"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Images of women; II - Women Becoming.

We're half way through 2013 .. 
A lot has changed, alot is changing. 
Especially in the progression of women. Half for the better, half for the worse. 

Lets start with the bad, 
Now in today's society we have two types of females; females that are progressing and females that are destructive. 

The destructive female. 
Any female that isn't working towards building, is destroying. Family, personal, business. As females we have the power to build and create something meaningful not just to those around us, but for us. It makes sense, the sense of fulfillment we get when we finish what we started and see our seeds sprout into beautiful plants, in all aspects. 

Now some females are broken internally. Some aren't aware, some are but are just too hurt to fix it. Either way this is a problem. These type of women indulge in things strictly for themselves, and no one else. Not for positive reasons anyway. They don't contribute to society, all they do is wreck it. Here's why, the men they prey on are left with a distorted view of women after them. The people who extend a hand always gets their hand bitten so they're timid of lending a hand after them. The children who are used as a pawn and a liability are confused to what's real and what's all apart of a scheme. Trust issues all around the board. Views of life and people so fucked up because mommy dearest was a total selfish bitch. 

Destructive women never look back. If they did, they would notice the sight of all the damage they've caused and would change their way of living, leaving her trailblazer past of destruction behind her (she can change, once she's aware). But usually she's not. She's usually finding closure for everything that's occu(red) in her life everywhere except where she needs to look, inside herself. Most walk around with this sense of entitlement due to these emotional reparations they feel they deserve from everyone who encounters them. It's not right. 

Let me be clear, I don't care what's your profession, how you live, how much material possessions you own, how well you take care of your kids. That doesn't mean anything if you're internally destructive. There's plenty of women who are in power and have it all together but themselves. They're still destructive, they hurt everyone around them but themselves. And sure in the end, they suffer the most for their ways but so are alot of lives that shouldn't have been this negatively affected by a woman. Granted we accept what we allow, so we must hold a sense of self accountability when dealing with women of that nature.. But realistically, some women have that effect. The destructive play Damsel in distress very well.. The destructive never seems to be destructive until the time bomb go off. It's a matter of being aware and not ignoring the signs, if there's nothing visible.. There's signs visible. Check for them. 

The worst part of the destructive female is the fact they make it harder for the genuine progressive female in alot of aspects. Fuck the fact that being a female is hard enough already but now we have to dodge these hurt men and constantly prove ourselves to be genuine because of the destructive impostors. And some have never seen genuine so when they do, it's so frightening they assume destruction is the fate of this encounter. I can't blame them, hard to recognize real when you've been surrounded by illusions of it for so long.  

But we're out here. Oh trust we're out here. I include myself in the category of women progressing because I'm far from destructive, in fact I'm the opposite. My trail leaves behind better people even if we've parted ways. I choose to empower  those I'm around instead of tearing them down to build myself up as destructive women tend to do. 

Progressive women are just that. Progressive. In all aspects, they're bettering themselves and others. They look for ways to be a better person, a better contributor to their loved ones and society. They aren't trying to get ahead while pushing others behind them in the process, they aren't stepping on toes but instead trying to step up together with those around them. Nurturing and providing a stable foundation to truly prosper. And today, I couldn't be happier  seeing women progress like this. Empowering our youth through success and still embodying everything a women should be. Still a lady about your movements, while moving like a boss. Bravo.

These women show us, you can have your business and your family. Society has this conception embedded in us that we can't have both. But we can, if we want it. Some want one more than the other, aren't really honest about it. They either yearn for what they lack because they lack it or they chose the wrong thing to pursue and now realize it. Because we can create life, I personally believe women are unstoppable. I mean we bleed for days consecutively every month but yet we live... What can't we really do? Mind over matter ladies. 

We are extremely powerful. Especially today. Society has all these options laid out for us, it's on us to go get it. And realistically.. Because we're females we can get it a little bit faster.. Depending on how you move and your intentions. Keep in mind your intentions can launch you forward or pull you back. Doors will get open for you, you're a female. There's plenty who want to help us get ahead. The doors will be opened, whether you choose to walk through is ultimately on you.. And who you are determines whether you get to stay or it's just a temporary visit. Whether its to stay or just a visit, ensure you take all you can without having to use your hands to take it. But so much you can hold in them, the mind doesn't have a capacity. 

As women we do have to take advantage of everything that makes us women in the most positive and progressive manner.. For the betterment of you as a whole. A better you is not only beneficial to you but everyone around you. People feed off a strong woman. A sure woman. A good woman. It's the way of the world.

As a woman, your daily objective should be on what you're becoming, your route there.. And keeping an eye on who you are during this process. Making sure you glance back, not to dwell but to make sure you didn't leave anything behind. Stepping forward with pride and a smile. Because the woman you're becoming, is everything you want to be. That's how it should be. Right? 

Get with it or stay lost.

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