"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Friday, October 30, 2009

Life's a Bitch and i'll Die for her.

realest lineee .. lol and i die for that line cause my favorite phrase is "you love it?, you'll die for it?"

but let me not digress.

Lil' Wayne recently got sentenced 8 months in prison, and while the media is on him like white on rice. He released a masterpiece. No Ceilings is his latest project. and i must say i'm ecstatic. i love that he went off .. its just so easy to him. i love love love this WHOLE mixtape.


you heard it from the man himself.

i love all the covers ..

did i mention ..

i LOVE it !! =)

Forever Doesn't exist.

Boy  6:22 am  wat it says?
A Pretty Hilton 6:22 am "Forever doesn't exist. but i don't want forever, i only want NOW."
Boy 6:22 am ooh wat made you get that?
A Pretty Hilton 6:23 am i always hear forever doesn't exist .. blah blah .. and i thought bout me and how i live .. and i realized i don't want this whole forever fairytale everybody dying to have
Boy 6:23 am =]
A Pretty Hilton 6:24 am i care about now .. fuck tomorrow .. ill deal w| it when it comes

so there it goes, for those who were wondering why did i get that particular phrase.


okay so ever since Derrick Rose got drafted to the Chicago Bulls last year .. i been a fan. i think he is soo talented and finee .. dont judge me. lol but tonight was their first game.

they played the spurs and won
Spurs - 85
Bulls - 92

 Derrick Rose sco(red) 13 pts. 7 assists and 7 rebounds. hes soo fucking fast on that court i get moist. [ channing voice ] lmaoo

his jump though ? damnnn

teamworkk ..

this one a beast. fall back jefferson. lol

Hinrich is so little but so fast lol

get that out of heree ! lol

Duncan a joint thoughh lol

and he had a sore ankle ? sheeshh

George hill is a lil' jyointttt lmaoo

Thursday, October 29, 2009


i wasn't able to update for two days .. cause my wireless was acting up .. don't know what happened .. don't care. just glad it's back ..

tonight the bulls plays the spurs in a matter of minutes .. and i'm definitely gonna blog bout this game .. and my boo Derrick Roseee =)

Monday, October 26, 2009


Oh shut up. Every time it rains, it stops raining. Every time you hurt, you heal. After darkness, there is always light and you get reminded of this every morning but still you choose to believe that the night will last forever. Nothing lasts forever. Not the good or the bad. So you might as well smile while you're here.
( via i wrote this for you. )

my first Vlog ?

its a mini tour of my apartment on campus, its not like regular dorms. but its nice.
i live w| two other females whose room i didnt show.

sleep ? definition please.

Sleep  (slp)
a. A natural periodic state of rest for the mind and body, in which the eyes usually close and consciousness is completely or partially lost, so that there is a decrease in bodily movement and responsiveness to external stimuli. During sleep the brain in humans and other mammals undergoes a characteristic cycle of brain-wave activity that includes intervals of dreaming.
b. A period of this form of rest.
c. A state of inactivity resembling or suggesting sleep; unconsciousness, dormancy, hibernation, or death.

lately, i haven't been sleeping .. idk why. i always had the tendency of tossing and turning before i go to bed, but its gettin ridiculous. i love to sleep, so when i can't it irritates me. now i'm up .. and its 4 .. i have an eight o clock class that i refuse to miss, so i REALLY can't sleep now. if i do, its over.  so i lay here on my laptop in the dark .. while my roomie gets her rest as her loud ass iPod plays. [ good thing i like the songs playing ] i'm laying here making up imaginary scenarios that most likely will never happen, all because i'm sleep deprived.. its just not fair ! i want to rest. shit.

But anyway, i finally seen Paid In Full

dont judge me for never seeing it, judge these stingy people who never wanted to let me hold the DVD, anywho i enjoyed it .. i knew Cam'ron aka rico was a snake since they was in prison .. lol i just aint like how Mekhi phifer died .. i oh dee love him .. he is soo sexy .. mmmmmm lol but yeah i just didn't like how sonny died, and how his uncle did it. i swear sometimes you can't even trust family. smh, goes to show you .. NOBODY knows NOBODY. [ Running Sca(red), another great movie ]

but i'm off to browse the world wide web.

until next time.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

boys,boys,boys,oh boy.

ever since i can remember, i always been one of the guys. guys that i've dealt w| on an intimate level always seemed to have a problem w| that. personally, i never ca(red), simply because i can not change what gender i feel most comfortable around, i always feel females are so judgmental, and its always something w| us, don't get me wrong, i have my selective few that i ride and die for, but i digress. basically, i put boys into four categories;

MY Boys - the guys i really truly consider family, the boys who i know have my best interest at heart and not in my draws, the boys i know would smack a female faster then she can inhale if i feel disrespected. the boys i know who would cheer me up if i'm down, give me advice when i need it, and always got me w| whatever. these is the only boys i'd do anything for, and it's not many.

The Boyssss ;-) - these guys are the fineeeest of the crop .. lmao the ones who i'm cool w| but hmm .. i wouldn't mind taking it to the next level; but i won't. because i feel we're better off as friends, but those are the type of friends you joke around w| and talk and maybe even flirt w| .. but in the end its just innocent.

ugh, these boys =\ - the ones who don't know how to take a hint, these persistence motherfuckers who think if they chase you long enough, you'll eventually give in, the guys who care about sex and how to get it fast, the annoying ones, the flashy ones, the ones who are constantly bragging about their packages, their money count, the "badd bitches" they had intercourse w| .. shit i just don't care about - these guys get no love - from me anyway. i tend to "CURVE" guys like this. 

then there's THAT Boy - the one who planted a heart in my cold insides and magically got it to grow, the boy who made me become less selfish and more open to compromise, the guy who showed me it was okay to believe in love, and all that good stuff. the one who broke my heart but still seem to put it back w| a few simple words. the boy that made me able to say 'i Love you' w| ease. the one i know i can count on, the one who hears me out, the one who is so far away but the memories brings his scent under my nose, the one who made me feel like a little girl and a grown woman at the same time, the love of my life. he's the one who despite the fact we aren't together, will always have my heart.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

rawr !

looking like a warm baby leopard =) lmaoo

change is uh ..

change is everything.
i changed the way my blog looks.
for starters, there's other things i want to change as well.
i'm going to start walking around with my camera .. the scene is soo pretty.
and as much as i talk shit about posting more, i'm really going to do this ..
i barely do shit w| my day anyways. might as well blog or vlog or whatever.

later =)


"I wish I could sit down with them and ask how they met, how they fell in love, how they got married, and how they stay in love. Whatever the story, I'm sure it's got both passion and friendship in it. Because once the lust settles, and the arthritis sets in and all u can do is sit in ur rocking chair - yall better have something to talk about." - Sam.Tony.Alex.Renee.

so what ?

so what if i do things my way ?
so what if i don't need your approval ?
so what if i don't always listen to what i should do ?
so fucking what ?
was i not born alone ?
aren't i going under the dirt when i pass alone ?

i'm sick of people being so fake concerned .. i live my life how i want it. fuck what you, your mother and your father's favorite aunt twice removed has to say. let me make my mistakes, let me learn my lesson. sheesh, i wanna learn and experience my shit first hand. like

Can i Live ?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


i gotten into a lil habit .. and im making the changes i want too.
just need a lil more of a push ..

i lost another follower; [ kanye shrug ] fuck it.

i need to work on posting more ..

not feeling too good .. its mother nature fucking w| me. -_-
fucking bitch.

so im just gonna go make dinner and be a pill popping animal ..

Saturday, October 17, 2009

sore all over ..

i finally hit the gym two days in a row ..

i'm proud i went a second day .. lol

my body is soo soree

but i know that its an essential part of the plan.
the more i go .. the less pain i'll feel.

no pain; no gain. =)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

watch out now.

ugh .. i'm torn. but i take pics to lighten up my mood.

i was very bo(red) ..
my shirt sayss
"if i agreed with you, we'd both be wrong"
.. incase you were wondering.

Monday, October 5, 2009

about a year ago ..

today wouldve marked a year .. sadly it didn't get that far ..

although my heart is still taken; my mind is open.

i don't let my emotions get in the way of my priorities.
if it's meant to be; reunited we will be one day.
until then, i'm living my life and what's left of it [ his voice]

i have the memories and the lessons learned.

i can truly say .. i am a better person today because of him, i learned more about myself and discove(red) great things.

goodnight. =)