"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Saturday, January 5, 2013


I have no problem letting go ... If anything I struggle to hold on. It's really nothing to me to stop doing something or cut ties to a relationship. Any relationship.

Stems from too many people either leaving my life, trying to enter my life under false pretenses, or not fitting into my life.

I don't care how long I've known you, what we had, what we been through. If you gotta go, you gotta go. If you wanna leave .. Do as you please.

I saw a teen mom rerun the other day (I was high, wasn't shit else on.) and Janelle was crying, chasing keiffer .. begging him to not leave her. I was disgusted.

Now I'm aware there are plenty of people who have reacted the way she did, but I never saw her cry over her son like that (from the episodes I've seen) and still, I just don't have it in me to chase someone after they've expressed that they want to leave. Even if I feel they're only doing that so I can run behind them, they're the dummies for thinking I would.

Maybe it's a pride thing. Maybe it's the fact that I understand some things you just won't understand.. Shit there's some shit people can't even explain. But they know they want to leave, and that's all you need to know.

I've grown to understand that everyone isn't meant to be around everyone forever... As our life goes on we interact with new people, experiences changes our views and sometimes you out grow people .. And sometimes, they out grow you. It's life.

It happens everyday. People get too offended when they're the one that has been out grown. I kinda get why one would take that personally. But it's really not you. Get over yourself. You done your part. Now your part is over. If you feel it's not, that just mean you're not as into character as you thought you were.

People fall out for plenty of reasons. And as valid as the reason may be, if one person feels like they're getting the short end of the stick, they refuse to let go.

I refuse to be that person. Idc what I invested, if you try to walk away.. I will let you.

People think I don't care. But I see it as letting you do you. Why should I try to convince you to remain in my life if you don't wanna be here? If you truly wanted to be here.. Why would walking away even be a thought? Oh.

Exactly. I feel communication is very important. And I'm one to vocalize my thoughts .. Once I word them right of course but I will always tell you how I'm feeling, family, friend, lover. Whatever. I'm not one to harbor feelings anymore. I used to.. Once upon a time. And it used to eat me the fuck up. Idk how people do that for a lifetime.

Even if I'm hurt that you want to leave.. I'll let you go. I won't stalk you, I won't contact you on a drunk night confessing shit .. In my mind, it hurts more trying to continue any form of relationship knowing you wanted to leave anyway.. It'll feel like you just being nice because you feel sorry I haven't gotten over it yet.

I don't fuck with pity parties.

Now, when I want to leave .. I leave. I don't string people along. If I don't like you anymore .. I'll leave. I'll never ask you to change. Won't demand more than what you give me. I'll just leave. No hard feelings. I don't hate anyone. I don't think I have it in me anymore to hate somebody. But I don't like lying to others, let alone myself. And if I'm not vibing right.. I'm ghost. People might think that's cruel and insensitive (depending on who you ask) but those same people are the ones thinking about how THEY would feel if THEY were in the detachment chamber don't be a hypocrite.

If I'm not happy why would I stay? .. If you're not, why would you?

And if we care so much about these people who want to walk away from us to be happy, why wouldn't we let them? Don't we care about their feelings or lack thereof? Why fight that?

Sometimes as bad as you wanna be what someone needs, you're not. And vice versa. Understanding that, will save you alot of heartache.

I know how to let go, but holding on is a other story ... And another post.

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