"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Hey October.. 2 months left of 2013. 
Shit is real. 

The leaves are falling..

Certainly going to be a very interesting month.. Set my monthly goals and even got a head start yesterday which is always good.

It's always a spooky feeling that comes over me in those moments, I finally realize what certain vibes meant, after I've felt them and acted without knowing mentally why; pure instinctual action. Like my mind doesn't question my body, cause my body knows why.. My mind hasn't gotten the written memo, my body got the vibe memo. It's weird. But I really pick up vibes, I never ignore them.. they don't lie, they often say more than the verbal conversation between people. 

I realize everyday how much of who I am, is really who I've always been.. I just understand myself better as I go along. I know why I do what I do, I know why I don't do what I don't. Even if I'm not consciously aware at the moment, It all comes to me in due time. I never been one to fight how I feel, I may not always vocalize it as its happening.. I like to vocalize my emotions once I make sense of them, but in my actions, I act on it. I will always show how I feel.. How you interpret it is none of my business, not my concern. I don't act on my vibes for a response, if I don't like the vibes, I'll get ghost. No seriously, ghost.. I won't say I'm leaving. I never told anyone I was leaving.. I don't like to announce my departure, I just fade into the background without making a sound.. Some people won't let you leave, not cause they want you there, but because they don't want to get left.. So they'll try to sway you into staying, while they plot their escape.. I don't have time for that. 

I don't have time for alot of things and people, so I remain secluded in a sense. Some I don't have time for because they just aren't worth the time, some because the time they deserve, I can't provide.. I'm on a different time than many of those around me, some understand, some don't. Those that don't will soon enough and if not. Not really my problem. 

As much as I would love to believe everyone is about their word, it's just not realistic.. But vibes, oh sweet old reliable vibes, will never lie to you. Even if your mind can't grasp what's going on just yet, let your body guide you. You truly know. You'll make sense of it later. People will say one thing, body language say something else, which do you trust? The body doesn't lie ... Just know that. 

Spooky shit going on, but I'm keeping calm as always.. Listening to my vibes as well as others.. Actions reveal all. 

Shit real.

I can't wait for Halloween, btw. ^_^

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