"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Monday, November 4, 2013

Emotion vs. Logic.

Emotion vs logic... To have one without the other seems off though.. why the battle? 

Emotions need the guidance of logic, which is kinda like one of reasons women need men (they're more logical naturally, we can just be better once we manage emotion, they're backwards. Thus why we fit oddly enough.) logic doesn't feel, and feelings can't tell you what is, just what it feels... It doesn't see.. That's why logic is crucial. Logic are the eyes, emotions shut their eyes to what is, (even if its to imagine more of what is).. Although our feelings are real, they're not always right. Logic is always right, even if its not your right. It's right because you found out how it's right. You see what I'm sayin? 

Can't you be both? Are you logically emotional? Or Emotionally logical? Does that even make sense.. Is that even truly possible to be both simultaneously? 

Logically emotional sounds to me like you're emotional about logic .. You're passionate about logic, finding the right one and so on.. Emotionally logical sounds to me like your emotions dictate your logic.. Whatever you feel is right, so a logic will form its way from the depths of these feelings.

So your emotion is driven by logic, or your logic is driven by emotion... 

The difference in either combination is like black and white.

To have your logic driven by emotion is great if you love emotional roller coasters and a chaotic lifestyle.. Emotions change, so if you're basing logic on emotion, you're gambling alot here.. Logic dictates how you maneuver through life.. If you're constant changing your logic to suit emotion.. That can get crazy.. Now, we can't disregard feelings like its not one of the only things that lets us know what's real, but like with everything else.. We can't let it carry us away into our ever expanding imagination, which only enhances whatever we feel into more of that feeling with less reality, but more imagination. And we'll find any logical reason to justify it because we feeel it. Yes we do.. But it's more on us that we do. You feel me? So we'll intensify a memory or a moment, situation or whatever.. And forget that half that shit didn't even happen, but we're more mad or happy than what originally sparked the emotion. You see how this can fuck you up? You see how easily emotions can run logic? .. 

Now on the flip side, if you love logic, and everything it stands for.. Your emotions drives you to find logic, not create it. There's logic in everything. 

Idk if its just me, but I really like to figure out how and why things work.. I won't look at a manual, but the product and see if I figure out mentally why this works, how it works. If its intriguing, my emotion of curiosity will push me to find the mechanisms of whatever is intriguing me. This is exactly how I view life and people. Like household appliances that I want to see how and why they tick, no manual in sight... Certainly doesn't stop me.

Being passionate about logic is great because we can't help but feel.. And to have it controlled to the point where you figure out why you're feeling like this, what does this mean, what is this emotion telling you, the logic behind the emotion.. You're not trying to justify it, you're searching for the why.. And in that search, you observe, take notes.. Test out several different variables, make a conclusion. It's a calm insightful alternative.. Life is already chaotic enough with its uncontrolled way of being.. Last thing we need is to be chaotic within.

I'm a big believer in feelings, and intuition.. Never ignore how you feel. But never let it take over in the same token. Emotions are repetitive. Who, what and the intensity we feel them for varies, it will change. The emotion we feel will not. Once you know how to correctly identify your emotions..(Being that you don't lie about which emotion is which) you will always know what's coming next, you felt this before. You know what it is. Butttttt.. Because the people/things we feel these things for differ, we swear up and down its different. And it's not. Just the visual is different. The emotion is the same. We tend to tie our emotions to things/people instead of just labeling it as one of emotions thats been tapped and when we feel those emotions with others we act retarded like we can't identify this feeling.. Like this shit is new. It's really amazing how we fool ourselves sometimes, the nerve of us trying to blame others for that. Where's the logic in that? 

Your feelings can and should guide you.. But your logic should be the one mapping out the route. Your feelings lets you know if you're off about something, logic step out to figure it out.. Gather all the data on what caused this feeling and alert you on what's really going on here.. Sometimes we don't know how we feel, that's fine.. But to act on something when we haven't bothe(red) to look a little deeper into it, is foolish.. And as we all know, everything is easier to get into than get out of.. 

I rather spend my life getting into myself than living life trying to get out of potholes I dove in trying to find myself.. Which happens when your emotionally logical.. You'll run around like a chicken with his head chopped of ending in all types of shit.

Idk man, I just think about shit like this, I'm more logical than emotional.. I have feelings, but logic has more of a say... Not saying logic tells feelings stfu and sit back.. It's a team effort but logic is the spokesperson.. Emotions, just always wanna speak.. Logic actually has something to say. But I never ignore my feelings ... I always make sure logic aware when I am, like L you got that? "Yup" okay process that in. Always gotta stay on point. It can be very easy for emotions to get wild, but as long as you're logical enough to check them, you  should be fine. 

Sometimes I do get more emotional than logical.. But I swear, it's only around my week of hell.. So I guess that doesn't count, does it? Ah who cares? Even in that one week free logic gets, it doesn't throw me off.. I think it helps in some weird biological way.. Whatever I'm no scientist. 

Emotion and logic seem like such opposites, emotion always portrayed as wild and uncontrollable.. While logic is viewed as a chess master, calm, strategic.. Straightforward. Yet both together in the right combination, with the right balance is amazing. 

Eh.. Just a thought.

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