"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Social (media) network.

They have taken over the world. I've been contemplating on touching this subject for some time now. It's starting to get on my nerves. And for a cyber lover such as myself.. Enough is enough.

See I used to sneak and unplug the phone to use dial up in the middle of the night. Google and chat rooms were all I knew. You had aol chat rooms for starters, then came Migente, blackplanet, sconex, MySpace, tumblr, Facebook, twitter and Instagram. Presumably in that order, I might be missing a few but that's not important.

Social networks were intended to build relationships with people you might have never met without the Internet, and to keep in touch with people who are no longer close in distance.

What social networks has become today? A social cyber circus. Once upon a time people were just happy to be on the internet. Today, You have people who come on the Internet portraying someone they're not (catfish), you have people desperately yearning for the approval of strangers (the insecure) you have those who because of the Internet following they have, they feel superior in the cyber world (Gassed). Those that use the social networks to expose and ridicule, and those who brag and boast. And my favorite, those who use the Internet to better themselves and their lives whether its through knowledge, great networking or business. See they've grabbed the true concept behind social networks.


I love twitter. I'm a thinker. I love the basis behind twitter, spill your thoughts in under 140 characters. See, my personal timeline is filled with thinkers like myself, comedians, interesting, inspiring individuals with a voice of their own. Twitter has gone global. You turn on the news and the anchor people have their twitter handle underneath their name. Follow fox 5 on twitter, everybody has a twitter, every company has a twitter. Every celeb has a twitter. Twitter singlehandedly ruined the bubble celebs have been kept in. What I love about twitter is that people are exposed for who they truly are, even if they are faking a persona (that says alot on its own). Which is why certain celebs lose their luster through twitter. You have a certain celeb on a pedestal and read their timeline to find out they're illiterate or a complete dick head. Same goes for non celebs. Some people are pure sweet hearts in person, but on twitter this arrogant asshole. Not to mention those who reach for RT and bombard your mentions or feel entitled to a follow back just because they felt following you was worth it and they'll be damned if you don't feel the same.

I hate Instagram now, I loved the idea of it. I love photography, so to edit my photos through selective filters was pretty cool to me. Cool. Now? Instagram is a lie. You have people who are trying to portray something they're not, people feeling like they have to prove themselves. You have people posting pictures they been took and passing it off as its in the moment. To either front or piss someone off. Then, you got those who "promote" others so you can follow them on Instagram (I never do) and the tweegram lovers .. Who in my opinion, should just get a twitter and call it a day. Then the attention seekers who thrive on Instagram with their seductive photos and misleading captions. I'm contemplating deleting Instagram, I already got rid of Facebook (everything went down hill after they removed the college email address requirement to sign up). I'm just trying to find the perfect replacement photo app.

How could I forget, lol I love blogs. Food, personal, style, music, movies.. everything.

Blogs are freedom of speech at its finest on the Internet. You can post whatever the fuck you want and by the time people see it, you've already said it. they can't attack you, at most leave a comment but you can delete that. I respect the bloggers that haven't gotten "gassed" by their following which is well deserved because they are authentic. But nonetheless they disregard the hype and stay true to the core of their blog. The layout may change, but those posts only get deeper. But blogs aren't what they're used to be. Who needs to read blogs when we've accustomed ourselves to wording our feelings and thoughts into 140 characters and quick snapshots uploaded to Instagram. Everything rushed. Take your time.. Let it sink in. I know someone will read mine and think this bitch need a diary, but ha. Got one already. Lmao I just feel nobody takes their time anymore. Rush the message because they understand so well, so should everybody else.... Everybody aint like you. You should always remember that. Someone will appreciate that you took the time. And most will be sad that you rushed it in the first place. Message. Bring blogs back. (Pumps fist lmao)

Relationships and social networks.
I hate when I hear, social networks run relationships. No, weak relationships crumble under social networks. And let me tell you why, social networks is like high school. And all eyes are on you, everybody watching even if they're not talking. So anything you say or do can and will be used against you in the social network world. In my opinion, I feel people portray their relationships to be a certain way to others, so when it's socially exposed that its not quite like that (actions speak louder than words) someone is gonna get upset. Now don't get me wrong, there's a certain way you should carry yourself when you're in a relationship and social networks are no exception. But there's too many relationships being based on exposure.

Some are solely in relationships to be shown off like some trophy as far as I'm concerned. So much emphasis on publicly "exposing" your significant other. For what? Does it further validate your relationship? Throw me on your Instagram so I know it's real? I'm not saying hide your relationship nor should you tolerate feeling hidden. But remember who you're dealing with, some are not as open. Some don't feel it's necessary. If your significant other does their part in making you happy, and you're spending time and creating personal memories.. Why would you rock the boat because they haven't posted a picture or don't follow you on twitter. If you feel they're sneaky, why are you with a snake? You waiting to get bit?

You sitting there driving yourself crazy trying read in between the lines of your lovers tweets, mentions, Instagram posts and comments; for what? You ain't going nowhere. Save yourself the headache and just mind your business. It's minuscule. What you need to be concerned with is if you're happy, are you being treated the way you deserve, are you a good partner, are you appreciative of what you have? and if you don't know or are unsure but can tell me who your s|o @'d 45 minutes ago and how many pictures they liked in an hour, you should get it together. Quick.

Me personally, I don't give a shit about exposure in a relationship on social networks. That's not gonna be a deal breaker in dealing with someone. If anything, I rather not be "shown off" I like who I'm dealing with to be as private as possible. People are spiteful and hateful. Now if who I'm dealing with wants to broadcast me, I don't mind.. But I don't care for it. I care more for how I'm being treated. I know of couples who are everything and more on social networks but are barely functioning as a couple in real life. I also know couples who you would never know are together but are so deeply in love. Because that's all that matters. Fuck a social network facade. I want the real deal. And some shit is so real you don't need to socially broadcast it to validate it. The relationship validates itself. So please stop searching through your lover's social networks and search in your relationship and find closure as to why you feel you have to go searching in the first place. I'm just saying. I'm sick of this shit. It's getting out of hand and it always look messy to the public. Half pretend to be concerned, The others watch in silence as the circus carries on. Both don't care.. just in it for the entertainment. Don't make a fool of yourself. Social networks won't let you forget it.

Stop taking these things so seriously. There's really way more to life than that.

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