"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Sunday, June 28, 2009

LateNight thoughts ..

while i sip on some sprite and twitter away ..
i begin to wonder about the summer that awaits ..
i keep hearing about these young boys dying
and it's sad, and i lost a few friends due to gun abuse
so i know how it feels ..
but it's getting to a point
where i don't want to go to certain places
because they are "hot spots"
like really ?
whatever happened to just having fun
and drinking and chilling and smoking
[ for those who smoke ] ??
why do these young boys feel the need to
play god and end lives ?
that i will never understand ..

i just hope gun violence this summer
isn't as high as predicted
i hope people realize ..
some shit really isn't worth it.
really isn't.

with that said .. i'm gone like the wind ..

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Congratulations ..

i'm Officially a High School Graduate ! yes
CLASS OF '09 =)
i swear it was one of the most emotional
experience in my life;
i didn't cry ! i came close though .. lol
some pictures since Blogspot is acting up =\

when i first walked in ..
[ my hair got so frizzy .. smh ]

Jiggy Jill and i
receiving my awards ..
Ashley and i discussing our shoes
me and Danny

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Pre-Graduation thoughts ..

in a few hours, my high school graduation
will be here; i'm extremely excited.
i'm nervous as hell,
i been waiting to graduate
highschool since middle school .. lol
believe it or not.
but i'm sooo relieved i'm closing this chapter
and starting something new,
as i mentioned before
in my previous posts,
in the fall i'll be attending college
and i'm super excited =)
can't wait.
my lil protege and i she graduated elementary yesterday
i'm proud of her, she's going to be a problem when she gets older ..
just watch ..

well til next time, Crissy =)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

it's been a week ..

since i last posted,
but i been dealing w| some things ..
and it's been pretty hectic.
good news is
on Thursday June 25th
i will walk in my highschool graduation ..
i'm extremely excited about it.
i've been waiting to close this
chapter in my life for the longest.
and finally i can .. .
so everything must be perfect.
i will try and post more often
cause i have been slipping .. lol
but bare w| me people

til next time, Crissy.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

hey hey hey its my birthday ! ayeee

so its my birthday ..
aww i'm finally 18 ..
so this summer i'm taking this whole city by storm ..
i got alot of birthday love and this weekend is going to be the besttt ...
im growing up and shit is looking good ..
but i'll be back probably friday cause tomorrow's
my boyfriend birthday ..
[ isn't it cute ? ]
yeah i know .. lol

byeeee =)

Monday, June 8, 2009

shit that annoys the fuck outta me

so a friend of mine told me to list shit i hate or really dislike in a list form .. not a bad idea. so here it goes.

  1. when people try to tell me i'm not Dominican. [ um, hi i was not aware you're apart of my family .. fuck outta here smh. ]
  2. i'm not going to go hard for something i'm not sure of, so don't tell me i'm fucking wrong. cause i'm not .. if i was i wouldn't go hard. duh !
  3. AiRHEADED females... ugh that shit is annoying when girls do not know shit. stupid is NOT attractive. Read a fucking book god.
  4. Guys who do not know how to catch a hint. if i SAY i'm not interested, there's no magic coding, no secret message. i'm not playing hard to get. i'm JUST NOT FUCKiN iNTERESTED. get fucking lostt .. smhh
  5. how my lil' sister thinks she's grown and has stopped being my personal assistance .. smhh fuck the corruption in public schools ! lmaoo
  6. when certain family members think they're better than you and like to say indirect shit. like bitch, i'm family, i know your secrets who you fooling ?
  7. when noah [ my lil brother ] refuses to shut the fuck up ! omfg i hate his voice and his view on life, ughhh it blows mine how this lil 12yr old food loving fuck swears he's the next steven spielberg of the world ... but the updated version. he irks my last nerveee. smhh
  8. girls who refer to themselves as sex icons or Nicki Minaj. okay now, most of these girls aren't even 18 and they claim they the best thing since sex was invented. and talking about shoving dicks down your throat and gargling his semen is NOT CUTE, it's fucking disgusting. you don't get respect for that, guys don't like you anymore. they just want to test your claims. yuck ! grab some self-respect off the lady counter. please.
  9. ugly feet. i dont care if you just got a $100 pedicure, bitch put them shits away .. i don't want to have to be forced to see your crows feet out in public, wondering why is your big toe all long and crusty, and if i'm seeing an extra toe. do the world a favor, wear flats. Oh and if your feet are decent, buy sandals your ACTUAL size, dragging your feet across concrete can not be good for your feet. smh.
  10. when i'm rushed to get out the shower. wtf ! i actually enjoy water, i like taking my time in the shower and feeling you know .. CLEAN. so when people rushing me to get out, really blows my whole day.
  11. while i'm sleeping and somebody wakes me up in the rudest way. like pushing me, or shoving me, or shaking the shit out of me like i'm a fucking rag doll. WTF ! and then it doesnt even involve an emergency, they just want to kno where something of theirs is placed or some bullshit like that. leave me alone. and then they have the AUDACiTY to get upset.. oh hell no .. this is why i fake black on the residents in my household .. lol
  12. LOUD ASS people on the fucking bus, especially when they on the phone, i don't give a fuck if ray ray fucking laquaisha or tanisha .. no one cares if you gettin paid and cant wait to drop your kids off at your mother's so you can go clubbing .. NO ONE CARES!
  13. when certain drivers act like they color blind to red .. if i got the fucking light .. i'm not stopping for you. so you can go head and hit me, i heard lawsuits is real nice to heal all wounds .. smh
  14. when niggas get a car and do not know how to act, 1. i dont give a fuck, i still wouldn't give you the time of day. 2. you wild hype.. sit downn .. smhh
  15. people who give their opinion, when i NEVER asked for it. um, i don't care for your opinion .. so you just wasting time telling me something i dont care for. shit save your breath .. 4real.

i will be putting up a list of things i like, cause it's not fair to just put a list of shit that annoys me. right ?

well .. 'til next time,

Sunday, June 7, 2009

you found me.

my weekend was pretty enjoyable. details i won't reveal, mainly because i'm a private person. i feel my private life should be uh, Private. but i digress, this past weekend i saw one of the best movies hands down. Seven Pounds starring Will Smith and Rosario Dawson, now if you have not seen this movie, and does not like movie spoilers then stop reading. the movie is crazy, what amazed me the most is how he actually, committed suicide to give other people in need a gift no one else has been able to give them. but .. then i noticed how he was only doing this to i guess even out the fact that he alone killed seven people due to his inability to keep his job out the way while driving. now that's alot of guilt for one person. so i do understand why he felt the need to save seven other lives in return for the ones he had taken. Will Smith again has blown me away w| his acting skills and i truly recommend this movie to all who like Will Smith and meaningful life changing movies.

'til next time,

Saturday, June 6, 2009

midnight thoughts ...

so .. i was just finishing up some work i need to finish for school, and i started thinking bout my life, and where it was and where it's headed. it's weird because as i was younger, i always claimed i would never change. i felt if you changed you were fake, of course i was blissfully ignorant. but as i got older and wiser, i opened up my eyes. i realized if you didn't change, you would end up NOWHERE, and fast. i now know change is inevitable and depending how you embrace the change, determines how your life turns out. i'm fully aware that every decision i make in my life is ultimately on me, and no one else. to blame others for my choices is childish and i'm quite grown. [ well in my mind anyway ] god willing, i'll be off to college in the fall, Herkimer County .. to study psychology. i say god willing cause who knows what might happen. but as i see my friends, i notice how different we are becoming, and it doesn't bother me, because we are all finding ourselves, we're becoming adults, and if i happen to lose some friends in that journey, i will take a loss and hold on to dear memories, although there are some friends i kno' will last me a lifetime and for that i am eternally grateful. i wonder where my life will be in 5-10 years .. will it be like anything i planned ? i sure hope so ... it's funny because as i look at my life now, when i was younger i never imagined it how it is now, but then i never really thought ahead. i can honestly say, i'm content with the decisions i took in my teenage years and as my birthday approaches [ june 10th ] i will be conside(red) legal [ what is legal anyway ? that's another blog for another day ] and all my childish tendencies will be left behind, i feel there's no room for stupid mistakes, and i kno' i will make 'mistakes, due to the fact no one is perfect. but i will try and learn from each one and avoid the obvious mistakes. i know i'm rambling .. but this is my midnight thoughts.. thought i'd get that off my chest.. well i'm off to get ready .. going out tonight .. and see what the midnight world hold for me ..

til next time,

Thursday, June 4, 2009

RiP Photography class

so in my school we had a professional photographer come in
and teach photography 101 i suppose.
so my school provided us w| canon cameras
[ real nice i might add]
and in return we gave up some time on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
so the class was pretty cool and i enjoyed it ..
but sadly,
they canceled the class due to poor attendance ..
[ awww ] :-(
so what you seen above
are pictures i captu(red) during my little photography experience.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


i havent posted any new blogs
mainly because ..

i have sooo much work to do for school
and if i don't complete it .. bye bye graduation ..
but i'm on my grizzind lol

so i'm gonee..