"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Congratulations ..

i'm Officially a High School Graduate ! yes
CLASS OF '09 =)
i swear it was one of the most emotional
experience in my life;
i didn't cry ! i came close though .. lol
some pictures since Blogspot is acting up =\

when i first walked in ..
[ my hair got so frizzy .. smh ]

Jiggy Jill and i
receiving my awards ..
Ashley and i discussing our shoes
me and Danny

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