"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Thursday, April 18, 2013


You think you know, but you have no idea.
Word to MTV Diary. (They should bring that back, cool show.)

We as humans like to believe whatever we feel we know is in fact accurate. But that's not always the case. From finding out Santa's fake to the imaginary toothfairy, Easter bunny etc.. Our sense of truth has been alte(red) several times as kids. What we thought we knew, was just a carefully placed mirage.. But it didn't stop there. There's plenty of things as you got older you thought you knew and come to find out, it's pure bullshit. It's like a never ending cycle.

So what do we really know?

We only know what we get told, but we can't always go by what we're told. And what about what's not told to us, if that's in fact the truth.. Why aren't we exposed to it? Why are we forced to dig, search and pry the truth from the tight grip of those who try to conceal it? Why do others feel they have this authority over what truths should you be exposed to and which ones should be kept hidden? Who the fuck died and made you responsible for what I'm allowed to believe, hear, see, "know"? I just want to know.

We really don't know shit.
Even when you think you know, you don't. And if you do.. A simple turn of events can alter that with the quickness.

You can swear up and down there's a pizza shop on the corner, you know this. It's been there your entire life.. And you get to the corner, the pizza shop is gone. A barbershop is now in place of that pizza shop you were about to bet on your life was still existent. Now you have no idea what happened to the pizza shop or when did it close down. You don't know. Just 5 minutes ago... You were so sure.

Life is truly like that.
Unless you live in a bubble, your entire life is spent figuring out false truths and stumbling upon the real deal. So many different variations of truth and perception, what makes it true? Did you see this with your own eyes? Are you certain your eyes weren't playing tricks on you? Sure you weren't delusional? Did you hear this correctly? How valid are your sources? .. And even still.. You don't really know, even if you feel you know.

You either know someone, or know of them.. You know what they tell you .. And what's said of them by others around them. You know what you see of this person when you're with them, but don't know of what they do when you're not around.. you don't know everything.

Nobody knows everything.
Nobody knows nobody.

That, we know for certain.
We know what we don't know.. What we know is still iffy. Some may say.. Fuck you, I know what I'm talking about, I know this and that. Blah.. Blah.. Blah.
We only know moments. And math.

I hate math. Hate it with the intensity of a thousand suns. Unless its a $ in front. I don't care for math. But in life, our math equations aren't always numbers, but life variables. And that's how we conclude what we know. What adds up and what doesn't. If you do life math on a problem and the solution isn't adding up to what you're told, you're missing a variable.. Meaning something you don't know. Something you're not being told. And when it does add up right, you know.

Because knowing is double checking everything. Knowing is learning. Knowing is a feeling. And KNOWING that can change. What you used to know, isn't as valuable as what you know today. But you wouldn't be here today if it weren't for what you learned yesterday. Through trials and tribulations you make your own truth, your own sense of knowledge.. That you build throughout time. And finally rid yourself of those tainted truth smoothies forced down your throat by those around you. They used to taste good, but that bitter aftertaste always told you something aint right. Those wanting to control you by altering your sense of judgment and logic with their versions of truth and knowledge.

Intuition. That's knowing at its rawest. To feel one way and everything/one else trying to sway you another way only proves we know what's best for us. That gut feeling isn't to be igno(red) and when it is. We suffer greatly.. We feel betrayed by following outsiders words when in reality.. We betrayed ourselves, we knew. Deep down inside we knew. And we igno(red) it. Instead of listening to our intuitive feeling we chose to listen to others and their lullaby lies... Putting us to sleep. From the truth.

In a world where technology is so advanced and everything/one isn't what it seems, mirages everywhere.. Lies travel faster than the speed of light.. How can we know, what we know is even real? I guess this where trust comes into play. But trusting comes from being intuitive.. Feeling like you can trust a person or a situation to be what they appear, no hidden agenda or motives. Trusting that the knowledge you have now will only expand and grow as you feed and nurture what you know, who you know.

The day we stop learning, is the day we stop knowing.

Variant: When it is not in our power to follow what is true, we ought to follow what is most probable. —Descartes

Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance. —Confucius

It is impossible to begin to learn that which one thinks one already knows. —Epictetus

One thing only I know, and that is that I know nothing. —Socrates

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