"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Bubble theory.

Bubbles. Air bubbles. Life bubbles. 

If you blow a bubble too fast, it pops. If you blow it slow enough, you can control how big and solid you want your bubble to be. Like glassblowing. You take your time. And your bubble never pops. It can break, but it doesn't pop. The difference is longevity. Your bubble popping is alarming, quick, sudden. If your glass bubble starts to break, you can feel when it's breaking. Because its glass it takes a little longer to crack depending on the impact. It's solid.

Everyone lives in a bubble, we can all intertwine bubbles when we're together. But for the most part we all have our own bubble. 

What and who we allow in our bubble, defines us. It's the air we breathe.. It's our atmosphere in a sense. It's all in our bubble, it consumes us. No matter what you allow in your bubble you should never let anything cloud your vision, cloudy bubbles are no good. 

You always have be aware of what's going on outside your bubble as well ..  Outside of your bubble is the real world, who doesn't give a fuck about your bubble. And if you're not too aware, you might fuck around and get your bubble popped. Depending on your bubble.. It can pop or crack hard on impact. 

Either way, you're gonna feel it.

Build your bubble, filter it so you don't have chaotic shit distracting you from what's going on outside your bubble. Your bubble shouldn't stress you, your bubble is your escape.

You ever been in a bubble? 
Like one of those fake "bubbles" and you crawl in and run around like a hamster in a round cage. Lol sound isn't as clear, depending on the color of the bubble you may not see outside the bubble. 

Imagine you're in a bubble..
You're trapped in the bubble, can't see where you're going, you're bound to stop. If the bubble is a solid color you can't see whats outside the bubble, so you have to rely on sound to get around. And everything that sound good isn't always good. You gotta be able to see what's going on, sound doesn't always match the visual.

Your bubble is a product of you. You determine if your bubble is clear enough to be alert on the outside but sound reduced so what's going on inside your bubble isn't too disturbed. You can't have the sound of the real world drown out your bubble conversations. You just gotta be aware, if your bubble solid.. You can adjust the volume from the outside when needed. If your bubble thin, everything getting through, how can you focus? Won't be long til that bubble pops.

All bubbles eventually pop or break. The amazing thing about bubbles is you can always blow another one. Enjoy your bubble while you're in it, and when it's time to get a new bubble.. Just make it better. Bubbles are needed to grow.. What we fill our bubbles with, determines whether we grow or slowly commit suicide if we fill our bubbles with poisonous vapor.

Poisonous thoughts and people, negative actions all consume our bubbles and darkens it, clouds our vision of everything. What could be, where you're going, how alert you are. You drown and feel stuck in your bubble and it consumes you to the point you can't move. Why would you want to go through that? Some people don't even realize that is exactly what's happening, they can't see what's going on and all they hear is chaos. Their bubble soon pop. 

[if a negative bubble is dark and cloudy.. How clear would a positive bubble be?]

A good bubble popping is a great reality check. Some times that's exactly what we need. A new bubble. But depending on how your bubble pops, determines if you can actually see why your bubble needed popping. You wasn't paying attention and needed a wake up call is usually the reason. Don't blame anyone else for your bubble popping, no one can pop your bubble.. And if you allow them to do so, they must've hit a sore spot. So good, good for you. You needed that. Toughen that up. It's really that simple. 

The world is a crazy place, so much going on.. Our bubble keeps us sane in a sense, some take it too far to the delusional extent, but I won't go there..  Just make sure your bubble is clear and focused, it's okay to get comfortable in your bubble just be aware of traffic.. Many will try to pop your bubble and blow you one with their vision .. Tell them to blow these. Lol (grow up, Cristina) your bubble gotta be blown by you. After all... You spend alot of time there. 

Bubbles. Lol 

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