"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Monday, February 25, 2013


I honestly don't think I'm disrespectful. But I've been told I am on more than a few occasions.

Am I being disrespectful because I'm telling the truth and its offending you? I'm disrespectful because I choose not to sugarcoat things no matter how harsh or rough it may come off? You're a tad bit sensitive, so I have to tip toe around a topic that may sting because you're easily offended? Man up.

I hate people who want something from you but they wanna have control over your delivery.

Don't try to censor me. That's disrespectful.

Disrespect varies upon perception.

What I find disrespectful, some might not. And vice versa.

And how disrespectful am I, if I genuinely don't mean to offend?

What do I consider disrespectful? Anything concerning me, being made a mockery of .. Especially in my face.

I don't really tolerate disrespect. I'm quick to check people. And by that I mean, let it be known that I'm not feeling the vibes in a civilized manner. If I have to get rowdy, that only means that person took the disrespect further possibly fueled by anger at the fact that I pressed the issue and we had to get it popping. (That rarely happens, but I'm not above having to put hands on someone if shit get that real)

Now to me, opinion is not a valid form of disrespect. Nine out of ten, I can careless about someone's opinion.. if at all. Opinions change. How you feel for me could change tomorrow? Why would I get all riled up for how you feel today? I won't. And for every person that don't feel me, there's one that does.

Now, I can admit I'm pretty nonchalant about alot of things but I rarely get disrespected, people respect my shit. Probably because I have respect. Respect for myself, and others. Stranger or not I have a set level of respect for people. I like to treat others how I want to be treated, until they cross me.. And then, I get real disrespectful in the most respectful way, it stings more. Wayyy more.

I can make you feel as big as I want to and as small as I want to with my words. All calm, well-spoken and enunciated.. It's that real.

It's nothing for me to verbally kill you to the point where you physically want to assassinate me. Just don't disrespect me.

Another form of disrespect, consciously doing something that I previously stated I didn't like; and you nodded like yeah I got it when it was brought to your attention .. Yet your actions seem to have caught amnesia.

Disrespect isn't really as much about action as it is intent. I am aware shit happens and more than often, things aren't what they seem.. But intent. That right there is the core of disrespect.

Intention is really everything. That's what separates the good from the bad. Was it instinct, reflex? .. Or premeditated? Alot of times we disrespect ourselves by becoming consumed by self-conscious emotions stir(red) up with assumptions.. Assuming that what we were offended by, was INTENTIONALLY meant to offend us?
And when we're corrected, we get even more offended at the audacity of the motherfucker trying to correct us.

How the fuck you gonna tell me how I feel? - Right?

How the fuck you gonna tell somebody what they meant? - Right.

Petty people notice petty things and feeds into it. Even if it doesn't relate to them, By the end of the conversation they would've named all the reasons why you KNEW you were referring to them or intentionally offended them with your blatant disrespect .. Smh that's that "world revolves around me" syndrome.. Think of the guy who gets bumped on a crowded train and starts an altercation with the bumpee .. Little shit that can tick people off like that just shows how emotionally unstable people can be. That ain't got shit to do with you, but they'll try push it off as disrespect on your behalf. Don't feed into that.

Now don't get me wrong, some people are pussy and will sneakily disrespect you time and time again, if you don't check them. But it's not what you say, it's how you say it. Remember that.

But also, know when you're being baited. There's sick people in this world who are so consumed with you and your life that every time they look up, they hate their life even more .. So much that they shifted their hate towards you. And since they know so much about the object of their obsession.. I mean, affection (hate is love) they may even know a weakness or two. They will use what they know to get under your skin, do things to provoke you and get you out of character by "disrespecting" you.

Testing you to see your boiling point. See, you have everything to lose and these type of people just wanna see you lose it. They don't have it. They don't want you with it either. And if you feed into it, they've won. If you walk away, despite what some may say... You've truly won.
To entertain such nonsense is disrespectful to yourself. Anyone with the Intent to upset and disturb your peace is and will never be worth it.

As long as you can keep that in mind, you'll rarely feel disrespected. And if it ain't directed .. It ain't what? Respected. Right.

And respect is what it's really about. You don't gotta disrespect to get respect (in some cases, some people only respect disrespect but that's neither here nor there.) Respect has nothing to do with opinion, but instead the quality of someone's admirable character. An opinion or a sneak attack can't break your character, unless YOU let it.

Next time you feel disrespected or someone feels you disrespected them .. Ask this;

Do I truly feel disrespected or am I just highly offended?

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