"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Friday, August 28, 2009

about my day

so today i woke up around 10ish .. earlier then usual, showe(red) and went to the hair salon ..
i cut my hair shoulder length w| layers and dyed it [ semi-permanent anyway ]
i wanted a chocolae brown, since i dyed it Jet Black in dec. most of it didn't catch on.
its cool though, i'm content w| the results.
i went home and changed [ as you can see the difference in shirts ]
and then went to meet my friends Channing and Sha'ava'.
we got some McDicks [ that's what i call McDonald's ]
and i had the Bacon&Cheese angus [ mmmm delish ]
anywho ..  after that Sha'ava had to go tend to something and me and channing hung out at my house and just chilled .. and took pics.
we took this on my laptop.
i think my bangs look funny but i like how my laptop looks 
courtesy of her camera .. =)
well those were the highlights of my day.
got another long one tomorrow.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


so i was bo(red) .. 
and decided to take pictures 
w| my webcam .. here they are .. 
after i edited them of course.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

school spirit

trying get into the spirit ..

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

quee fueee ??

cutest thing ever !

boom boom pow.

i finally got the REAL hang of this blog thing .. 
the appearance aspect, anyhow, i really got it looking how i want .. 
and now i been keeping up w| the posts .. 
and i don't plan on slacking .. =)

here's something for your enjoyment ^_^

Monday, August 24, 2009


"when I am ridiculously rich, 
even my trash will be taken out in a designer bag. 
And now that I have graduated with some sort of degree, 
I am one step closer to being filthy rich."

this time next week.

i'll be at Herkimer college,

i should be more excited ..

but in all reality, i'm sca(red) and nervous, only because this is a really big step and a complete change of scenery.i'm a citygirl at heart, always have been, always will. so for me to just go out and head to the suburbs is a little irrational for me. but it's a decision i thought long and hard about. put alot of time, and hopefully, me being on campus benefits me in the best way possible.

i've always shyed away from trying things that i were never too sure about. i hate not knowing how things are going to turn out for me, but truthfully, that's what life is about; learning and experiencing new things and change. i do know change is inevitable, but i try to atleast have some type of control on how i change, and when i'm not in control of whatever situation i come across, i panic. i hyperventalite, and feel helpless. i find this to be weird. but nonetheless, i felt by going away, i could figure out alot about myself, and come out a better person throughout it all. but isn't that how we're supposed to come out being through ANY experience ? .. a better person overall. i try to embrace more opportunities that are thrown my way and hopefully face my fear of things i can't change.

Life is "trying things to see if they work." - Ray Bradbury.

i just felt the need to get that off my chest. whew, feel a whole lot better.

'til next time.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


i die for this show,
sucks me in,
i just hatedd how it ended this week.
wtf !
somebody has got to kill maryann ..
here are some questions i have;

1. why the fuck does Maryann want Sam so bad ?
2. wtf is Sookie really ? ( that glowing hand freaked me out )

3. is sookie and Eric gonna get crazy ? her dreams is wilding out.
4. who was this "queen" and she died right ?
5. why doesn't that drunk detective dude ever get sucked in by Maryann ?
6. why Jason always playing warrior ?
7. what was the purpose of that girl knocking on Lafayette door ?
8. where the fuck is egg ?
9. where maryann got Carl from ? 
10.when is Tara taking them damn braids out her headddd ??? -_-

Friday, August 21, 2009

rainy days

i love the rain.
only when im indoors,
i hate being caught in the rain.
it's a huge thunderstorm
that is on and off like
god is playing w the rainswitch.
funny right ? lol
but now its like 10 days
until i go away to school.
hella nervous
hella excited.
although im really excited,
i can wait.
i feel the days are flying by way too fast.
my closest friends and loving boyfriend
will remain in the city ..
that's gonna be hard for me.
but i'll make the best of it.
so im laid back, watching tv and enjoying the breeze ..
til next time. =)


i finished watching Sex and the City

the movie.

i die for it,

i can watch it a million times.

i loved loved loved loved loveddd

the series.
i want a lifestyle like that.
minus me gettin left at the alter by the love of my life.
but the successful career and wonderful friends ..
they make aging seem like
something to look forward to
instead of something
to dread .. which i once thought.
but yeah im off to bed now. lol

and i want a lifestyle like that.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

14 days

less then two weeks ..
and then i'm off on my own.
goodbye highschool girl
hello college woman,
i never been more nervous,
well i suppose i have but this is in the top 5.
i'm what you would call an "over-thinker"
i think wayyyyy to into things.
i can't help it.
i try and avoid as many mistakes as possible.
and that might be my downfall,
sometimes overthinking tends
to not allow me to try certain things.
but in two weeks,
i'll face the music.

Monday, August 17, 2009

it's been awhile..

sorry, for whoever reads my blog ..
i finally purchased all the items
i need for my apartment on campus ..

iwill be updating more often ..


Sunday, August 9, 2009


"He gave me that night back and this time,
i told you the truth.
we talked and held each other till the sun came up.
And as i went to hell,
the devil asked me if it was worth it.
i said yes.
yes it was.

she did it again ..

via Girlsarethenewboys
now i had reposted one of her other post.
[ check "fell in love w this" ]
but she really hit the nail on the fucking head w this one.
i suggest ... highly suggest you follow her blog.
this shit brought tears to my eyes.

i always said love doesn't conquer all.

if love was enough.

Whoever said "love is all u need," must not have been in a relationship.

'Cuz if love were enough. I'd still be with him. And he'd still be with her. And she'd be with him ... and u'd probably still be with her. They'd be married by now, they would've never broke up. And they wouldn't be filing for divorce.

If love were enough, there'd be no chocolate covered strawberries, over-sized balloons and heart shaped Valentine's or red and white teddy-bears. There'd be no "I'm sorry," bouquets or late night dedications on the radio. And Boys II Men would've never had to get down On Bended Knee.

If love were enough, there wouldn't be lonely Friday nights with nothing to do and no one to kiss and no necks to smell and no arms to hug and no nooks to fill. No empty rooms or cold sides of the bed. No tear soaked pillows and more houses would be homes. The months would feel like weeks. The weeks would fly by. The days wouldn't drag. The hours wouldn't stand still. The minutes would pass. And the seconds wouldn't kill - If love were ever enough.

If love were enough, I would've been the key to lock all ur insecurities. Sex wouldn't matter and kisses would suffice. Text messages, emails, instant messages, voicemails, picture captions, or status comments wouldn't mean a thing. A hello would mean hello and not "Let's go out on a date," and a goodbye would mean goodbye, and not "See u later tonight."

If love were enough you wouldn't care right now. Where he goes or who she talks to. What he's doing or who just made her laugh. Why he gets lined up every week now and why she suddenly started going to the gym. U wouldn't look outside ur window hoping her car will be there and u wouldn't open ur front door seeing his imaginary face.

If love were enough, it wouldn't hurt so bad. Matter fact, it wouldn't hurt at all. You wouldn't ever need to understand or compromise or swallow ur pride or take something back or feel bitter, disrespected, or betrayed. Life wouldn't seem so unfair and shit would JUST FUCKING WORK OUT for once. Things would be so simple. You wouldn't have to worry about taking sides, or mutual friends, child custody battles, joint accounts, or the puppy u left behind. Her clothes wouldn't be strewn all over ur room, and his scent wouldn't linger in the air - If love were enough.

The past wouldn't exist and the future would be irrelevant if love were enough.
You wouldn't envy that couple, u'd BE that couple if love were enough.
"I'm done," and "I can't do this anymore," and "We can work this out," and "Please don't leave me" and "What am I going to do now?" wouldn't exist if love were enough.
We'd still be best friends if love were enough.
I wouldn't be writing this if love were enough.
You wouldn't be reading this if love were enough.
But. Love is never enough.

R.i.P. Ralph ..

i realize i haven't been updating ..
but i been busy, i leave in three weeks
and alot has to be done .. lol

today marks the fourth year since my uncle has passed.
it still feels like yesterday ..
he was truly a remarkable person,
he was one of the smartest person
i have yet to come across ..
fuck a father, he was the next best thing.
now as When You're Gone by Avril Lavigne plays
i think what more would i have accomplished if he were here ?
or how many mistakes i could've avoided
if God hadn't chosen to take him away.
i still ask why him ..
and he always cross my mind
when i watch any Crime show or tell someone
a joke is way over their head.
i get watery eyed when his wife or daughters come to visit,
but i know that he is in a better place,
and he is free of all the pain he had to endure
while on earth.
i know one day we will meet,
he'll have a space for me on a couch in heaven
with the best of Law&Order on ..
until that day ..
i hope to live life with minimum regrets
and hopefully impact someone
the way he impact me ..

never forgotten. ily.