"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Multiple variations when defining that word but overall it means the ability to step up and take control. 

Many don't take initiative for the following reasons; they don't know how, they're waiting on you so they can follow up, or the most popular, they just don't want to. Simple. 

Now those three reasons say a lot about a person and their initiative skills or lack thereof... Studying a person and yourself in times where initiative is requi(red) will answer alot of questions you may have. With each scenario, results may vary. 

I take initiative when I feel like it, I can be honest about that.. And more often I don't feel like it. That's changing due to the fact that to achieve my many, many wants, I need to initiate more than a few things myself, which I don't mind.. But it's relatively new to me, due to my laid back nature. But I don't mind stepping up to get shit done. 

Now, thats with things but people? I rarely take initiative with people, I think I'm a great persuader but I don't want to feel like I have to persuade you, I want you to be down on your own merit, not cause my gift of gab worked wonders.

I love when men take initiative with me. A man that takes initiative means to me he knows what he wants and that's me. He initiates things based off his knowledge of me to seal the deal. And if the feelings are mutual, the deal is sealed. But if its not, I appreciate the effort. It doesn't go unnoticed I just have to let you go and not waste anymore of your time. I rarely take initiative with men because honestly, it's been a while since I wanted someone bad enough to take initiative if they haven't. And it's tricky with that. As a female we can take initiative and make it clear but some men will oblige either so they don't rock the boat, despite the fact they don't want the same things as you but they don't want to fuck up a good thing or they want to string you along bc they're not too sure yet.. Both cases are wrong. But it happens.. And we don't know until too much precious time has been wasted. It's tragic but it's life. 

The solution to this is to be real observant after you've taken initiative .. Not just with men or women, observant after any type of initiative has been taken. You threw it in the air .. Watch it fall, see where it lands and if it goes unnoticed or not. Act accordingly afterwards. 

The thing about initiative, it's a risk.. You're taking the lead in whatever aspect. You're making that first move. You're stepping up. Some are fearful of that, some don't know how to do that. We all should and quite frankly, we have nothing to fear. The beauty of stepping up is you get a better view, not always in the way you wanted but it definitely provides more clarity than before.. You can get exactly what you want or find out what you thought you wanted wasn't that at all. 

It's quite the time saver. 

I should know, I've wasted time trying to figure things out on my own instead of taking the initiative to get the answers I needed, which would've only saved me time. But I used to fear rejection. Fear of making a fool of myself. Fear of being wrong when I wanted to be right so bad. But that takes too much time. Sure I'm able to figure shit out way quicker now due to that, but I can't get that time back. I don't dwell on that, shit I don't dwell on anything for that matter. But I do reflect and in retrospect my pride once again cost me, and time is non refundable.. So to move forward and preserve my time and make the most of it.. Taking initiative is definitely requi(red). Especially, when I know what I want. 

Don't take initiative if you're not sure what you want. That can only bring chaos... You're initiating something that you're not even sure of, what happens when you find out you don't want what you initiated? Then what? You got a mess on your hands. No one wants a mess. And if you really don't know what you want. Be mature and admit that, take the initiative to say, "you know what .. I'm still figuring shit out. Come back to me later or I'll let you know when I figure it out". Save time not just for you, but for others involved.

If its one thing I know, uncertain people are more a nuisance than anything. Not everybody likes guessing games, myself included. Fuck guessing, what do you want? And do you want it bad enough to vocalize it? .. Shit you gotta ask yourself. So when people do, you have a solid answer ... "Idk" is annoying. How you don't know what you want? Must not have given it much thought I would think.. 

If you don't know what you want, you'll take anything. Don't be that type of person to just take anything, just to have something. Everything that's offe(red) isn't always in your best interest.

Knowing what you want, in all aspects and then taking initiative has no consequences.. Sure you may not get what you want after you take initiative in one aspect but the beauty in that is you actually KNOW this, you're not assuming .. You took initiative, saw that your wants weren't met.. You move on to the next. Taking the initiative to continue moving forward after hearing no or something negative is truly key. We're gonna hear no, more often than we think. No doesn't mean stop. No just means, not over here. Taking initiative allows us to go.. And to grow for that matter. We become more assertive and resilient after taking initiative in life. We're able to save an enormous amount of time after gaining these virtues.. The more initiatives you take, the harder it is to actually stop you. The more initiatives you want to take. 

I tried lying to myself, and I couldn't do it. I didn't even realize I was trying to lie to myself until I answe(red) myself with an attitude lol. I truly do know what I want, so for me to act like I don't know or try to downplay what I want to others is an insult to my character. I lectu(red) myself on all that I want, and all that I don't. And I told myself, 'from here on out. Anybody asks you what you want, you tell them. No more beating around the bush, no more playing the cut.' I played the cut, the cut served its purpose.. Now it's time to play ball. Getting out the dugout and even if I strike out on the first inning.. I have plenty more as long as I take the initiative to stay in the game. Mind truly is over matter. You can step up to the plate or watch someone else go after and get what you want. 

It's all on you.

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