"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Late Night talks

i really love college.

you learn so much about yourself, and the people you live w| .. i really enjoy the late night conversations we have .. we talk for hours about everything .. and it's really an eye opener to discover things about others and yourself. this is why i want to be a psychologist, the human mind really interests me. but its 4:35 and i have an 8 o'clock class .. smh this is college. goodnight/goodmorning

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


i basically live on a mountain and when it rains, well .. peep the outcome.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


lately, i been feeling like i'm drowning. i know how to swim .. but somehow i'm not trying hard enough.  of course i mean this in a metaphoric sense, i refuse to fail .. and i feel the need to have everything in control. and i know that's damn near impossible but i still try. i need to make a lil turn for the better, i'm supposed to be full of luck, but lately, i don't know where that luck is hiding. but i am determined  to not stay down. 

uhh ..


that's all for now. -_-

Saturday, September 26, 2009


i always been about going green. as in money, and yeah i guess i can recycle and shit. but i do love money and the things i can obtain w| it.

"They say money can't buy happiness? Look at the fucking smile on my face. Ear to ear, baby."  

"Anybody who tells you money is the root of all evil doesn't fucking have any."

- Jim Young [ boiler room ]

now that's superficial i know, but i can't help what makes my heart warm, i wish money didn't have as big of an effect on me as it does, but w| money comes power, and i do love the feeling of power. when people ask me what i want to be, i answer successful .. w| success comes happiness .. maybe not to everyone but when you get what YOU want; how does happiness not follow through ? i know for ME, when i get something i want i become the happiest person in you 100 mile radius .. and fuck what anyone says, i do what i want. and if liking nice things that just happen to cost alot sometimes make me superficial, then so be it. i recently discove(red) a way to get money w|o doing much .. yes, it's legal. lol but i never gave that option much thhought, til i was put on to game.. now it's on. being an on campus college student aint no joke .. lol seriously. 

later, =)

Friday, September 25, 2009

Factory Girl

Andy Warhol: I wonder if people are going to remember us?
Edie Sedgwick: What, when we're dead?
Andy Warhol: Yeah.
Edie Sedgwick: Well I think people will talk about how you changed the world.
Andy Warhol: I wonder what they'll say about you... in your obituary. I like that word.
Edie Sedgwick: Nothing nice, I don't think.
Andy Warhol: No no, come on. They'd say, "Edith Minturn Sedgwick: beautiful artist and actress...
Edie Sedgwick: ...and all around loon.
Andy Warhol: ...Remembered for setting the world on fire...
Edie Sedgwick: ...and escaping the clutches of her terrifying family...
Andy Warhol: ...Made friends with eeeeverybody, and anybody...
Edie Sedgwick: ...creating chaos and uproar wherever she went. Divorced as many times as she married, she leaves only good wishes behind.
Edie Sedgwick: That's nice, isn't it?

i really love this movie. =)


some one unfollowed me ..

well FUCK YOU ! lol

i haven't been having the best week, i keep waking up late, being irritable and bitchy .. i feel like i don't get enough sleep. i have yet to regulate my iron pills and make them apart of my daily schedule .. it's hardddd !
three times a day ? .. i can't even remember to take it once a day. and to put the icing on the FUCKiNG cake; my friend decided to show up .. uninvited and full of hate towards me.. i swear god is testing me. but i have a master plan .. starting monday .. i'm turning it up a few notches .. i'm definitely going into over grind .. cause i refuse to flunk out of college, this experience thus far has been very eye opening .. and i plan to soak up everything in and out the classroom. my funds are low, so tech. i'm a college broke bitch .. lol smh i used all the money from my off campus and i started out w| $200 on my card .. then i had $200 on campus and i got $100and some change .. but the cafe' don't deliver, they're not open on weekends .. the off campus selection was great .. but i can't have no fun on it anymore .. so i'm really feeling the heat. moneygram has been my bestie lol cause lords know i need that. but enough w| this .. my stomach is yelling .. gotta hunt for food like a caveman. -__-

Thursday, September 24, 2009


so the weekend is tomorrow, and i'll be staying at herk,
i wish i was going home, i miss it .. there's people i want to see and hang w| ..
i wouldn't say i'm extremely homesick but i feel like i'm slightly homesick.
plus this whore came and fucked up my weekend ..
so for the next 3-5 days i'm gonna be irritable and bitchy. gee how fun .. lol smh

but my stomach hurts .. i'm a take a nap.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

gimmie all the pretty furs.

so i follow Nicki Minaj on twitter,
yes i am sucked into the cult, although i was sucked in way before many .. butt who cares ? lol

anywho, i seen a recent photoshoot w| honey mag
she's soo prettyyy lol


it's so fucking hot. -_-

Monday, September 21, 2009

kinda like a big deal

as you can see i was bo(red).

Saturday, September 19, 2009


i'm learning so much in school and out.

i really need to sit here and write .. but not today .. lol

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

say what ?

so i'm here enjoying my ham&cheese hotpocket .. 
mmm .. delicious.
i finished my first class.. next class is Fitness @ 11. 
i wish i had a car, so i can drive home when i want to.
it's so weird not having to tell my mom where i'm at. or calling to see if she cooked, or telling my now EX-boyfriend to come over and spend some QT, or waiting for Sammy to come get me so we can go to "the hood" .. there's so many things i miss about home, but i am really enjoying my time here, it's real interesting to see how us young adults can suffice w|o adults for the most part. on campus, we RARELY see adults, no we NEVER see adults unless it's  campus security. i feel boxed in sometimes, like if i'm stuck here isolated from the "real world" .. but in reality, it gets no realer then this, i have to go to wal-mart and do my own groceries, wash my own clothes, cook my own meals. i don't pay rent to live here, [ Financial Aid does lol ]. now i have a better understanding of how life is, and i appreciate my mother so much more now, cause doing everything on your own gets annoying .. sheesh. lol even though i only been here for three weeks, it feels like forever .. and the view is something serious [ i'm up on mountains ] the clouds seem at an arm's reach, the fog so thick you can't see next door. my roommates and adopted roomie [ lol ] get along well for the most part .. hopefully it stays that way .. but let me go start getting ready for this tough workout i'm about to endure [ my motivation is this outfit i wanna wear when my tummy gets flat lol ] 

peace&lust. =)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

it was good about a month ago.

so bascially, i have been slipping after i promised i wouldn't .. so sorry to the few that actually read my blogs and find what i have to say interesting.
i have a hard time w| things like these .. i always wanted to keep a diary, but due to my forgetfulness and dique never having time, it always slips my mind. i would just love having my thoughts and ideas and emotions all organized in chronological order so i can look back and have memories rush back. but i guess this blog will do.
anywho .. so i'm in like my third week of college, i love it here. i miss my friends and family back home .. but i can't say i'm depressed. i am however upset i missed TRUE BLOOD. [ browsing the web for ways i can watch it online ] i have met alot of interesting people .. interesting indeed.
i like how i'm living .. i'm still not used to my schedule .. and it feels weird cause i'm literally on my own. no mommy to count on .. i like this feeling. i do have pictures to share, but just not yet. i want to get them all nice and what not ..
oh yeah, i DiE for the READY album .. woo .. Trey songzzz
but lol lemme go ..
peace&lust. ;-)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

my apt.

i haven't been updating lately .. i been busy ..
here's my apartment though ..