"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Social (media) network.

They have taken over the world. I've been contemplating on touching this subject for some time now. It's starting to get on my nerves. And for a cyber lover such as myself.. Enough is enough.

See I used to sneak and unplug the phone to use dial up in the middle of the night. Google and chat rooms were all I knew. You had aol chat rooms for starters, then came Migente, blackplanet, sconex, MySpace, tumblr, Facebook, twitter and Instagram. Presumably in that order, I might be missing a few but that's not important.

Social networks were intended to build relationships with people you might have never met without the Internet, and to keep in touch with people who are no longer close in distance.

What social networks has become today? A social cyber circus. Once upon a time people were just happy to be on the internet. Today, You have people who come on the Internet portraying someone they're not (catfish), you have people desperately yearning for the approval of strangers (the insecure) you have those who because of the Internet following they have, they feel superior in the cyber world (Gassed). Those that use the social networks to expose and ridicule, and those who brag and boast. And my favorite, those who use the Internet to better themselves and their lives whether its through knowledge, great networking or business. See they've grabbed the true concept behind social networks.


I love twitter. I'm a thinker. I love the basis behind twitter, spill your thoughts in under 140 characters. See, my personal timeline is filled with thinkers like myself, comedians, interesting, inspiring individuals with a voice of their own. Twitter has gone global. You turn on the news and the anchor people have their twitter handle underneath their name. Follow fox 5 on twitter, everybody has a twitter, every company has a twitter. Every celeb has a twitter. Twitter singlehandedly ruined the bubble celebs have been kept in. What I love about twitter is that people are exposed for who they truly are, even if they are faking a persona (that says alot on its own). Which is why certain celebs lose their luster through twitter. You have a certain celeb on a pedestal and read their timeline to find out they're illiterate or a complete dick head. Same goes for non celebs. Some people are pure sweet hearts in person, but on twitter this arrogant asshole. Not to mention those who reach for RT and bombard your mentions or feel entitled to a follow back just because they felt following you was worth it and they'll be damned if you don't feel the same.

I hate Instagram now, I loved the idea of it. I love photography, so to edit my photos through selective filters was pretty cool to me. Cool. Now? Instagram is a lie. You have people who are trying to portray something they're not, people feeling like they have to prove themselves. You have people posting pictures they been took and passing it off as its in the moment. To either front or piss someone off. Then, you got those who "promote" others so you can follow them on Instagram (I never do) and the tweegram lovers .. Who in my opinion, should just get a twitter and call it a day. Then the attention seekers who thrive on Instagram with their seductive photos and misleading captions. I'm contemplating deleting Instagram, I already got rid of Facebook (everything went down hill after they removed the college email address requirement to sign up). I'm just trying to find the perfect replacement photo app.

How could I forget, lol I love blogs. Food, personal, style, music, movies.. everything.

Blogs are freedom of speech at its finest on the Internet. You can post whatever the fuck you want and by the time people see it, you've already said it. they can't attack you, at most leave a comment but you can delete that. I respect the bloggers that haven't gotten "gassed" by their following which is well deserved because they are authentic. But nonetheless they disregard the hype and stay true to the core of their blog. The layout may change, but those posts only get deeper. But blogs aren't what they're used to be. Who needs to read blogs when we've accustomed ourselves to wording our feelings and thoughts into 140 characters and quick snapshots uploaded to Instagram. Everything rushed. Take your time.. Let it sink in. I know someone will read mine and think this bitch need a diary, but ha. Got one already. Lmao I just feel nobody takes their time anymore. Rush the message because they understand so well, so should everybody else.... Everybody aint like you. You should always remember that. Someone will appreciate that you took the time. And most will be sad that you rushed it in the first place. Message. Bring blogs back. (Pumps fist lmao)

Relationships and social networks.
I hate when I hear, social networks run relationships. No, weak relationships crumble under social networks. And let me tell you why, social networks is like high school. And all eyes are on you, everybody watching even if they're not talking. So anything you say or do can and will be used against you in the social network world. In my opinion, I feel people portray their relationships to be a certain way to others, so when it's socially exposed that its not quite like that (actions speak louder than words) someone is gonna get upset. Now don't get me wrong, there's a certain way you should carry yourself when you're in a relationship and social networks are no exception. But there's too many relationships being based on exposure.

Some are solely in relationships to be shown off like some trophy as far as I'm concerned. So much emphasis on publicly "exposing" your significant other. For what? Does it further validate your relationship? Throw me on your Instagram so I know it's real? I'm not saying hide your relationship nor should you tolerate feeling hidden. But remember who you're dealing with, some are not as open. Some don't feel it's necessary. If your significant other does their part in making you happy, and you're spending time and creating personal memories.. Why would you rock the boat because they haven't posted a picture or don't follow you on twitter. If you feel they're sneaky, why are you with a snake? You waiting to get bit?

You sitting there driving yourself crazy trying read in between the lines of your lovers tweets, mentions, Instagram posts and comments; for what? You ain't going nowhere. Save yourself the headache and just mind your business. It's minuscule. What you need to be concerned with is if you're happy, are you being treated the way you deserve, are you a good partner, are you appreciative of what you have? and if you don't know or are unsure but can tell me who your s|o @'d 45 minutes ago and how many pictures they liked in an hour, you should get it together. Quick.

Me personally, I don't give a shit about exposure in a relationship on social networks. That's not gonna be a deal breaker in dealing with someone. If anything, I rather not be "shown off" I like who I'm dealing with to be as private as possible. People are spiteful and hateful. Now if who I'm dealing with wants to broadcast me, I don't mind.. But I don't care for it. I care more for how I'm being treated. I know of couples who are everything and more on social networks but are barely functioning as a couple in real life. I also know couples who you would never know are together but are so deeply in love. Because that's all that matters. Fuck a social network facade. I want the real deal. And some shit is so real you don't need to socially broadcast it to validate it. The relationship validates itself. So please stop searching through your lover's social networks and search in your relationship and find closure as to why you feel you have to go searching in the first place. I'm just saying. I'm sick of this shit. It's getting out of hand and it always look messy to the public. Half pretend to be concerned, The others watch in silence as the circus carries on. Both don't care.. just in it for the entertainment. Don't make a fool of yourself. Social networks won't let you forget it.

Stop taking these things so seriously. There's really way more to life than that.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Law 29; Plan all the way to the end.

Most people believe that they are in fact aware of the future, that they are planning and thinking ahead. They are usually deluded: what they are really doing is succumbing to their desires, to what they want the future to be. Their plans are vague, based on their imagination rather than their reality. They may think they are thinking all the way to the end, but they are really only focusing on the happy ending, and deluding themselves by the strength of their desire.

Unhappy endings are much more common than happy ones - do not be swayed by the happy ending in your mind.

With that being said;
keep planning.. Keep working.

Monday, February 25, 2013


I honestly don't think I'm disrespectful. But I've been told I am on more than a few occasions.

Am I being disrespectful because I'm telling the truth and its offending you? I'm disrespectful because I choose not to sugarcoat things no matter how harsh or rough it may come off? You're a tad bit sensitive, so I have to tip toe around a topic that may sting because you're easily offended? Man up.

I hate people who want something from you but they wanna have control over your delivery.

Don't try to censor me. That's disrespectful.

Disrespect varies upon perception.

What I find disrespectful, some might not. And vice versa.

And how disrespectful am I, if I genuinely don't mean to offend?

What do I consider disrespectful? Anything concerning me, being made a mockery of .. Especially in my face.

I don't really tolerate disrespect. I'm quick to check people. And by that I mean, let it be known that I'm not feeling the vibes in a civilized manner. If I have to get rowdy, that only means that person took the disrespect further possibly fueled by anger at the fact that I pressed the issue and we had to get it popping. (That rarely happens, but I'm not above having to put hands on someone if shit get that real)

Now to me, opinion is not a valid form of disrespect. Nine out of ten, I can careless about someone's opinion.. if at all. Opinions change. How you feel for me could change tomorrow? Why would I get all riled up for how you feel today? I won't. And for every person that don't feel me, there's one that does.

Now, I can admit I'm pretty nonchalant about alot of things but I rarely get disrespected, people respect my shit. Probably because I have respect. Respect for myself, and others. Stranger or not I have a set level of respect for people. I like to treat others how I want to be treated, until they cross me.. And then, I get real disrespectful in the most respectful way, it stings more. Wayyy more.

I can make you feel as big as I want to and as small as I want to with my words. All calm, well-spoken and enunciated.. It's that real.

It's nothing for me to verbally kill you to the point where you physically want to assassinate me. Just don't disrespect me.

Another form of disrespect, consciously doing something that I previously stated I didn't like; and you nodded like yeah I got it when it was brought to your attention .. Yet your actions seem to have caught amnesia.

Disrespect isn't really as much about action as it is intent. I am aware shit happens and more than often, things aren't what they seem.. But intent. That right there is the core of disrespect.

Intention is really everything. That's what separates the good from the bad. Was it instinct, reflex? .. Or premeditated? Alot of times we disrespect ourselves by becoming consumed by self-conscious emotions stir(red) up with assumptions.. Assuming that what we were offended by, was INTENTIONALLY meant to offend us?
And when we're corrected, we get even more offended at the audacity of the motherfucker trying to correct us.

How the fuck you gonna tell me how I feel? - Right?

How the fuck you gonna tell somebody what they meant? - Right.

Petty people notice petty things and feeds into it. Even if it doesn't relate to them, By the end of the conversation they would've named all the reasons why you KNEW you were referring to them or intentionally offended them with your blatant disrespect .. Smh that's that "world revolves around me" syndrome.. Think of the guy who gets bumped on a crowded train and starts an altercation with the bumpee .. Little shit that can tick people off like that just shows how emotionally unstable people can be. That ain't got shit to do with you, but they'll try push it off as disrespect on your behalf. Don't feed into that.

Now don't get me wrong, some people are pussy and will sneakily disrespect you time and time again, if you don't check them. But it's not what you say, it's how you say it. Remember that.

But also, know when you're being baited. There's sick people in this world who are so consumed with you and your life that every time they look up, they hate their life even more .. So much that they shifted their hate towards you. And since they know so much about the object of their obsession.. I mean, affection (hate is love) they may even know a weakness or two. They will use what they know to get under your skin, do things to provoke you and get you out of character by "disrespecting" you.

Testing you to see your boiling point. See, you have everything to lose and these type of people just wanna see you lose it. They don't have it. They don't want you with it either. And if you feed into it, they've won. If you walk away, despite what some may say... You've truly won.
To entertain such nonsense is disrespectful to yourself. Anyone with the Intent to upset and disturb your peace is and will never be worth it.

As long as you can keep that in mind, you'll rarely feel disrespected. And if it ain't directed .. It ain't what? Respected. Right.

And respect is what it's really about. You don't gotta disrespect to get respect (in some cases, some people only respect disrespect but that's neither here nor there.) Respect has nothing to do with opinion, but instead the quality of someone's admirable character. An opinion or a sneak attack can't break your character, unless YOU let it.

Next time you feel disrespected or someone feels you disrespected them .. Ask this;

Do I truly feel disrespected or am I just highly offended?

Thursday, February 21, 2013


I like to remind myself. (Remember to remember)

It's easy to get distracted, it's easy to forget. I try to remain focused. So I gotta remember. Can't lose sight of what's important.

Gotta remind myself.. To appreciate what's right with me just as much as I focus on fixing what's wrong with me.

Gotta remind myself of the target, everything else is irrelevant..

Gotta remember that everybody not gonna see what I see until I show them. And I don't show everything I see. I tend to forget that.

Gotta remember that time is limited and funds are expendable. I often confuse the two. I can always get another dollar, but who's to say I'll get another hour.

Remember patience.
Patience ... Patience ..................

Remind those around you, how great they are.. We could all use reminders and little pick me ups.. We tend to forget. Never underestimate the power of your words of encouragement have on those you love.

Remind myself it's okay. Even if its not. Because eventually it will be. As long as I keep working and don't let anything slow me down.

Remind myself to read my positive thoughts every morning. Take my vitamins and do my fake work outs. Summer coming ;)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Like a great bra, Support is everything.

A support system is everything.

Things can progress without one, but with one.. Life is alot smoother. A whole lot smoother.

A support system to secure you don't fall off course. Making sure you're good. A team so united, walking to the moon seems like a walk in the park.

Those who have it are beyond blessed and those who don't spend their lives trying to find or build the right support system.

I used to have a support system. But it wasn't stable, so like most unstable things, it fell apart. Since then my support system is me. I have people that are supportive in my life, but they're just mainly rooting for me. I don't depend on anyone. For some time now, I only count on me. Even if I feel I can trust someone to do something, I still don't count on it. No one is obligated to me and I'm fully aware of this. And no one is gonna take care of you, like you.

It's kinda frustrating and overwhelming at times, I'm aware I can't do everything myself.. But that certainly doesn't stop me from trying every time. I guess I've been let down too many times for my liking.. And the way people act when they do things that's not for them, I pick up on vibes and I can always tell when people feel like they're doing you a favor as opposed to them genuinely wanting to help.

I have this obsession for genuine.

Genuinely, I would love nothing more than a stable support system. Knowing that I can breathe easy because shit is gravy, knowing that I can sleep a little better not needing to stress every little fucking thing that needs to get done. Knowing that I can move a little more forceful knowing I have my system behind me. But I don't.. Yet.

So for now until I build my proper support system, I have to continue to hold me down. And please don't get it confused. I NEVER complain about this. I am more than willing to pull my own weight, even when the load is heavy (which is more than often) .. If anything, I always feel useless if I cant pull my weight.

This drive, this ambition .. All my dreams and goals would be so much easier to obtain if I had more help. But I'm coming to see that I'm not meant to have anything easy. The universe wants me to work harder than I may have worked in my past lives to obtain what I want (I very much believe in reincarnation) and at first, I used to think it was unfair.. But now, I just use that as a fuel. And I'm revved up.

Another thing, acknowledging that I need help in more ways than one was definitely a big step for me. I really am a loner. I tend to keep to myself. So if I need help, I just try to figure it out on my own. I don't think of anyone to help me, I wouldn't even know who to ask for help. Shit.. being real, I don't know how to ask for help.

I swear, I'm so fucking articulate for just about everything, except asking for help. I'm like a band geek trying to ask the head cheerleader to homecoming when it comes to sticking my hand out. It just makes me feel weird. Maybe my ego is bigger than I can admit, but I can't help but to feel weak because I couldn't get what I needed done for me by me and am relying on outside assistance.

I don't know who I think I am. I'm far from superwoman. Maybe I was a man in a past life, my pride is certainly masculine. He strong too. I try to fight him everyday. I'm getting stronger by the day. And I've come to terms that its okay to accept help. I just have to be very careful on who I ask for help. Certain favors are tied to things you definitely don't need to be tied to.

I remember everything when I need to. And as I go on through life.. I remember all the moments I want my future children to experience and feelings that I never want them to endure. Which is why I want to be the best support system they can have, when I birth them.

Of course there are things I could've avoided had I a sturdy support system on me, but then I wouldn't be who I am today. But that still doesn't make me feel any better about the things I've had to endure.. Granted, I've avoided wayyyyyy more things on my own, that would've gotten me caught up like alot of girls my age with no support system. Thanks to my mindset for that.

And with that being said, my mindset will provide me with the proper guidelines to building a stable support system that won't let me down, no matter how hard the wind blows.

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Truth is I come from dysfunction, I understand dysfunction, I relate to it .. I study it so I know what to avoid, cause and effects .. And how the effect cause changes in things and people. And the fucked up reality behind it all. Only understood if you too seen it for yourself.

People like to believe illusions.. It's prettier than the truth. But the truth no matter how unappealing it might be, is the truth. And will always remain that way. If you don't acknowledge it for what it is, how could you ever improve it? Your illusions will change, but that truth will still be there. Majority of the time, it actually gets worse because it isn't being attended to. (too busy keeping up with that illusion). Don't let someone expose to you, what's right in front of your face ..

Not speaking on truth is different from not acknowledging the truth. "Now that there said something"

Selective honesty, is still honesty. I get that. But flat out lie. I don't get that. I never ask anything I don't want to hear the answer to. So if I'm asking.. I'm hoping for the truth. Nothing more, nothing less. I answer what's asked, I never volunteer extra information.. So I fully comprehend the concept of asking the right questions.

Shit, you gotta ask yourself the right questions.. Get specific.
Am I on my A game? Am I really giving (whatever you think you're devoted to) my all? Where can I improve? Always give yourself reality checks. If you want to lie to people, fine. Whatever. But don't, please just don't lie to yourself.

No matter how far I've gone in life as of today, I still don't feel anywhere near close to contentment with my reality. I'm not where I want to be, but I'm in a better place than I used to be.. And as this crosses my mind like clockwork, I notice two kinds of people around me .. People who are content with their reality, and the people who are not. And I always wish for those who aren't content to find that and those that are content, I'm happy for them. I don't feel they're beneath me or any less than me because I want more, we're all different. As long as you're happy, I'm happy for you. Just don't hold me back. And those who aren't content and aren't doing things to make that possible, annoy me. Mainly because they're the same ones complaining about their circumstances and they're not doing anything to change that.

People love talking to me for two reason, I don't judge and I don't sugarcoat. I don't like math but I'm great at solving other people's problems (which is probably why I'm everybody's personal therapist) you come to me with a problem, we're gonna solve this shit.. we're gonna break shit down, weigh out some options and help you separate feeling from logic. I'm not sitting there comparing problems, or morals. (Watch who you seek insight from some just truly want to compare their life to yours) I'm honest and blunt. And this is about you. Not me. So I won't tell you what you wanna hear, Ima tell you what you need to hear, even if you don't want to hear it. I won't rub it in your face, or ridicule you. It's not that type of party. I'm not that type of person. My approach is just reminding you of what you already know. You just letting other bullshit cloud your logic. I'm here to clear that.

And logically, everything makes sense. Emotionally, nothing does.

Which is why truth is so fragile yet very much requi(red) .. If the truth is approached logically. It makes sense. Emotionally.. The lie is better. The lie feels good. Those lies sound like a lullabies.. Drifting off into dream world.. Where the situation is everything it seems and you've escaped that reality .. And you won't look back. But you wake up, and realize, those lies were just that. Lies. But you rather lie in bed and believe that with every fiber in your being because it FEELS good rather than bruise that ego and build a better truth..

Lies never made me feel that good. But that's just me and we've already established I'm a tad odd.

I really don't like being lied to. I don't. I don't care if I can't help when I'm being lied to, I still don't like it. "Deception is the only felony." That's exactly what a lie is.. A deception.

To deceive me is insulting my intelligence. Insulting me. Like I'm not worthy of the truth, like I don't have my emotions in order, that the truth will bring me out of character. Putting me in the same group with those who couldn't handle the truth, without giving me the chance to see if I could handle it. And even when I can't handle something, I handle it better than most people. How can I not get offended?
You just robbed me of a chance to shine and show my godly like ability to understand the human mind, and process the reality of something I didn't know existed so well. Smh

I don't like to pay for the mistake of others and I try my hardest not to let others pay for the mistakes people have made with me. Which is why I really respect honesty. Even if I don't agree, I can understand. And I'll respect that way more than any lie.

Honesty gives you a choice, a lie is the choice made for you.

I like to make my own choices. I love to be around people who encourage me to do that. I really appreciate them for that.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Blast from the past; Back to reality.

First and foremost, I am really disgusted with myself, I missed my deadline.. Before this month is over, that project will be completed. I owe myself that much. With that being said.. I can continue.

Blast from the past. Lord.
Lol it's always amusing when people you never really associated with, are reaching out to you now. To me anyway, I always think what you want? What made you think of me now? And what was oh so different then? Is it because every time you see me, I'm looking better than the last time? Were you secretly withholding feelings for me and now you just gotta let it out?

Back to reality.
Motives. Everybody got 'em, whether you are affected negatively or positively is ultimately revealed with time.

I always wonder about people who like to wander down memory lane and re connect with some. I mean didn't it end for a reason? And if the terms were bad upon departure why would you even wanna go back there?

I personally don't like looking back. I feel if we've stop speaking, we probably won't ever speak again. It would really be pointless. And I mean seeing you in the street and not acknowledging your presence type of scenario.

"They say people in life are seasons, and everything that happens is for a reason." — Kanye West

The seasons may repeat themselves but the years are always different.

If you were once a season in my life and you left .. You really gone for good. It's nothing personal. But the circle don't get bigger. It's already tight. I'm a very reasonable person, quite loving I might add lol but if I stop fucking with you, it's really your loss. I'm very understanding so for me to not fuck with you, you really not shit. My character analysis don't fail. You won't convince me I'm stupid, like I dont know what I'm talking about. I truly be knowing.

I'm not fond of giving many chances.. Mainly because every time they get it wrong it's just all around draining. I expected the usual, hoped for more and you proved the usual. My thing is, like I said I'm reasonable.. But don't set standards, not meet those same standards you set and think I'm just gonna be okay with it. That's the quickest way to becoming the past...

Lately, I've been getting alot of blast from the past... I guess a few people who feel we have unfinished business. I see it as you didn't finish it then, we certainly aren't finishing it now. And it's weird, I'm a super bitch at the flick of a switch. But if I ever ca(red) about you; it's hard for me to tell you things I know will hurt. And no matter how I try to phrase it.. It will hurt. But my time is so precious, I hate to waste a second but your time ran out. As much as you want to flip that hourglass and do this again, I gotta go. I'm on a different time. Just doesn't work well with you. It doesn't work well with me. Skipping down memory lane gonna make me miss my future plane. I can't do that. I won't do that.

What do you do when your past tryna be your present and future?

It's hard to decipher that, varies on the past. Is it worth it? Did you miss something then, that you see now? Do you like what you see and wonde(red) why you still feel this way after all this time? Do you get tingles and shivers through your body in their presence? If all are yes. Then your past is still very present. You should by all means pursue that, if that door is still open. If its not. Move on.

I wanna change my number again. I need to cut some more strings, I know I'm hard to reach.. But I feel there's still some people lingering that don't belong. And it will be a nice way of saying I don't fuck with you, to those who can no longer reach me. And I really hate my area code.

Back to reality.

If you're in my past, you will remain there.. My present is focused on creating my future.

Sunday, February 10, 2013


I hate to impose. So I don't.

I never been one to force things or put pressure on others.. It's annoying and doesn't end well.

People don't like to feel like they're being forced. If you're forcing it, the other person clearly doesn't want any parts. The person may not realize they don't want any parts until you put the pressure on..

If I tell you I got front row tickets to your favorite artist concert with backstage passes, you canceling anything you had in mind to go. Fuck work, fuck school .. Man fuck these kids (if you got 'em) you wanna go and nothing gonna stop you. I wouldn't need to convince you. Right?

Cool. Now if I tell you I got two shovels, meet me at 3am, me and you gonna dig up some shit in the cemetery, not only will you think I'm crazy but you'll give me all the excuses in the world not to go. It's 3 am, it's manual labor involved, we could get arrested or worse possessed. Fuck no. Right? Cool.

I could impose, bring up wild shit I've done for you in the past, or how often I was there when you needed me.. But for what? You don't wanna do it. No matter what I try to force .. You still won't wanna do it. And sometimes you REALLY don't wanna do it if I force it on you. It's like natural for us to resist what's being pushed on us. Think about it. If you gotta push up I clearly didn't want it.

*think about those flyers people pass out. Standing there smack dab in the middle of sidewalk traffic screaming their promotions, hand out with the flyer .. You don't glance .. Shit you not even tryna make eye contact, but somehow that flyer will be waved in your face and even pushed on to your hand ... Naturally you'll wave it away and keep it moving, you really don't want it at this point. But think of those people who take the flyers trying to be nice, what they do as soon as they're out of sight? Toss that flyer.

Don't be the person handing out the flyer or you'll end up like the flyer.

I hateeee imposing things on people. I love when people do things because they want to. Genuinely want to, not because I asked 1,828,283 times .. That's annoying for both parties. And people do things better when they want to, not as carelessly as its done when it feels like you HAVE too.

Perfect example with guys.

If we're getting to know each other.. The more you get to know about me you'll know what I like, don't like, pet peeves, energy boosts.. Depending how interested you are in me ...

I always determine how much a guy is interested in me by how much thought he puts into things including me. Even if he don't say it, because I get to know people so well so quickly, I can tell whether or not thought was put into something based on how much I know about them. I ask vague like questions but the answers and actions say more about you than the actual question, I never make it hot. I just make a note and keep it moving.

I accept men for who they are, that's why I pride myself in knowing who I'm dealing with. The better I feel I know you, the better I can assess how this would work; if it can work to begin with. I don't ask for a man to change his ways. I don't demand things. Demanding things is usually a sign of something missing. To require something from one who doesn't seem willing is a waste of time for me. Idk about everybody else.

I noticed some women pride themselves to changing men, I'm not one. You either wasting time; waiting on the change or get left with the change. Very rare I hear of anything else. I'm not with it.

I shouldn't have to ask you for anything. I shouldn't have to demand for special treatment or time. You should want to give me these things, you should want to be everything I need because you feel I'm everything you need. And seeing me in even the slightest negative mood should bother you, and anything I wanna pursue.. You're right there, not because I asked you to be but because there's no other place you rather be. And seeing things you'll know I like and getting it for me is more instinct than careful planning. Pushing me when I get overwhelmed and feel I'm not enough for the world.. Reminding me how you feel by showing me you care and be so attentive it's scary. Scary like forgetting I mentioned something but your actions reminded me I said it, and you, actually.. listened.

You know how rare that is? No man will ever do it by force. It will never feel the same forced. That's why I never ask for that. I don't impose that. Not everyone willing to give that. To just anybody anyway.

I'm willing to give that, not just to anybody as well.

I often drift away and lose touch with guys who try to pursue me but its not really me. It really be them, I can't tell them that because they'll take it way more personally but it's like c'mon. You not really that into me so who you tryna fool me or you? If we talk more about you than me, you're not that into me. If you not interested in what I do with my life, you're not that into me. If you're not thinking of ways to "court me" instead of "score with me" .. You really not that interested in me. And that's okay.

I understand men just wanna fuck. I fully comprehend that. And if you let them, men will fuck you. Doesn't mean they like you .. Just means their dick got hard and it seems a little bit gay if they don't fuck (unless they're tryna be faithful). So knowing this, I'm very -_- nonchalant to say the least when I'm pursued. But don't be mad if I don't let you fuck because I feel you're not that into me .. Or if I stop fucking you because of that. (Feelings do fade) like I said I don't impose, I just let go.

Because the best things happen naturally.. No force needed. If you feel you're doing too much, Stop. that means you're under appreciated. When you're appreciated you're willing to give more.. If you feel like you need to fall back .. Fall all the way back. Don't force it, if anything force yourself to move on.

I tried forcing a scenario once .. He played the role so well he set the standards .. I guess he either got ti(red) of playing it or said fuck it, he got me. Idk. Probably both. But I tried to bring that back, remind him of what used to be. What had got me so hooked and I wanted a fix so bad. I wanted that man back. Not the person who stood before me taking me for granted, making me feel like I wasn't good enough anymore. And that's a horrible feeling when those same eyes used to look at you like he saw a new day, now look at you like it's just another day. That's so wack. And instead of just forcing myself to move on, I tried to force him. And he just got worse. And when it finally hit me, it was over ..this is it. I ran away and never looked back.

I know better, and I've found better.. Which always makes me glad I don't impose.

Never try to force it, but somehow they tend to gravitate in my orbit.

Forcing pushes what you want away. Accepting people for who they are always makes them want to be a better person cause of you. But you have to truly love who they are.

Telling someone you love them but want to alter things about them is not love, it's selfish. You trying to customize a person for you when this person has customized themselves their entire life for them. You rejecting any piece of them is still rejecting them. People aren't too fond of rejection. Accepting people for who they are is saying, I love you for who you are right now; and although you have potential to be better than this, THIS is good enough.

And if it isn't good enough for you, don't impose .. Just let go.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Bird bitches.

Warning; if any of the following offends you .. You are a bird bitch. Don't deny it any longer, just accept it and grow from this. If it don't apply, let it fly and enjoy the ride.

Bird bitches are different breed branch from the female tree.

Please learn to identify the bird bitch from the "bird".. Yes there's a difference.

Every female has a little "bird" in her (busting out the chicken head when hood hop come on) the same way every female has a little "hoe" in her (twerking when dodo(do the?) brown play in the club).. But the bird bitch. Oh they are in a league of their own.

How do you spot a bird bitch, you might be asking (Tyrone biggums voice) ..

It's in the attitude.

Check for the females who's ego is bigger than her actual presence.

Depending on where she's from, her style may vary.. but no matter what they wear the bird bitch will always think she's the best thing since febreeze. That's always not the case.

Because you see, the bird bitch comes in many shades and sizes .. Some may not be physically attractive and some might be, but because they are bird bitches.. They're one in the same.

Ugly bird bitches don't get it as hard as the attractive ones (ugly bird bitches blame their looks for their lack of approaches, when in reality it's because not only are you a bird bitch, you're not even attractive which just makes it worse) .. The attractive ones get approached more, but once the bird bitch reveals herself .. They get left just as quickly as they were approached. So they go around thinking men ain't shit when in reality they're not shit ..(you are what you attract) and they'll use their "beauty" as a crutch to gain attention and try to add reassurance to fill that void that she can't explain.

I mean she can, but she doesn't even wanna admit she's a bird bitch.

Are you a bird bitch? .. Lets dig a little.

All bird bitches use the same logic.
Bird Bitch Logic.

Bird bitch logic; the logic in which a bitch w| bird tendencies expects more than she's willing to give due to her sense of self-entitlement.

Bird bitch logic sets standards on men that they wish to reach but don't think they can without a man.

Bird bitch logic says that the image is more important than the reality of it.

Bird bitch logic makes everyone else's life around her more difficult because she refuses to accept responsibility for her own action.. And she justifies this by blaming everyone else who won't feed into her traps.

Bird bitches are always looking for a come up.. through someone else. Their logic tells them they are entitled to this because to even breathe the same air as them? You gotta pay up, or make yourself useful to them.

You see the bird bitch isn't wrong for having a mind frame of that sort. You should always feel your worthy .. But you should always know your worth. And if you look and discover you aren't worth much, you up your stock. (Yeezy taught me)

The problem with bird bitches is they expect everything but give nothing.

Not by choice either.

Bird bitches spend their lives feeding off other people, never building or working towards their own.. So nothing they ever have lasts long.

Anything they received were through other people .. So as they get left (bird bitches run through so many people throughout a lifetime) the bird bitches has to keep a revolving door, they rely on others .. They can not be without others.

Bird bitches don't fish, they eat.

They don't wanna learn, for what? They got fisherman lined up .. They gonna eat regardless bc closed legs don't get fed. And bird bitches busting open by any means necessary.

And when they have kids????

Lorddddd I pray for any man who plays an active role in their child's life and the mother is a bird bitch.

The kid is an asset and a liability. She ain't have to fish, she just pushed out a kid. Bird bitches seem to be really fertile. Kids are like live bait on a fishing rod for bird bitches, they just swing the rod out and reel in the findings. I've witnessed bird bitches raise kids and its always so sad. Kids being used as pawn and bird bitches can't play checkers, let alone chess .. It always ends up messy, no child should endure that. But unless we have a DP (department of parenting) and you have to get a license to be suited fit for parenting, we really have no say in how one raises their child. Bird bitch or not.

Bird bitch prey on men who have everything going for themselves but lack something, maybe excitement .. A bird bitch always down for some fun especially if its gonna lead to some funds. The bird bitches put on performances to seduce their prey and they do this very well, I mean they don't really know anything else.

Bird bitches aren't educated. Idc how much schooling they've have, I'm not speaking book smart anyway .. If they knew better, they'd do better.

The main characteristic in a bird bitch is denial.

They're aren't aware. And I don't mean just publicly.. I mean even when they're alone, self reflecting (which is rare for the bird bitch, majority aren't enlightened), they never question things and actions they do because nothing is ever their fault.

They're always in the middle of something, always got a new boyfriend/step daddy for their kids. Making public scenes, confrontational, easily offended, mildly retarded, know more about Hollywood current events than what's going with their kids at school, barely with their kids.. Bird bitches the type to argue with their mother or usual sitter because they wanna go out and nobody wants to watch their kid. Bitch, you don't even wanna watch your own kid, why should anyone else?

Or the bird bitches who say fuck this, take their kids with them to their 'clearly not suitable for children' environment; baby ray ray in her left hand, snotty nose, dirty tshirt (or extremely fresh.. Bird bitches don't know in betweens) her styrofoam cup (what's in my cup stays in my cup) filled with nut crackers from the nigga down the block in her right hand. I always wonder how those kids will grow up and my heart aches when I see some of them grow up. You see the resentment in their eyes for their bird bitch of a mother.

Don't be a bird bitch. No man wants that, no child wants that. Only you can change you, bird bitches never die. They get old and bitter.

Kill the bird bitch inside you.

Only chance for survival. Bird bitches weren't made to survive, they're made to be used til they can't be used anymore.. Then tossed back into the wild, a little piece of them gone with each toss .. And a little more lost. Smh

Feel free to use the bird bitch, a bird bitch will certainly use you.

Some bird bitches are a little more clever than the others, so beware.. Just identify that she is one from the beginning and handle her accordingly.

Hope you bird bitches find your souls ..
Hope those of you who deal with them on a regular don't get caught in their web of deception.

Bird bitches only care about themselves. Remember that.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


It really is different ...

I haven't had time to focus on anything else, but the task at hand. I have this deadline to meet and lord knows if I don't meet it I'll probably be more depressed than a preteen with backstage passes to a Justin beiber concert and she aint get to go bc she failed her bio test.

It's that serious.

I have all the faith in the world that this will get done so there's no room for negative thoughts.

Working on this has pointed out a lot of my flaws I still have.

Time management being one..
Planning being another one.

Two things I'm shaky with. But both are key to anything I want to do.

I'm learning more and more each day how to get those two things on point within me.

I wouldn't even be so nervous had I planned and set this up way earlier. I mean I did. But not as in detail as I have in the past two weeks.

But this must get done. No ifs or buts.

I feel so strongly about this. I just wanna make sure it's perfect in my eyes.

I can't wait to show it.

A sight to see indeed.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Average vs. Rich

21 ways rich people think differently than average people.

Where do you fall?

1. Average people think MONEY is the root of all evil. Rich people believe POVERTY is the root of all evil.

2. Average people think selfishness is a vice. Rich people think selfishness is a virtue.

3. Average people have a lottery mentality. Rich people have an action mentality.

4. Average people think the road to riches is paved with formal education. Rich people believe in acquiring specific knowledge.

5. Average people long for the good old days. Rich people dream of the future.

6. Average people see money through the eyes of emotion. Rich people think about money logically.

7. Average people earn money doing things they don’t love. Rich people follow their passion.

8. Average people set low expectations so they’re never disappointed. Rich people are up for the challenge.

9. Average people believe you have to DO something to get rich. Rich people believe you have to BE something to get rich.

10. Average people believe you need money to make money. Rich people use other people’s money.

11. Average people believe the markets are driven by logic and strategy. Rich people know they’re driven by emotion and greed.

12. Average people live beyond their means. Rich people live below theirs.

13. Average people teach their children how to survive. Rich people teach their kids to get rich.

14. Average people let money stress them out. Rich people find peace of mind in wealth.

15. Average people would rather be entertained than educated. Rich people would rather be educated than entertained.

16. Average people think rich people are snobs. Rich people just want to surround themselves with like-minded people.

17. Average people focus on saving. Rich people focus on earning.

18. Average people play it safe with money. Rich people know when to take risks.

19. Average people love to be comfortable. Rich people find comfort in uncertainty.

20. Average people never make the connection between money and health. Rich people know money can save your life.

21. Average people believe they must choose between a great family and being rich. Rich people know you can have it all.

Very interesting I might add. For any clarification visit this link for the full article.