"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Images of women; The Sex Object.

I was walking down the street.. And in a range of 3 blocks, I passed a good 20 men. I had to laugh when the men traffic passed.. its funny to me how they ALL made googly eyes, bit their lips.. even mutte(red) a word or two despite my visible headphones in my ears. One of the last men passing saw me laughing and smirking .. he said yeah girl they feeling you.. Don't even get me started on the harassment I've endu(red) since I hit puberty. But apparently I'm sexually attractive.

I don't think every man that sees me is attracted to me.. Do majority wanna fuck me? Maybe.. If they give me that eye, I know for certain. That looks solidifies that in that moment, I became the sexual object of the beholder eyes.

The Sexual object.

I don't consider myself sexy. Or an object. Actually, it kinda irks me when guys call me that. I don't make a big fuss about it like I do when you add an H in my name, but I cringe at the sound of it. Despite my lack of self-sexiness. Guys seem to really think I am. The remarks that I've heard.. The change in their movements at the sight of my presence... If I were to go by how majority of men that I come in contact with (non family/friend related) act, I would think I'm Top 100 sexiest, number 1 spot for Maxim.. Lmfao.
But I don't. No amount of attention could give me a big head. Most of the attention is sexual anyway. I do fine with out. It's kinda annoying after while.. compliments start to sound repetitive, despite the change in voices.. Let me not digress.

I wouldn't say men degrade women, over exploit.. Maybe a better fit. But straight men love them some women. They see us as their magic machine. Sexual beast, child bearer, chef and maid all in one. Sexual beast is definitely what they scout for first.. Now a days. I guess anybody can make a great wife but not many can make a great freak. Or you gotta find the right freak for you.

We live in a world that's run by sex.

Some people put those who they're sexually connected with above those that aren't sexually connected with them.
I won't even get into that.

Men that cheat, have these sexual urges they can't seem to get fulfilled at home. Maybe they do, and are just greedy. But 9/10 men cheat because their women are planking during backshots. Alot of wives lose their sexual object luster they once owned and their men stray because of it. Not blaming the woman, but these are real factors.

The only time you should become a sexual object .. Is during sexual intercourse, own that inner sexual goddess buried within.. hidden under all that class. You and your man deserve it.

In a professional setting you have to be more than the sex object. You have to stand on your two feet and prove to every man in that setting that you are more than a pretty face, more than a beautiful body. Your words deserve more thought than how quick your underwear comes off, is she even wearing underwear? shouldn't be the only question a man thinks after you're done speaking. (Unless he's a dickhead who doesn't listen to women when they speak because in his eyes, we're not equals.. Fuck that guy. Not literally of course). You should be able to seduce the shit out of a crowd with your words, that's sexy as shit... It's more than just your looks. Your looks are a plus.

In today's society, women are now more than ever nothing but sex objects. Mainly due to the fact half of these men don't care what we have to say, but spend hours stalking our instagrams and sexually hounding us in person. Women who use their sex appeal and brand it to break bread are well respected. I know it's not easy. It's a world where some men are so loose with their mouth with what they want to do with yours. In a world, where in the wrong place, at the wrong time; you might get felt up on and never know who was touching you. The comments from men who will never see you in real life, professing how they'll eat that ass from the back no strings attached. Men who view you as a sex object and solely that.. Same men who get upset when you're not that sex object they portrayed you out to be. And then there's the women who are exactly that.. And nothing more. Who keep proving these men and their ridiculous views (to us women beyond the sex object) of women. How can we really blame them, our own are feeding their ammunition.

A perfect video to illustrates the sex object would be Bitch Bad by Lupe Fiasco. That video was beautifully directed. And captu(red) the true essence of today's society and especially the women's role as a sexual object.

Some women, were born sex objects.. Their entire lives they've received attention due to pre-puberty growth or overly complimented on how pretty they were. They allowed these outside opinions consume them, so they made sure they became what they wanted to keep hearing everyday. Not even sure why did the approval of strangers made them feel so good.. So shallow, sca(red) to dig deep. So miss bad bitch at the age of 16 strutting her stuff and entertaining anyone who pays her mind.. She ain't have a mind of her own. And boom 5 years later.. 21 pregnant with baby #2 baby #1 hasn't seen mommy in a week.. But see grandma everyday. Daddy who? Mommy still a bad bitch though .. Although no one else think so. Anymore. She's lost.

Some women become sex objects..
Plain Jane, ugly duckling.. Weirdo. Whatever the reason. This girl didn't get sexual attention, so instead she focused on herself... From the inside. She knows hobbies, dreams, goals .. Everything she ever wanna own. Learning everything she wanna know. And that girl is usually so beautiful within, that her outer appearance radiates because of this. If the girl was pretty, now she's beautiful. If she was beautiful, she's now gorgeous. And it's something sexually enticing about a woman who knows exactly who she is and where's she's going .. I was once told. By a man.

As a woman, I feel you can viewed a sex object in a positive way, or a negative way. Depending on your mind frame and how you carry yourself. Depending on your goals .. You can either drown in the sex object role .. Or prosper from it and become bigger than the sex object and become a Goddess in everything you do.

"A goddess is a woman who emerges from deep within herself. She has honestly explored her darkness & learned to celebrate her light." - Unknown.

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