"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Images of women; Women w|o Men.

A woman without a man means two things in today's society:
She's a lesbian.
She's damaged goods & no man wants her.

- I think it's pretty humorous to me that if you're an 'attractive' woman with everything going for herself and you don't have a man; there's something wrong with you. Like you're mentally unstable or super psychotic. And that may be the case with some women but not all.

Some women realistically just doesn't have the time it takes to invest in a healthy relationship, some rather compatibility over convenience (which we all should), some are just really focused on bettering themselves.

Why does it throw people off when a woman is without a man? In today's society, honestly .. We don't really need a man. We can make our own money, build our own shit, make ourselves cum(sex toys) and even have a baby (sperm bank) without the presence of a real man. Yet, we're looked at as if we're incomplete if we have no man.

Granted back in the day, you couldn't see a woman without a man by her side. In fact, some parts of the world today; a woman can't be out in public unless accompanied by a man. A mans role is very dominant in a woman's life, but it isn't requi(red) in today's society.

Especially with how the image of a man is today. Due to the lack of father figures in the last few generations and the increase in this absence as time went on.. Most men today have no clue on how to be a man. Alot of men have bitch tendencies. Now, I said father figure. Just because your actual father wasn't around doesn't mean you went without experiencing a father figure in someone else. Father is one who raised you, not who made you. And most REAL men if they didn't have a father, definitely had a father figure. They saw what a real man supposed to be. And the bitch men were too bitter to allow the father role to be filled by someone else. So they never really had an idea of what a real man is. So they grew with this hate in their heart and lashed it out on the women in their lives leaving a trail of scorned and batte(red) women usually with a child or two, if a son doomed to his same fate, if a daughter even worse. So I don't have statistics but I'd 45% of men are Real men at this rate ... But that can always change. Men can always better themselves and be a real man. But that's on them.

That being said, as a woman who knows what she wants out of life and refuses to be destroyed at the hands of a boy who's trapped in a man's body.. If you studied the male species as they cross your path whether directly or indirectly, why wouldn't you know what you don't choose to tolerate? Why would things catch you off guard if you really knew this man to begin with? Why couldn't you recognize those familiar traits early on? Traits of a man vs a boy, don't let the body fool you. Tap into that soul girl. Alot of men look good, got his own thing going on.. you feeling his vibe, but how mature is he when it matters? Alot of women fear being alone because society has tainted the image of women without men, so they settle with illusions of a man. The bitch nigga.

I feel as women we do get excited with visuals.. We love diamonds, pearls, the sparkles, glitter. So a man that's giving off the illusion that's extremely appealing to your liking.. your emotions go into overload and you ready to bare his child, cause aint no way you using a condom with him.. you wanna feeeel him, huh? Lmfao some will be satisfied with just the illusion.

Some, like myself.. Likes to dig a little deeper.. To see if his illusion is a reflection of his delusion or just a reflection of his soul. That's when I'm truly sold. Honestly., I am very aware of how deceiving the illusion is, but the soul doesn't lie. And I can't be content with a man by my side if we're not connected on all levels. And especially the soul.. If I tap into it and see I don't like your core, you as good as gone. It doesn't matter what you look like, what you have, what you can do for me..if we can't get in tuned .. It's not gonna work.

Now. That's me, that's why I'm not in a relationship at this point in time. I feel it's more than sex and convenience, and how beneficial it might be for either party. It's a waste of time to me. I can't put that effort towards something I don't see going anywhere. And I don't feel the need to just to avoid being alone. It's not that serious. You do need YOU time between 'relationships' to make sure you good. Like really good. Now, I won't lie sometimes I get lonely.. I have needs too. :( but not just anyone is good enough.. And I've done the whole friends with benefit type relationships in the past which is still kinda single, I guess. Lol. But I do go through periods of 'celibacy' .. If anything I feel when I get laid, its by accident lmfao that's not the point. The point is despite the fact that I could be involved with someone, I choose not to. I like to figure out how men I'm attracted to tick, so I can always know what time it is.. And if we're in different time zones.. I let go. I don't force things, I'm not desperate. I have my own shit I have going on and majority of my mind is there .. So for me to devote time and effort, we have to be on the same time. And I won't let you slow me down nor will I slow you down either.

I feel as women, we set the standards. Men do what we allow. And you gotta ask yourself what does what I allow from him say about me? I set standards for myself so I expect the same from a man but I lead by example. The mirror effect. Your man is a real man when he helps you grow, bettering you because you do the same, you set the standard.. If its in fact the opposite, you're with a boy. And that's not gonna work unless you a little girl. In that case, y'all gonna be kids forever. As a woman, a real woman you should be able to stand strong without a man, if you can't when a man do come around .. He's your crutch. Do you want a crutch? Or do you want to stand just as tall as him?

A real man isn't intimidated by a woman who can do without a man. Only a bitch man will feel threatened by your ability to hold your own without the assistance of a man. He feels threatened because he feels that's his outlet to control you. Men who want to control women who can't do for themselves because the more these men do, the more indebted these women become. And these women who become these.. slaves for these type of men, the fear of being alone keeps them from running away. From breaking free from those chains these men have such a tight grip on, the fear doesn't allow them to recognize this isn't healthy. He isn't a man. I am slowly dying on the inside. Instead fear screams you're washed, nobody wants you, you're gonna die alone. The next man gonna do the same exact thing why start over? ... It's fucking tragic. And I hope these women leave before its too late. But again that's on them.

I am thankful I'm not one of those women who lives in fear, fear of how society may view me.. Especially fearing being alone. And it's probably because I know I won't be alone my whole life. C'mon now. I'm awesome, who wouldn't love me? (Ego talk) lmao ^-^ no but seriously, it's okay to be without a man, use that time no matter how long or short it might be to better you, better your life and the right guy will cross your path when the time is right. Being alone isn't the worst thing in the world. Feeling alone when you're with someone is way worse.

In my opinion.

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