"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Thursday, April 25, 2013


Sense of self.. Vs. full of shit.

Tread carefully.
It's one thing to be aware of self and own self accountability with pride .. But to make excuses for your actions although you're aware you're making the wrong moves isn't smart. You're full of shit.

I often step out of myself and take a look at me .. And really observe my actions, my words.. They after all are the only way people on the outside can peek into my mind, I do this often so I make sure I'm on point. I notice how I treat people and how I react to the treatment I receive from others. And I just like to stick to my moral views on treating others how I like to be treated.

But in honesty, sometimes I don't. Sometimes, I don't realize I'm this horrible bitch to some, I don't realize that my playful manner is leading someone on. I don't realize neglect on my part til it's a little deep into it .. I don't realize that I'm offensive at times. I don't realize when the shoe is on the other foot, sometimes I may be unaware of peoples true intentions.. But the beauty of all this is when I do realize it, no matter how far into these oblivious problems.. Once I identify them, I do my best to set shit straight.

I know I'm not perfect and I'm not done making mistakes.. But I just don't want to be full of shit, not aware of me and my actions .. I don't want to repeat mistakes, learning from each one, learning how to avoid similar obstacles is just as vital as everything else you need to know in life.. Or maybe that's just me.

I always watch what I say, you never know who listening. Wouldn't want to get caught up in some shit I said when I wasn't aware .. So I make sure I'm always listening. I don't say anything I don't want repeated. I don't say anything I'm ashamed of.. Everything I say I mean, and I mean what I say .. I don't take back anything I've ever said, to anyone. It really baffles me that some people babble on and on but are quick to retract statements, views, opinions. Not saying there's anything wrong with changing your mind, we're more than entitled to do so. But to switch views as quick as day turns into night, just hold off from speaking so much. Do yourself a favor.

Speaking of favors, I need to do myself a few. Positive thoughts all the way through.

Ramble+revelation = Ramblations

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