that's given to them.. Not realizing that it's in a mans nature to put women on a pedestal, the type of pedestal varies, not always for our benefit. it's ultimately on us whether we accept that seat or turn it down. Some women are sca(red) to turn down a seat on a pedestal because she wants to feel worthy, ti(red) of looking in the mirror and feeling worthless. And this is a huge problem. Mainly because this problem is constantly swept under the rug. A problem that only bring more problems in the long run. What can be done to solve this problem? 

Women have to put themselves on their own pedestal.  

My pedestal. My pedestal is customized for me, I know my worth.. Physical, mental and sexual .. I know a man can't define me. I define me. I have the confidence of a pageant winner, the knowledge of a dirty sinner.. So much food for thought I can host big dinners. And I know this, and no pedestal I'm put on can amount to my own. I set my standards based on my potential. All that I know I can be. All I know I am. Not every man that shows interest is worthy, of my time, my mind, my pussy.. I have no problem turning men down and their pedestal offers, I know what's best for me.. And alot of these offers aren't it. I'm more beneficial to them than they are to me.. In so many aspects. They see that, and more which is why the offers often sound like bait traps. Once you realize everything you can add to the table, you not just gonna sit at any table. No matter who pulling the seat out for you to sit. My pedestal keeps me levitated above these women who lack their own pedestal. Men see this. Real men admire this.. They want to be apart of this.

Some men are eager to build pedestals for women who lack it, (the urge to put women on pedestals is inevitable) but when they cross one who comes with her own.. They realize how much better it is to help maintain that pedestal, while bettering their own.. shit, even helping that pedestal grow into the throne it will ultimately become.

Putting yourself on a pedestal isn't in vain, it's for the betterment of you as a woman. If you allow these men to define you with their placement of you on their pedestals, your entire life is spent being picked up and put down from pedestal to pedestal, this will only confuse you and your view of who you are, how much your worth. But if you have your own pedestal, when a man places you on his, it will say more about him than you. And what it says about him will be the deciding factor on whether you want to pursue this further or drop everything and go. But only once you've built your own pedestal can you see the distinction in your pedestal and his version for you. You can be placed up high and walk off when you please.. Never feeling any less than who you are because his pedestal didn't define you, it was just a seat. 

Feel free to take a seat, just be aware of where you're sitting.

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