"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Friday, October 11, 2013


I hate to sound repetitive, unless I'm tryna remember something. Those are alarms.. 

But I noticed not only do certain things sound repetitive, they feel and seem repetitive as well. These cycles of repetition in certain aspects do not stop repeating themselves, unless their broken. It doesn't even have to sound the same.. But it always feels the same. The circumstances may differ, the people and dialogue as well.. But the repetitive feeling cycle is the same... Something is wrong. Right? Depending on the feeling. 

I was analyzing myself as I had my body on autopilot, I thought about how different circumstances are now yet, the same repetitive feelings in certain aspects are reoccurring, I know what stage I'm in.. I'm familiar with this feeling. I know what's next.. But as I decoded this particular cycle, I drifted towards the other cycles in my life.. How content am I with these cycles, which ones I need to break and which I need to reinforce and make sure I continue to repeat?.... 

Then I realized, there's also cycles I need to start. I've been gradually doing so, but there's more things that I would like to repeat and get into a decent cycle. 

It's all in the motion. Take enough baby steps, eventually you're walking. 

See the thing about cycles they always come back around, so as long as the good outweighs the bad, I can deal with the bad with much better ease. For every up there's a down, if the up is worth the down.. Suck it up until it goes back around. It's simple.  

I'm very calm.. Even at times when I should "over react" .. But I keep note of everything and in reinforcing the more positive cycles, the ones that seem to trouble me will be a thing of the past soon enough. One thing I took from Russell Simmons was "treat the inevitable highs and lows with the same calm manner". I'm already calm, but mastering how to remain calm during the lows has really kept me sane in situations where I would've lost my mind. If I didn't over react before, I definitely don't over react now.

It's funny bc my calm character definitely allows me to foresee certain things, and that's always beneficial. 

I just keep calm and stick to the plan. 

The cycle continues, and as one ends, another begins..  The never ending circle of life. 

Shit real.

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