"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Truth is I come from dysfunction, I understand dysfunction, I relate to it .. I study it so I know what to avoid, cause and effects .. And how the effect cause changes in things and people. And the fucked up reality behind it all. Only understood if you too seen it for yourself.

People like to believe illusions.. It's prettier than the truth. But the truth no matter how unappealing it might be, is the truth. And will always remain that way. If you don't acknowledge it for what it is, how could you ever improve it? Your illusions will change, but that truth will still be there. Majority of the time, it actually gets worse because it isn't being attended to. (too busy keeping up with that illusion). Don't let someone expose to you, what's right in front of your face ..

Not speaking on truth is different from not acknowledging the truth. "Now that there said something"

Selective honesty, is still honesty. I get that. But flat out lie. I don't get that. I never ask anything I don't want to hear the answer to. So if I'm asking.. I'm hoping for the truth. Nothing more, nothing less. I answer what's asked, I never volunteer extra information.. So I fully comprehend the concept of asking the right questions.

Shit, you gotta ask yourself the right questions.. Get specific.
Am I on my A game? Am I really giving (whatever you think you're devoted to) my all? Where can I improve? Always give yourself reality checks. If you want to lie to people, fine. Whatever. But don't, please just don't lie to yourself.

No matter how far I've gone in life as of today, I still don't feel anywhere near close to contentment with my reality. I'm not where I want to be, but I'm in a better place than I used to be.. And as this crosses my mind like clockwork, I notice two kinds of people around me .. People who are content with their reality, and the people who are not. And I always wish for those who aren't content to find that and those that are content, I'm happy for them. I don't feel they're beneath me or any less than me because I want more, we're all different. As long as you're happy, I'm happy for you. Just don't hold me back. And those who aren't content and aren't doing things to make that possible, annoy me. Mainly because they're the same ones complaining about their circumstances and they're not doing anything to change that.

People love talking to me for two reason, I don't judge and I don't sugarcoat. I don't like math but I'm great at solving other people's problems (which is probably why I'm everybody's personal therapist) you come to me with a problem, we're gonna solve this shit.. we're gonna break shit down, weigh out some options and help you separate feeling from logic. I'm not sitting there comparing problems, or morals. (Watch who you seek insight from some just truly want to compare their life to yours) I'm honest and blunt. And this is about you. Not me. So I won't tell you what you wanna hear, Ima tell you what you need to hear, even if you don't want to hear it. I won't rub it in your face, or ridicule you. It's not that type of party. I'm not that type of person. My approach is just reminding you of what you already know. You just letting other bullshit cloud your logic. I'm here to clear that.

And logically, everything makes sense. Emotionally, nothing does.

Which is why truth is so fragile yet very much requi(red) .. If the truth is approached logically. It makes sense. Emotionally.. The lie is better. The lie feels good. Those lies sound like a lullabies.. Drifting off into dream world.. Where the situation is everything it seems and you've escaped that reality .. And you won't look back. But you wake up, and realize, those lies were just that. Lies. But you rather lie in bed and believe that with every fiber in your being because it FEELS good rather than bruise that ego and build a better truth..

Lies never made me feel that good. But that's just me and we've already established I'm a tad odd.

I really don't like being lied to. I don't. I don't care if I can't help when I'm being lied to, I still don't like it. "Deception is the only felony." That's exactly what a lie is.. A deception.

To deceive me is insulting my intelligence. Insulting me. Like I'm not worthy of the truth, like I don't have my emotions in order, that the truth will bring me out of character. Putting me in the same group with those who couldn't handle the truth, without giving me the chance to see if I could handle it. And even when I can't handle something, I handle it better than most people. How can I not get offended?
You just robbed me of a chance to shine and show my godly like ability to understand the human mind, and process the reality of something I didn't know existed so well. Smh

I don't like to pay for the mistake of others and I try my hardest not to let others pay for the mistakes people have made with me. Which is why I really respect honesty. Even if I don't agree, I can understand. And I'll respect that way more than any lie.

Honesty gives you a choice, a lie is the choice made for you.

I like to make my own choices. I love to be around people who encourage me to do that. I really appreciate them for that.

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