"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Bird bitches.

Warning; if any of the following offends you .. You are a bird bitch. Don't deny it any longer, just accept it and grow from this. If it don't apply, let it fly and enjoy the ride.

Bird bitches are different breed branch from the female tree.

Please learn to identify the bird bitch from the "bird".. Yes there's a difference.

Every female has a little "bird" in her (busting out the chicken head when hood hop come on) the same way every female has a little "hoe" in her (twerking when dodo(do the?) brown play in the club).. But the bird bitch. Oh they are in a league of their own.

How do you spot a bird bitch, you might be asking (Tyrone biggums voice) ..

It's in the attitude.

Check for the females who's ego is bigger than her actual presence.

Depending on where she's from, her style may vary.. but no matter what they wear the bird bitch will always think she's the best thing since febreeze. That's always not the case.

Because you see, the bird bitch comes in many shades and sizes .. Some may not be physically attractive and some might be, but because they are bird bitches.. They're one in the same.

Ugly bird bitches don't get it as hard as the attractive ones (ugly bird bitches blame their looks for their lack of approaches, when in reality it's because not only are you a bird bitch, you're not even attractive which just makes it worse) .. The attractive ones get approached more, but once the bird bitch reveals herself .. They get left just as quickly as they were approached. So they go around thinking men ain't shit when in reality they're not shit ..(you are what you attract) and they'll use their "beauty" as a crutch to gain attention and try to add reassurance to fill that void that she can't explain.

I mean she can, but she doesn't even wanna admit she's a bird bitch.

Are you a bird bitch? .. Lets dig a little.

All bird bitches use the same logic.
Bird Bitch Logic.

Bird bitch logic; the logic in which a bitch w| bird tendencies expects more than she's willing to give due to her sense of self-entitlement.

Bird bitch logic sets standards on men that they wish to reach but don't think they can without a man.

Bird bitch logic says that the image is more important than the reality of it.

Bird bitch logic makes everyone else's life around her more difficult because she refuses to accept responsibility for her own action.. And she justifies this by blaming everyone else who won't feed into her traps.

Bird bitches are always looking for a come up.. through someone else. Their logic tells them they are entitled to this because to even breathe the same air as them? You gotta pay up, or make yourself useful to them.

You see the bird bitch isn't wrong for having a mind frame of that sort. You should always feel your worthy .. But you should always know your worth. And if you look and discover you aren't worth much, you up your stock. (Yeezy taught me)

The problem with bird bitches is they expect everything but give nothing.

Not by choice either.

Bird bitches spend their lives feeding off other people, never building or working towards their own.. So nothing they ever have lasts long.

Anything they received were through other people .. So as they get left (bird bitches run through so many people throughout a lifetime) the bird bitches has to keep a revolving door, they rely on others .. They can not be without others.

Bird bitches don't fish, they eat.

They don't wanna learn, for what? They got fisherman lined up .. They gonna eat regardless bc closed legs don't get fed. And bird bitches busting open by any means necessary.

And when they have kids????

Lorddddd I pray for any man who plays an active role in their child's life and the mother is a bird bitch.

The kid is an asset and a liability. She ain't have to fish, she just pushed out a kid. Bird bitches seem to be really fertile. Kids are like live bait on a fishing rod for bird bitches, they just swing the rod out and reel in the findings. I've witnessed bird bitches raise kids and its always so sad. Kids being used as pawn and bird bitches can't play checkers, let alone chess .. It always ends up messy, no child should endure that. But unless we have a DP (department of parenting) and you have to get a license to be suited fit for parenting, we really have no say in how one raises their child. Bird bitch or not.

Bird bitch prey on men who have everything going for themselves but lack something, maybe excitement .. A bird bitch always down for some fun especially if its gonna lead to some funds. The bird bitches put on performances to seduce their prey and they do this very well, I mean they don't really know anything else.

Bird bitches aren't educated. Idc how much schooling they've have, I'm not speaking book smart anyway .. If they knew better, they'd do better.

The main characteristic in a bird bitch is denial.

They're aren't aware. And I don't mean just publicly.. I mean even when they're alone, self reflecting (which is rare for the bird bitch, majority aren't enlightened), they never question things and actions they do because nothing is ever their fault.

They're always in the middle of something, always got a new boyfriend/step daddy for their kids. Making public scenes, confrontational, easily offended, mildly retarded, know more about Hollywood current events than what's going with their kids at school, barely with their kids.. Bird bitches the type to argue with their mother or usual sitter because they wanna go out and nobody wants to watch their kid. Bitch, you don't even wanna watch your own kid, why should anyone else?

Or the bird bitches who say fuck this, take their kids with them to their 'clearly not suitable for children' environment; baby ray ray in her left hand, snotty nose, dirty tshirt (or extremely fresh.. Bird bitches don't know in betweens) her styrofoam cup (what's in my cup stays in my cup) filled with nut crackers from the nigga down the block in her right hand. I always wonder how those kids will grow up and my heart aches when I see some of them grow up. You see the resentment in their eyes for their bird bitch of a mother.

Don't be a bird bitch. No man wants that, no child wants that. Only you can change you, bird bitches never die. They get old and bitter.

Kill the bird bitch inside you.

Only chance for survival. Bird bitches weren't made to survive, they're made to be used til they can't be used anymore.. Then tossed back into the wild, a little piece of them gone with each toss .. And a little more lost. Smh

Feel free to use the bird bitch, a bird bitch will certainly use you.

Some bird bitches are a little more clever than the others, so beware.. Just identify that she is one from the beginning and handle her accordingly.

Hope you bird bitches find your souls ..
Hope those of you who deal with them on a regular don't get caught in their web of deception.

Bird bitches only care about themselves. Remember that.

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