"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Thursday, July 11, 2013


I want it all. Half was never the agreement. 
Me? I want everything .. It won't take me long. 

I know what I want out of life, I know what I want for myself, I know what and who I want to be surrounded with.

Want - verb [ desire to possess or do (something) ]  

Want is a desire .. Some desires are stronger than others. When you want to do something, depending on how bad you want to do.. You get it done. If you want a pair of shoes bad enough you will do everything in your power to obtain them.. If you want to be a doctor, you study your ass off, skip plenty of sleep and earn all types of grants and scholarships for medical school. If you want a sandwich you take your ass in that kitchen to make the sandwich and if you're lacking anything for the sandwich; your hungry ass is gonna go to the store to get whatever's missing, or the nearest deli for a sandwich because you're hungry and you just gotta have a sandwich. 
It's a want. 

Regardless of what the want is. If you want it bad enough you're gonna go get it. If you don't, you didn't want it that bad. Be honest. You don't have to want the same things as bad as the next person. Our wants varies. But be true to yourself. Figure out what you really want, in allllll aspects. Like every single aspect of your life. And once you do that, go get it. What the fuck would you be waiting for? The hardest part is figuring out what it is that you want.. 

You think obtaining it is hard? You don't want it that bad.. You want something so bad when obtaining it is your only concern. You're not concerned with the difficulty of obtaining that want, because all you want is that want and nothing is gonna stop you. No mountain, obstacle or hurdle gonna slow you down. You want it, you gonna go get it. How bad do you want it? Huh? How bad? 
Bad enough to make it yours? 

That applies with people as well, persistence applied to a person is almost always successful.. I know plenty of men (for example) who were on their spouse until she "gave in". He wanted her, and stopped at nothing to get her.. It happens all the time. Especially with men. They want a female, they will move mountains to get her.. If they want her that bad. If he doesn't.. He walks around her and over to the one who truly caught his eye. That desire .. That want is so strong, it won't leave until its satisfied. 

Alot of men say they want me, but very few show me they want me .. So the ones that don't show that they want me, never get me. I don't think they want me that bad.. If they did, the effort would show. 

People say they want a lot of things, they may say they want others .. But their actions in pursuit of that want or lack thereof, shows how intense that want was in the first place.. If they never get it, they didn't want it that bad. It was a front, they thought they wanted it.. But they didn't. If they get it, they truly wanted it. Especially with the more complex wants. It's life. 

Pay attention.

I want it all.. And I know I will get ALL of it, I just organize my wants in order from greatest desire to least and just knock them down as I go along. I'm always gonna do what I want to do, I'm always gonna go after what I want.. Even if its out of reach, I'm not above going the extra mile to fulfill a desire. I want it that bad. I'll get mines. Will you get yours? Do you even know what's yours? What (who) you want to be yours? If you know and haven't got it, go get it. By any means..

Ain't that what you want? 

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