"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Friday, January 11, 2013


Smh ... My journey with obstacles has been a rough one. More like tough love really.

There's things I've went through that I wish I never did but the lesson in that obstacle wouldn't have hit me the same without it.

I wouldn't call my life rough. It's as rough as I make it. Some days I make life easier for me than others depending on what's thrown my way.

I'm getting better at dealing with obstacles in ways that can benefit me more. I look at it like, if you're gonna be in my way I might as well make use of your presence.

And it's funny because obstacles usually lead to bigger blessings. Or is it just that we had to fight so hard to get through, that the blessing is more appreciated...

Either way. I've learned not to let an obstacle keep me down. The days of frustration and anguish because of a road block are long gone. Those emotions only blind you, and cause even more of a frenzy than the original stress of the obstacle.

When I remain calm..or calm myself down .. I see ways to over come or atleast get it under control long enough to find a solution.

Now I've done some dumb shit in the past, and I haven't resolved all my problems. But I don't have no worries.
The past is the past ... And the unsolved will get resolved. And that's for sure. The sun don't have to shine for it to rise .. Just a thought.

I've seen some of the smartest people get broken down to bits by obstacles, and some of the strongest people standing strong dusting the residue left by the obstacles they demolished so effortlessly off their shoulders like nothing.

You look at both kinds of people and wonder what's different? .. And with each person it varies.

But for me, I know what held me back, I know why the obstacles held me in a momentarily freeze. I also know what continues to push me forward.

I've been saving pictures off tumblr and other sites since I can remember .. I saw this picture and I made it my home screen on my phone. I didn't know what it was. I just really liked it. It drew me in.. I just wanted to stare at it. So it's been my home screen wallpaper for some time now, the other day I was watching this new MTV show called Black ink and this guy was getting a free tattoo because the artist fucked up his ring tat (he got a rib job for free?! Lol) he said he wanted to get the Ganesha - the remover of obstacle and patron of learning. And when they revealed what he looked like, it was my wallpaper. Weird right?

Shit like that happens to me all the time.

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