"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Shit real.

I realized why I don't consider going back to school, life is my school. I honestly learn more outside of a classroom than inside one. And as I live my life, I am consistently learning new things and receiving reassurance from outsiders that I'm not as crazy (negative tone) as I think I am. And they don't even know it. 

It's truly an amazing feeling to know you're appreciated and valued by your friends.. To hear from their own mouths, seeing that look in their eyes, purely genuine just makes my heart melt and my eyes tear up every time. Seriously. I value my friends, I don't call many my friends.. So for my friends to vocalize how much I mean to them as a person, let alone a friend is just amazing. On top of that, to know people take what I say and really reflect on it even after I've said it is just so fucking ill to me. To spend time, thinking and breaking down what I've said in your mind and applying it to yourself is way more than what I can ask for. I've been feeling really special lately.. I mean I always think I'm special but I've been feeling this a little more intense due to the fact that other people have been making me feel this way... Usually it's just me. Lol but anyway.. 

I feeel good though. Like really good. Life isn't exactly a walk in the park, more like a jog with a heavy tire on my shoulders but I'm not letting that stop me. I do feel good and I refuse to let certain things upset my vibe. Everything will and has been taking care of itself, one way or another.. Sooner than later. I just keep calm, stay blissful and focused. I just have to remember to remember certain things.. Continue to push myself further.. Cause it don't stop. I won't stop. Little by little I see things playing out in my favor.. I just don't want to force it but I can force myself to stay alert and moving. Maneuvering through life with my head on straight. No distractions. 

Later on today, I'm gonna be in my very first poetry slam. 25 participants, 3 rounds. I am excited, I hope I win but if I don't I'm just gonna be happy to have been apart of it. I'm anxious though. :) 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Oh hey.

So I was looking at my views, and I'm surprised alot of views are scatte(red) throughout the world .. Even when just one person from another country views my blog, I'm ecstatic. That's so cool to me. I'm from the USA, New York City if I'm being specific. I don't know if any of you readers were wondering.. It's really ill to me how people in countries I can't wait to visit, somehow some way stumbled on my page.. I wonder if its translated.. Hmmm 

Anywho I was thinking, if anybody ever had a question about a post, wanted some form of advice or wanted further elaboration on anything, they have no way to contact me and not everyone who reads this blog has a blogger account to leave a comment. If you ever wanted to reach out to me about something. Feel free to email me;

I'll do my best to respond in a timely fashion and be as helpful as I can. 


Thursday, June 20, 2013


Sometimes I feel like I am. I mean what is crazy? Mentally deranged or extremely enthusiastic.. Which is pretty funny to me, how it means two complete different things. English man.. Lol. I feel I'm crazy in a positive way, not in the negative tone most use when they are confused by how different you are from them.. I'll share thoughts, make a comment, crack a joke and 80% of time I'll get called crazy in the process. And I'm always serious. Lol 

I'm controlled crazy. If anyone tries to call me crazy and I know it's in a negative tone I'll deny it. But I am crazy. And I'm in control of my crazy. So how crazy am I? Enough to know I have to keep it tamed majority of time. Sometimes I count to 10 as many times as I need to when I feel like doing anything that will come off as crazy. I know that I'm crazy because I don't need anger to fuel it. It's kinda scary, I'm always so calm but my thoughts oh lord. 

One time I was in a cyph and I was sitting on a bed, a friend of mine was sitting underneath me (the bed was high enough) I'm dangling my legs and I thought it'd be hilarious if I kicked the shit out of him.. He wouldn't have saw it coming and everyone would be so stunned. The thought alone cracked me the fuck up. Calm down, I didn't kick him. My self control said 'bitch, chill he's not gonna find this funny with a bloody face.' Even I thought the thought was crazy, humorous (I have a sick sense of humor) but crazy nonetheless.. But it crossed my mind anyway. I used to do dumb shit as a kid like pretend to cry for my mom in the supermarket.. Yet I went alone. That's crazy.. I mean it's fun for me but people don't do that everyday. I'm still secretly dying to pretend to catch a seizure or heart attack in public but my restraint won't let me. :(  

I don't show my crazy too often, because I already kinda scare people with my unique personality.. Like I said before I don't think people can handle me, in my entirety.. They can barely handle what I give them, imagine I show crazy Crissy? Ha! They wouldn't know what to do like a geek losing his virginity. I really don't play though, I joke around alot but I don't play... My mind always concocting these outlandish ideas and half I act on, the other half too crazy. I save those for when the world becomes ready. 

Sometimes, you have to get crazy for people to take you seriously. I'm calm, cool collective.. But I can switch to the crazy, wild, assertive combo at the flick of a switch.. Or as soon as I feel funny shit going down. I never been a push over. And I've maste(red) the art of knowing how much crazy to give. You can't go over board, or Bellevue you go. You gotta do it in doses, strong enough to leave an effect, not enough to kill. It's a thin line between standing your ground and looking like a fool, ranting and raving about nothing. The fact that I'm so calm scares some.. They never know what I'm up too or they sense that my calm like aura is a result of strong self discipline.. Self discipline that I've taught myself due to my fear of losing control of my crazy. That won't ever be a pretty sight. Ever.

I'm passionate as fuck though, and as I get older I'm learning its okay to show my crazy when it matters.. Especially when it comes to proving a point. I'll go to extreme lengths to prove a point.. call me crazy. I mean after all, that's just what they call you when they can't understand you. And I'm constantly misunderstood.. Thank god I understand myself. Results of talking to myself.. I've gotten caught plenty of times muttering to myself.. But I get me so well, why wouldn't I speak to me? I think the craziest people are those that don't speak to themselves. 

It's crazy, I'm up.. Thinking of everything I normally think about and I don't like to share these thoughts because people will look at me like I'm completely crazy or a complete genius but in reality, what's the difference .. Semantics. Those who get called crazy and never see the inside of a white padded rooms are the same ones getting called geniuses after they've left their mark. Only after they've left their mark. Before they were just crazy... Funny. 

Everybody calling me crazy now.. But it'll be soon before long until they all see, they're the crazy ones, for even doubting me in the first place.. But I forgive them in advance, I'm crazy like that. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


You ever put yourself on the edge? The very edge? .. visually think of standing at the edge of the platform, as you await the train, or the rooftop edge of a building with 64 floors? either way its an edge. the height beneath your feet in either edge can harm you, one just way more extreme. 

How often do you do this, putting yourself on the edge.. if often at all? 
Do you prefer higher edges? Or lower safer ones? Does it even matter? 

Is it for the feeling, a thrill, a rush of fear and uncertainty? Or just to see if you can keep your balance, or your sanity (metaphorically)? Depending on the circumstances, of course.. It will vary. 

I asked myself these questions, I fully believe our life is what we make it.. Our problems are often self created, because we VIEW it as a problem.. We've all heard more than once that something we viewed as a problem wasn't really that serious (usually followed by THERE'S KIDS STARVING IN AFRICA, WE ALL GOT PROBLEMS) blah blah. But it's true we all do have problems; we can't control what crosses our path, but how we handle it, is on us... So back to the edge. 

I think about how I handle things and I realized, I push the envelope alot. I do it subconsciously.. I'm gonna try to explain it best way I can, I put myself on the edge when I don't have to.. And I don't know exactly why.. With situations and people. I don't know, testing limits gives me a sick thrill, not only am I testing limits with people and situations but also myself, how I react to situations and people.. Especially now more than ever. Being that I'm only getting older and everything is a new experience all around. Not to mention, I'm probably being tested to, if not by you.. then a higher power, either way I gotta be on edge, sharp knife edge. It's actually more comfortable to me on the edge.. Something about playing it safe that makes me uncomfortable.. Maybe because playing it safe, never gets you anywhere. 

I don't push people's limit to taunt them or clown them or anything of that matter.. shit in some scenarios I may look like the clown, jokes on me for pushing the wrong envelope. It's life, it's possible. (I think that's gonna be my new motto lol) I only push others and situations for my own sick pleasure. It's funny, as much as I want to know everything. The unknown gives me a thrill... Well discovering the unknown. Peeling and picking past the paste that seals whatever envelope falls in my lap that I may find interesting. 

My little sister told me, I put people on edge, and it always looks like I get a kick out of it.. I asked her how do I exactly put people on edge? "How you talk, you bring up things people don't normally want to discuss with such ease.. It makes them edgy, nervous." Thought that was interesting, yet my edge doesn't make me so nervous.. if anything it keeps me at ease.. More often than not. Something about light dose of chaos that keeps my nerves calm. It's weird, I know.

Does putting myself on the edge work in my favor? .. Depends on why I'm at the edge.. I think more often than not, it's to see if I could keep my balance.. To test my sanity by testing my faith I guess.. The wrong wind on that edge, and it's a wrap for me. But even knowing that, I still stand on that edge, posture like an eagle.. I know when not to put myself on the edge, fake play it safe .. But that comes with being intuitive. Knowing when my balance is off.. Knowing when to fall back. Relax and let mother universe play her role. 

I'm always on edge mentally though, I guess that's why I subconsciously provoke others and myself.. Maybe so I don't feel alone on the edge, I like to stand and stare up.. Instead of down, I mean I occasionally look down just to remind myself how high up I am, but looking up.. That's the thrill. That's the fun part.. No matter how high up you are, it gets higher. So why not sit at the edge and put things into perspective while maintaining your balance? Great practice don't you think? 

Monday, June 17, 2013


That's all it comes down to. 
Your mental state .. Your mentality. 
Fuck your looks,
Fuck your circumstances,
Fuck everything that's not mental. 

People can argue with you about how much looks matter, or how people are just placed in these amazing|horrible circumstances but all that is bullshit. It comes down to your mind frame ultimately. Your mind frame is what separates you or groups you with others. 

Your mind frame is everything you are; how you view things, how you view them determines how you feel, and how you feel determines how you act. Your mind frame is what pushes you forward or holds you back. And your mind frame is the only thing that allows you or prevents you from seeing that. Real shit. 

I have alte(red) my mindset to better work for me, sure it took time but its evolved (still evolving) nonetheless. Not to mention, I wasn't closed minded to begin with. So I'm assuming its twice as hard for close minded individuals.. But again, it's mind over matter. 

Everything in life is as hard or as easy as you make it mentally. It's crazy, you could be sca(red) as fuck about something .. And psyche yourself out. But when it goes down, you laugh at the fact it wasn't nearly as scary as YOU MADE IT OUT TO BE IN YOUR MIND. funny isn't it? We've all had those moments. Or when you're mentally preparing yourself for something, and you take over, no doubts, just pure action. Your mentality allowed you to do so. You can do anything you put your mind to, and if you don't believe that. You're a fool. Literally, ANYTHING YOU PUT YOUR MIND TO, fully put your mind to, YOU CAN ACHIEVE IT. 

A positive mentality knows it has no limit, no boundaries.. And is pushed everyday. Sees the beauty in everything and is yearning to expand. A negative mentality is always, negative. cages itself in, too weak to see the strength in the mind, the power that lies inside you, some weak individuals feel the power but are frightened by this. Don't know what to do with it, don't know how to handle it.

Mentally, alot of people aren't sharp.. They're not on point. They believe life circumstances are the reasons for the way their life is turning out when in reality, it's them. Mentally, they have not fully grasped the simple idea that YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF YOUR OWN LIFE. Mentally they're still blaming others for what they lack, when in reality they haven't made the most of what they have to get more.. Mentally, they're playing checkers, jumping all around the board.. When in reality, it's chess.. Strategic moves and critical thinking. It's always chess. But mentally people can barely play checkers, let alone chess. 

We supposedly use 10% of our brains which is fucking pathetic if you ask me.. How is it we as humans have advanced everything else around us except for the percentage amount of brain cells we use? That's crazy to me. I try to exercise my mind quite frequently, pushing myself mentally, to figure things out. Anything that keeps my mind flowing. Just to keep it sharp. One thing I will never do is take my mind for granted. Sure sometimes, i wish I could turn my mind off for a second but my mentality is what keeps me going. It is the very core of my mind frame that knows how vital it is to keep my mind spinning, to make sure I'm always on point mentally. My mind frame is the type that takes something from everything my eyes or ears capture, makes shit works and find out why things aren't working.. Isn't phased by obstacles or things not working out in its favor, knows what it's worth and won't stop til it gets everything it deserves. That's my mindset. Once I set my mind on something, there's not anything anyone can do about it. Except me, I can do something about it. And I do what I always do, continue to expand it. 

Everyone should have their own mindset. A mindset that works for them specifically, not someone else's mindset they just happened to admire and hope to emulate their wonderful life by adapting to their mind frame. That will never work for you the way it works for someone else. Your life is custom for you, so should your mindset; your own set of morals, goals, thoughts, views etc. and your mindset should help you progress as a person instead of holding you back, if your mindset is holding you back from prospering.. Change your mindset. It's okay. It's yours. If it's not working in your favor, change it.. Alter it so that it does. Be honest with yourself. Some are sca(red) of being honest with themselves because they fear to face that reality of realizing your mind frame is the reason you're not prospering. And it's okay.. It is okay if it's your mindset holding you back, as long as you change it when you realize that's your biggest setback.. Ignoring it for the sake of being stubborn and not wanting to change is just dumb. You're smarter than that. I mean, if your mindset the ONLY thing holding you back? Don't play yourself, change it for the better.. you'll only hurt yourself more than you've already have continuing with this fucked up mindset. The beauty of the mind is we can change it just by altering our thoughts... It is that easy, if you want it to be. 

I don't argue. Arguing with people is just battle of the mindsets, the more you try to force your point, the more the opposing mind rejects it, closing up in the process. Never try to force an opinion or a point.. State your case and let the people decide. Giving people that mental space to figure out and fully register what you've said is key in getting a point across especially when dealing with people with strong mindsets. Just because its a strong mindset doesn't mean it's right. People tend to feel if they stick strongly by what they know, it makes what they know right, and it doesn't. 

There's a way to stick to what you know, but also be accepting of new information; not necessarily changing your opinion or view, but accepting that there's more than one way to look at something. That's the proper mindset. The ability to separate what you know, from what you've learned, from what you feel is very vital.. Well at least my mind seems to think so. You can get so much farther once you've realized that ability. You can articulate your views, debate opinions in a respectable manner and learn something new in the process. And that's just beautiful. That's your mind in motion. And if you're like me who makes every conversation count for something no matter how minuscule the conversation is, your mind grows from it. 

That's all it's really about. Growing. Our bodies will age, our circumstances will change, but never let your mind stay the same. I've witnessed people grow old and life has taken its toll on them, their circumstances changed (not always for the better) but their minds didn't. Because their minds stay the same, they never got nowhere.. Nowhere near where they wanted to be. All because they were so stuck in their ways, their mental ways. See the mind more powerful than one thinks, if you don't know how powerful your mind is, your mind has full power over you.

Who's in control, you or your mind? Who's stronger, you or your mind? 

I wish you the strength to control your mind if you have no strength or control over it. 

Get your mind right, while there's time left.

Thursday, June 13, 2013


Sometimes I feel like I am, I know I'm not stupid .. I'm far from stupid. I probably look stupid to some, if they don't know me. And if you think I'm stupid.. You really don't know me. 

But sometimes I feel stupid. No matter how smart I am or how smart people think I am, I do feel stupid at times. Why did I over complicate a situation when it was really all so simple? Why do I feel stupid? I always ask myself. People do try to make you look stupid, feel stupid. You know the type, try to fuck with your mind, alter your sense of reality.. But what about when you do it to yourself? 

That's when it really matters, like I said can't no one call me stupid .. But I certainly can. I know when I've made a fool out of myself. I know me. So I sit and think, about how I get myself into things and try to pinpoint what was it that got me here.. Was it pride? Stupidity? Ego? Life? With situations it varies, and sometimes I just never know. It's crazy.

*and than there's my favorite kind of stupid. The stupid feeling I get for being so stupid and underestimating a situation and it turned out greater than expected. How foolish of me.. 
It's sad, that people assume I'm stupid based on how attractive they find me. Which is the stupidest shit I ever heard, but whatever. You know how many conversations I've had with people that think I'm an idiot in the beginning and before its over they're asking for advice? I can tell when someone thinks I'm stupid. Its written all over there face, I'm not stupid. Not to mention my big bambi like eyes gives off that innocent-naive like vibe.. It still kinda boils my blood when people who should know better try to act like I'm stupid. Now you just trying to insult my intelligence.. Please don't do that. 

I hate those who play stupid, and it's not fit for you to play stupid in the scenario at hand. Stupid not fitting you and you're stupid if you think we're buying it. It's one thing to entertain stupidity but to make a mockery of the audience and we're supposed to take it seriously is insulting. 

A person has yet to make me feel stupid in a long time. Like I said I can only make myself feel stupid. But I hate for someone to play stupid around me, now naturally I can play stupid. I never have to say much, I can keep quiet. Let you think I don't know shit and gather mental data of everything you're saying and doing. But only when it's called for. I never play stupid to stroke an ego. And I don't entertain stupidity to stroke my own ego. 

But again, why do I feel stupid at times? Bc I make things harder for myself than I should. And that's stupid to me. But I rather make it harder for myself now, than to take the easy route and fuck up later on... Especially if I can foresee this isn't going to end well, if I can foresee it, I know the reality would be worse because it would be real and more complex. And although the easy routes taunt me like free samples at a bakery, I walk away.. I don't indulge in it. Although my load would be way easier to carry with a forklift than my own arms, I can't afford a forklift. I won't take a forklift from anyone either. That's probably stupid of me as well. But people like to tie things to you masking it as help. And I'm not stupid. Won't get me tangled up. Maybe I'm paranoid, too many horror stories of help traps that have gotten many I know caught up in some shit they wish they would've just moved on their own, but they just had to take the forklift. 

I'm smart enough to know that everything is tied to service. And as a woman, I have to be very cautious on what service I accept, sure the offer seems wonderful in times of hardship. But of course they sound good, shit anything sound good when you desperate.. Water sound like your favorite fruit juice when you're dehydrated. You have to be able to see even when your vision blurry. 

Everything is easier to get into than to get out of. Drake never lied. I'm very cautious of what I get into.. Sometimes I'm not but its rare.. And I'm human. But I'm quick to pull the plug if I see shit gonna get out of hand. I am blessed with foresight, I guess it's gods way of saying sorry for making me fake blind (my vision is horrible). I can literally see where things are gonna go and especially if they're heading in a bad direction, I change course. I'm not that stupid to continue a path that serves me more trouble than triumph. I don't care what I put into the path, how long I've been going down that path. The moment shit is looking like its going downhill. I'm changing paths. I will never let my stupidity bring me down.. I may stumble cause of it. But I will never fall. Why? I'm not that stupid. Although I feel stupid every now and then for something, I don't let it get to me.. I know this feeling never lasts.. And I know I'm not stupid. 

Everything is for a reason. Even if I don't know the reason or the purpose behind the reasoning. There is one.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Regrets. When we're wrong about something, someone .. When we pick the wrong answers.. We can't help but feeling regret. We always want to get it right. But we can't. And I'm learning that regrets are more harmful than anything. 

That's why I choose reflect than to feel regret. I've done few dumb shit in my life.. But I've done some stupid shit, I can admit that. Certain situations I could've avoided all together. Certain people I shouldn't have even bothe(red) with in the first place. But I can't cry over spilled milk right? Just gotta clean up the mess best way I can and pour me another glass.. Sure I wish I could go back in time and tweak a few shit here and there.. Hold out on a few things, move a little different. But I know that would fuck with the now. And although Now could be better, I'm certainly happy with where I'm at on more levels than where I'm not. 

Shit is real. Karma is real. And I'm aware that there are things I will maybe have to pay for in the future.. But I will cross that bridge when I get there, If I ever get there. What I won't do is feed into the what ifs and the sad eyes of remorse over situations and people I have no control over. I can only control me. I can only react to life as it comes and act accordingly. Of course in a more efficient manner as I progress. Because that's how you defeat regret. Learning how to move quicker, smarter than your last move, so your last fuck up, remains your last fuck up... Cause quite frankly you ain't for time to be fucking up. Atleast that's how I see it. 

People will always try to remind you of the past when your future shining bright. Some do it for the sake of a reality check, or to rub it in your face.. But how you react to that really determines who you truly are. If you are at peace with your past, free from regrets .. Your past will never haunt you. Your past is just the beginning stages of you .. Not everything you are. It's your past for a reason, you put that behind you. You made peace with your past and moved forward to better things for you. 

To live in regrets is too much time spent on the impossible. To my knowledge, at this point in time (2013) it's not possible to go back in time just yet.. You can always think of all the ways you could've went about the situation differently, all the things you could've NOT said to whoever, all the things you should've said, should've done... But the moment is over. It's never coming back. It will never happen that same way again, you won't get that second chance. "Lets move on". (Precious voice) lmfao seriously though. It's over. Let it go. Lets focus on applying all these great alternatives you just happened to think of after the fact.. To your every day life so you can progress. Huh? How bout it? Lets talk about what you want to do? what you gonna do? how you gonna make these moves? Cause seriously. Hearing would've could've should've is a waste of time. And I hate to waste time. I rather use the time I would spend regretting a decision into analyzing my decision and seeing where did I go wrong so I can know for next time. 

And another reason I don't really have many regrets left, I do what I want. Honestly, even if I don't know why I want to do something, if I wanna do it.. I will. The answer will come to me later. I'm not ashamed of anything I've done, but some things I'll never discuss because you wont understand my reasoning cause you're not me. And I rarely ever steer myself wrong. It's always an adventure with me. Maybe cause mentally I make it that way. Regardless of any outcome, I learn a thing or two.. Or three. I guess because I'm not dwelling on the outcome, I'm focused on the message. What is this situation trying to tell me? I know I'm not a loser, I'm not made to lose, so if I'm stuck or I made a wrong turn.. It was definitely for a reason. It's up to me to see it. Learn it, use it when I see it needed so I can avoid similar shit to it. 

You taking chances, it's life.. you bound to make a few bad ones but as long as you know why and how it's bad choices, your selection process gets better. You know right from wrong because you seen the wrong with your own eyes and instead of crying about the wrongs and how you're always so right; you embraced that wrong, learned it in and out you can spot em even when its in Rights clothing. And there's nothing to regret when you have so much to look forward to, you won't dare let your mistakes and misfortunes weigh you down. 

Life's too short to not make the most of what we have and what we can build, to live with regret is consuming your present with the past.. And unless you're a history teacher, I suggest you come up to date. And live your life like each day is new, cause it is. No room for regret.. Only reflections on how to make the present better and the future brighter. 

No regrets. 

Monday, June 10, 2013


Call me Peggy Sue cause I'm about to go Bang. Lmao I'm corny I know. But it's my birthday and I'll do whatever I want too. I already cried, I'm already high. Lol shit is real. 
I'm just happy to be here you know? 
I'm so proud of myself and even though I know I could do more, I'm learning to pace myself. Everything takes time. Speaking of time, I'm getting better at precision with that matter .. And Patience, Oh patience has been definitely something that's been pushing and testing me for the last year or so. 

I consider birthdays our personal New Years. I'm twenty-two. Shit is real. Hello to a new age, a wonderful time.. young and brilliant.. I feel so old. Like really old. But 22 is young kinda.. I mean idk I'm fake grown I guess. I certainly am grateful for who I see when I look in the mirror; after everything I've been through, I'm still be strong. I'm grateful of the fact that I know alot and am consciously aware that I can never know enough.. It really makes me feel good. I can't be broken. Sure I'm 22. And I'm still learning the rules of the world, but I'm very well equipped for the journey and for that.. I'm so thankful. The journey just beginning and it's one for the books.. Making sure I continue to remember the essentials and apply them to my everyday life.. I really amaze myself sometimes.. 

Birthday pep talk.

You're 22. Look at you. It's so you. A second chance to do everything you wanted to do. You know what I mean, it's time to live out our dreams.. Time for the whole world to know it, although you don't always show it.. You know where you're going. You love where you're headed, no need for pretending... Moving past those that don't get it, you know they'll regret it, history repeats itself.. Make history whenever you reveal yourself.
Happy birthday. 

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Images of women; Woman on a pedestal.

Women have been held on pedestals since the creation of Eve. I mean if Adam didn't have Eve on a pedestal he wouldn't even conside(red) eating the fruit right? Why would he even consider her suggestion if he felt she was beneath him? Think about it. Today, the pedestal varies for women by men.. There's a few pedestals;

The Physical pedestal —physically appealing women are placed on this trophy like pedestal for no reason other than the obvious fact, they look good. Arm candy. Men will pamper these women and praise them because they know this type of woman is fueled by outer beauty and they won't let her tank ever touch E. they don't care to know what makes her tick.. What dreams or desires she harbors inside they just make sure you make all your vanity appointments and you're smiling ear to ear after a trip to the mall. 

Pros; what woman doesn't want to be pampe(red)? Shopping sprees and spa dates, feeling like the baddest bitch on the planet when you're done and not having to decrease your funds in the process. The trips and dates that come with this trophy package that you either weren't exposed to so you're enjoying it even more or you feel you're finally getting the treatment you deserve.. Life is just grand huh? 
Cons; it's no deeper than the material and physical. (Now this can be a perk depending on who you ask) You only spend time when he's tryna spend or be seen with you.. He doesn't have any intention of being with you, unless he's trying to make an impression on others with a fine piece of candy by his side, like yourself. He doesn't want you to be with anyone else because he's leasing you.. And you sort of belong to him, in his eyes of course. So now you got the makings of a great picture but there's no story. He gives you the pictures but never any words. And by the time you realize this is nothing more than a showcase you're in too deep. And sometimes you realize this after you've been replaced and are looking at the pedestal you once called home from the sidewalk. 

The Mental Pedestal* — very rare due to the fact most women aren't mentally appealing to men. But when a man finds that woman who sparks a mental erection, they put her on the highest pedestal. They value her opinion, thoughts, ideas even suggestions. They are intrigued by her thought process and love to discuss an endless amount of topics. These women on this type of pedestal are what every man craves but has such a hard time finding.. So when they do they go above and beyond to remind you how worthy you really are. 

Perks; for a man look beyond your physique no matter how appealing it might be and find your mind even more appealing is a beautiful feeling. To be infatuated with what you think and how you feel is super rare, a blessing indeed. The biggest perk being on this pedestal is the fact that in exploring your mind, he learns you and he uses his knowledge to earn his way to your heart. Thoughtfulness comes naturally when who you're dealing with, takes his time to listen to your thoughts and dreams and his actions co sign every word he speaks. 
Cons; there is only one downside to this pedestal. Is the man who's so evil he plays this game so well, pretending to want to learn you to be a better companion to you; when in reality he just wants to ruin you. Destroy what you have, so you won't become who you're meant to be. Get in your mind, and it starts out like a good mind fuck.. And you're zoning.. And then, you realize he's raping you, he's not touching you in the places he said.. he's all the way over here when you said he can only be there. He's too rough now, his caress is now so aggressive. All while he whisper baby it's okay. These type of men are alive and well, you have to be very cautious. Fucking with the mind worse than fucking with the body.. The body will heal, the mind might never. Be wary of these DEmental men. They're no good. 

The Sexual Pedestal — Men are very sexual.. So of course a woman who has sexual intelligence is placed on a pedestal. Know how to ride, spin around and keep the dick still inside? Get your ass on that pedestal. Know how to take him high and drop it low once you get a hold of that pole (that pedestal has a pole and other kinky shit surrounding it.) there's equal negative and positive in this pedestal. But a pedestal nonetheless. 

Perks; if the man who places you on this sexual pedestal is your man, you don't really have to worry about him straying.. And having someone who praises you sexually is seductive as shit.. Especially when you're just as turned on by him.
Cons; you may be just that, a sexual object to this man. Sure he praises your arch and ability to "take the D" but it's only then, during those sexual times that he's praising you, and all the conversations are sexual. Every joke is sexual... Whenever he's yearning for your touch, it's sexual. There's nothing more he expect from you. It's just sex, sure you're good at it.. But it's just sex. It's not you it's what you do with your tongue, and how you swirl your hips that you got you that spot on that pedestal. That shouldn't be enough.

The Ultimate Pedestal — the combination of all three pedestals from the pros aspect. Very rare .. In fact when you find yourself on this triple threat pedestal, don't fuck it up. Especially if you put him on the same pedestal he has you on.. a match made in heaven, that earth separated but not even that stopped you two from attaching to each other like magnets. The beauty in this pedestal is that it never feels like a pedestal because he's right by your side.. Just as high as you. Your regal equal. 
There is no con to this pedestal!  

Women often don't know the difference in pedestals so they settle for any one that's given to them.. Not realizing that it's in a mans nature to put women on a pedestal, the type of pedestal varies, not always for our benefit. it's ultimately on us whether we accept that seat or turn it down. Some women are sca(red) to turn down a seat on a pedestal because she wants to feel worthy, ti(red) of looking in the mirror and feeling worthless. And this is a huge problem. Mainly because this problem is constantly swept under the rug. A problem that only bring more problems in the long run. What can be done to solve this problem? 

Women have to put themselves on their own pedestal.  

My pedestal. My pedestal is customized for me, I know my worth.. Physical, mental and sexual .. I know a man can't define me. I define me. I have the confidence of a pageant winner, the knowledge of a dirty sinner.. So much food for thought I can host big dinners. And I know this, and no pedestal I'm put on can amount to my own. I set my standards based on my potential. All that I know I can be. All I know I am. Not every man that shows interest is worthy, of my time, my mind, my pussy.. I have no problem turning men down and their pedestal offers, I know what's best for me.. And alot of these offers aren't it. I'm more beneficial to them than they are to me.. In so many aspects. They see that, and more which is why the offers often sound like bait traps. Once you realize everything you can add to the table, you not just gonna sit at any table. No matter who pulling the seat out for you to sit. My pedestal keeps me levitated above these women who lack their own pedestal. Men see this. Real men admire this.. They want to be apart of this.

Some men are eager to build pedestals for women who lack it, (the urge to put women on pedestals is inevitable) but when they cross one who comes with her own.. They realize how much better it is to help maintain that pedestal, while bettering their own.. shit, even helping that pedestal grow into the throne it will ultimately become.

Putting yourself on a pedestal isn't in vain, it's for the betterment of you as a woman. If you allow these men to define you with their placement of you on their pedestals, your entire life is spent being picked up and put down from pedestal to pedestal, this will only confuse you and your view of who you are, how much your worth. But if you have your own pedestal, when a man places you on his, it will say more about him than you. And what it says about him will be the deciding factor on whether you want to pursue this further or drop everything and go. But only once you've built your own pedestal can you see the distinction in your pedestal and his version for you. You can be placed up high and walk off when you please.. Never feeling any less than who you are because his pedestal didn't define you, it was just a seat. 

Feel free to take a seat, just be aware of where you're sitting.

Friday, June 7, 2013


I want more. I've always wanted more. Never from people though. I take what they're willing to give me. That's enough for me, if it isn't than I act accordingly. 

Nothing is ever enough for me, does this mean I'm ungrateful? No. I appreciate every(one)thing in my life. I truly am grateful for it all, but I know this isn't all of it. I know I have way more coming to me.. I know this because I wake up every morning. And until the day I don't wake up in the morning, I will always strive for more.. I mean why the fuck not? There's always more to obtain, in all aspects. And even when I feel I'm at a standstill, or obstacles are more difficult than I'm used to.. I still want more. That desire to fulfill my true potential and realize every dream enables that greedy desire to want more. 

Temporary satisfaction is a gift and curse, that intensity of that short lived satisfaction is enough to either drive you crazy chasing temporary satisfactions or drive you to find eternal satisfaction. I believe there's such thing, I believe you feel that ever lasting satisfaction when you wake up every single fucking morning happy as fuck (rain or shine) where you are and still go get more, not to fulfill anything that's missing.. Because at this point, ain't a damn thing missing. But because your drive doesn't die.. Because you truly are driven until your last drive in that hearse. Idk what it's like, the ride in the hearse.. I'm still kicking. But I'm hoping its peaceful.. And only way to ensure that, is to make sure I'm at peace with my life before I go. 

That's why I really want more, I don't have peace.. Not peace of mind, nothing like that. My desires and drive are in full throttle.. I can't rest. I want more of everything, opportunities especially. And there is no limit for me. I have removed any limit I set upon myself.. How else could I get more if I'm limiting myself? Limiting myself to what others think I am, limiting myself to play it safe, limiting myself to stay the same? 
I think not.

More isn't bad, sure moderation is key. But that's only cause we can't appreciate things in large doses, we take them for granted.. Easily accessed, we don't want it anymore.. Things and people become too familiar ..  So moderation gives it a balance.. Stretches it out. Makes it easier for humans. Humans who really don't know how to have anything because they're never grateful, so wanting more is to fulfill a need for them that nothing in this world can fill.. A need that only they for themselves can fulfill, no material possession, no amount of success, no person walking this earth can fill that void. But many don't realize this, so majority of their lives are spent chasing temporary satisfaction... And they confuse it with wanting more.. Thinking it will eventually bring eternal satisfaction.. And it won't. 

I know this. Trust. I know this all too well. And that's why I don't deny that I want more. Because I know the difference. That's why I encourage those who have that drive to be better and want better to do so, and those who are just using their drive to ride away from a deeper demon.. I leave them alone. They're fighting a battle, I cant help them win, no matter what.. most of them, don't want help... There's no helping those who don't want to be helped. 

As for me, I'm complete internally.. So my eternal satisfaction with life soon come. No doubt about that. The wait is slightly annoying and on some days irritating but I'm enjoying the ride, it's an interesting one, just taking notes of the signs and the drive.. I know what I'm striving for, I know why I'm doing what I'm doing.. I know who I do it for, me. Because if I'm not good where I'm at, I can't be of any use to those I love around me.. If I don't have more, I can't give more. Wanting more is the first step.. Doing what you need to do to get more is the biggest step. 

One step at a time, ain't got time to stumble. 

Thursday, June 6, 2013


I feel good. Shit been going good, good can always turn to better. And it will. Why? Because I fucking said so. And anything I say, goes. 

I'm amped. I performed in front of some friends and a different type of crowd. It was awesome. My friends enjoyed it. They were really proud of me. I am too. Shit real.

Birthday Monday. Shit gonna get realer. 

I'm just taking it all in, embracing each day as it comes while still focusing on the next. Now that shit is manifesting, I want to be even more quiet about it. In regards to what I'm gonna do next. 

Gotta keep them guessing, no?

Rather show than tell, you know? 

I got plenty to show.. In due time.

Sunday, June 2, 2013


My month. Have alot to do. So excited.

Time ticking. 

So much in store for me ... 

Attacking everything moving.. 
Since my vision so clear shouldn't be a problem.

Calm, Cool & Collective. 

Thinking good thoughts all the way through.