"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Monday, June 17, 2013


That's all it comes down to. 
Your mental state .. Your mentality. 
Fuck your looks,
Fuck your circumstances,
Fuck everything that's not mental. 

People can argue with you about how much looks matter, or how people are just placed in these amazing|horrible circumstances but all that is bullshit. It comes down to your mind frame ultimately. Your mind frame is what separates you or groups you with others. 

Your mind frame is everything you are; how you view things, how you view them determines how you feel, and how you feel determines how you act. Your mind frame is what pushes you forward or holds you back. And your mind frame is the only thing that allows you or prevents you from seeing that. Real shit. 

I have alte(red) my mindset to better work for me, sure it took time but its evolved (still evolving) nonetheless. Not to mention, I wasn't closed minded to begin with. So I'm assuming its twice as hard for close minded individuals.. But again, it's mind over matter. 

Everything in life is as hard or as easy as you make it mentally. It's crazy, you could be sca(red) as fuck about something .. And psyche yourself out. But when it goes down, you laugh at the fact it wasn't nearly as scary as YOU MADE IT OUT TO BE IN YOUR MIND. funny isn't it? We've all had those moments. Or when you're mentally preparing yourself for something, and you take over, no doubts, just pure action. Your mentality allowed you to do so. You can do anything you put your mind to, and if you don't believe that. You're a fool. Literally, ANYTHING YOU PUT YOUR MIND TO, fully put your mind to, YOU CAN ACHIEVE IT. 

A positive mentality knows it has no limit, no boundaries.. And is pushed everyday. Sees the beauty in everything and is yearning to expand. A negative mentality is always, negative. cages itself in, too weak to see the strength in the mind, the power that lies inside you, some weak individuals feel the power but are frightened by this. Don't know what to do with it, don't know how to handle it.

Mentally, alot of people aren't sharp.. They're not on point. They believe life circumstances are the reasons for the way their life is turning out when in reality, it's them. Mentally, they have not fully grasped the simple idea that YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF YOUR OWN LIFE. Mentally they're still blaming others for what they lack, when in reality they haven't made the most of what they have to get more.. Mentally, they're playing checkers, jumping all around the board.. When in reality, it's chess.. Strategic moves and critical thinking. It's always chess. But mentally people can barely play checkers, let alone chess. 

We supposedly use 10% of our brains which is fucking pathetic if you ask me.. How is it we as humans have advanced everything else around us except for the percentage amount of brain cells we use? That's crazy to me. I try to exercise my mind quite frequently, pushing myself mentally, to figure things out. Anything that keeps my mind flowing. Just to keep it sharp. One thing I will never do is take my mind for granted. Sure sometimes, i wish I could turn my mind off for a second but my mentality is what keeps me going. It is the very core of my mind frame that knows how vital it is to keep my mind spinning, to make sure I'm always on point mentally. My mind frame is the type that takes something from everything my eyes or ears capture, makes shit works and find out why things aren't working.. Isn't phased by obstacles or things not working out in its favor, knows what it's worth and won't stop til it gets everything it deserves. That's my mindset. Once I set my mind on something, there's not anything anyone can do about it. Except me, I can do something about it. And I do what I always do, continue to expand it. 

Everyone should have their own mindset. A mindset that works for them specifically, not someone else's mindset they just happened to admire and hope to emulate their wonderful life by adapting to their mind frame. That will never work for you the way it works for someone else. Your life is custom for you, so should your mindset; your own set of morals, goals, thoughts, views etc. and your mindset should help you progress as a person instead of holding you back, if your mindset is holding you back from prospering.. Change your mindset. It's okay. It's yours. If it's not working in your favor, change it.. Alter it so that it does. Be honest with yourself. Some are sca(red) of being honest with themselves because they fear to face that reality of realizing your mind frame is the reason you're not prospering. And it's okay.. It is okay if it's your mindset holding you back, as long as you change it when you realize that's your biggest setback.. Ignoring it for the sake of being stubborn and not wanting to change is just dumb. You're smarter than that. I mean, if your mindset the ONLY thing holding you back? Don't play yourself, change it for the better.. you'll only hurt yourself more than you've already have continuing with this fucked up mindset. The beauty of the mind is we can change it just by altering our thoughts... It is that easy, if you want it to be. 

I don't argue. Arguing with people is just battle of the mindsets, the more you try to force your point, the more the opposing mind rejects it, closing up in the process. Never try to force an opinion or a point.. State your case and let the people decide. Giving people that mental space to figure out and fully register what you've said is key in getting a point across especially when dealing with people with strong mindsets. Just because its a strong mindset doesn't mean it's right. People tend to feel if they stick strongly by what they know, it makes what they know right, and it doesn't. 

There's a way to stick to what you know, but also be accepting of new information; not necessarily changing your opinion or view, but accepting that there's more than one way to look at something. That's the proper mindset. The ability to separate what you know, from what you've learned, from what you feel is very vital.. Well at least my mind seems to think so. You can get so much farther once you've realized that ability. You can articulate your views, debate opinions in a respectable manner and learn something new in the process. And that's just beautiful. That's your mind in motion. And if you're like me who makes every conversation count for something no matter how minuscule the conversation is, your mind grows from it. 

That's all it's really about. Growing. Our bodies will age, our circumstances will change, but never let your mind stay the same. I've witnessed people grow old and life has taken its toll on them, their circumstances changed (not always for the better) but their minds didn't. Because their minds stay the same, they never got nowhere.. Nowhere near where they wanted to be. All because they were so stuck in their ways, their mental ways. See the mind more powerful than one thinks, if you don't know how powerful your mind is, your mind has full power over you.

Who's in control, you or your mind? Who's stronger, you or your mind? 

I wish you the strength to control your mind if you have no strength or control over it. 

Get your mind right, while there's time left.

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