"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Monday, September 30, 2013


A package, a group of objects wrapped in paper, plastic or in a box.

People are packages, group of objects (characteristics, mannerisms, all emotional qualities, what we can bring to the table, blah blah) that are wrapped by us, beneath our skin lies the content of the package. How we wrap our packages also has a big factor in what's in the package.. We dress our packages with what we want to project to the world as we're being shipped to our destination. What we feel best represents our contents. Or so we should.. 

Some like to wrap their packages using their own contents, what you see is what you get. Some like to use certain "wrapping" to attract a certain type of attention, disregarding the contents in their package, they feel that's not good enough for the wrapping. Some like to disguise their packages. 

What you see isn't always what you get. 
You might stumble upon a beautiful package, so appealing and intriguing, buy it and rip the wrappings just to uncover a disappointing package.. The wrapping was the best part. Its barely anything there. And you might overlook the plain brown package in the corner with all the gems inside.. It happens everyday.

But the psychological truth is people are, by nature intrigued by appearance, what we can see, what we can not see counts for nothing. So we judge what we see, we base our opinions and thoughts, how we move, on what we see. 

But what are you really seeing? 

All these packages, you don't have time to look through all of them, so you judge the wrapping.. Right? Right. But many judge the wrapping in the wrong way. You could see two packages, both equally appealing .. One of them is lying. One of those packages is a decoy, the wrapping is just a deflection from the actual content that lies inside. A trap set to intrigue you when in reality, if the package was transparent.. you wouldn't have bothe(red) at all. So how can you tell, without unwrapping it? You won't know until you open the package right? 

..Is there a way to kinda obtain X-ray vision in a sense without having to unwrap a package? Yes. 

It's called paying attention to the delivery. 

How we deliver ourselves, says way more about who we truly are, than any custom wrapping could.

See like I said, we're all packages. We're all being shipped somewhere, we make pit stops along our journey and we're gonna come across people who are interested in what we're packing. Some for the wrong reasons, often, we don't know it's wrong until after we've let them inside. You gotta protect your package. Can't let people tamper with it or damage it before you get to where you're meant to be. Some might mishandle your package because they didn't read the labels properly, or you weren't specific enough with care instructions. Either way, you have to be able to keep your package intact.

You may place your package in the hands of others from time to time, but you ultimately are responsible for the delivery.

You are your package, you know all the contents within. To let someone wrap your package for you, to allow outsiders to dictate how you wrap yourself, is an abomination to who you truly are.. To feel the need to display all your contents on your wrappings, just tells me you don't have much to offer anyway.. To conceal your contents tells me you value it so much you only want the truly worthy to uncover you.. Those that sense the contents despite your repellant wrappings.

When the contents within a package are amazing in every way, you may want to shout it everywhere you go.. 'Look at me and my great self.. I'm well on my way... Yayyyyy!' But you might pick up some stragglers that way, you might catch the eyes of the envious who at all cost will try to divert you from your path. You might get distracted and caught up cause a few praised you better than you, they see the gems in your package. You can hardly contain your excitement. I know. 

Fight that urge to reveal yourself entirely. 

Yes you're great. Yes, you are the complete package.

No. You don't have to advertise your package or your delivery, just deliver. 
In hyping your package you, yourself may get hype .. Don't believe the hype. 

If you're content with your contents, there's no need get overwhelmed when others don't see it, your content is obviously not meant for them.. no matter how you try to wrap your package, once it's off, you are who you are. No wrapping will ever change how people feel if who you are isn't meant for them. Keep that in mind, as well as being aware of your wrappings.. 

If you choose to be selective in revealing your contents, wrap yourself in the vaguest form of your content. Let your wrappings still be you, even if a piece. Some wrappings will have your package drifting towards a different lane, something you gotta keep an eye on. People will assume by your wrappings they know where you belong, and try to push you there.. Imagine if that happened with the wrong wrapping?.. Seems like the easiest way to get lost to me.

The mission is to stay on track. 
Your destination awaits.

Although there's always more than meets the eye, we have to keep an eye out for signs that comes with packages, the labels we come with aren't the labels many read, material labels mean nothing. The packaging labels are vivid and clear indicators of the type of package we're dealing with. Act accordingly. The labels aren't always in words, peep the signs. You don't want to uncover a package and get stuck with its horrible contents all because you refused to acknowledge the signs on the package. 

Be aware. 

Don't underestimate a package, all while not putting too much praise in the wrappings, no matter how appealing it might be. The wrappings come off. 
The content is what matters. 

The content is the only thing that matters. 

Wrappings are disposable, replaceable. They're just hold the valuables together til it's time to be opened.. If many paid as much attention to the contents of their package rather than how they wrap it, we wouldn't need wrapping. We would all be the brown package on our way, some with stickers if we're feeling creative. Definitely clear labels. Quicker deliveries.

Think of people around you as packages, especially those whose content you're somewhat familiar with, look at their content, then, look at their wrappings... Notice something? 

I would hope so.

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