"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Monday, January 17, 2011

Your body is a temple.

I like to view the human body as a house, an apartment .. a place of residence to say the least. Our thoughts, our emotions and soul lives in our bodies. Permanent residence until we die (lol). And of course like any place of residence we undergo renovations, people change their appearances often as they grow into the person they're supposed to become. Some people lose control and are unhappy w| how they look, the same feeling you have when you move into an apartment or a house that needs work done. The feeling of comfort is priceless, to me anyway, I feel like in order to be completely happy you have to comfortable in your own skin, And looks aren't everything but if you're not happy w| how you look change it. That includes w| how you feel on the inside. 

Like a house, you can't put up a house on the market that needs work, you won't get alot of buyers. If you know you have issues you need to deal w| or questions you don't have answers too, don't get into a relationship. No one wants to deal w| a mess, No one wants to be w| someone who is not even sure of themselves. 

Now there are some people in this world who are willing to deal w| someone with problems because they themselves have their own problems or they feel as if they can change the world (these people tend to be very controlling) Either way it's not healthy, and usually doesn't end up well.

If you're gonna put your "house" on the market make sure the outside reflects the inside in every positive way as possible. w| relationships, knowing what you're getting into is an advantage, surprises are nice here and there as long as they don't come w| bad news, you don't want to devote time and effort into a relationship that is going to fall apart because one of you doesn't have it all together. And when I mean have it all together I mean within yourselves. Not within a relationship, a strong relationship takes time and problems will arise that's not the issue. 

The issue is emotionally unstable people trying to mask their emotions by pouring their hearts into a relationship they know they are definitely not ready for. If you can't make yourself happy, how can you make someone else happy ? Your happiness counts first and foremost, Once you're happy everything else will fall into place. Before you have standards for other people you must have standards for yourself. Bring up your value, Reupholster your pussy or dick (without the help of Yeezy .. lol) do whatever it is you feel you need to do to make your body, your soul the exact way you want it. 

The moral of the story is, Don't sell your self short, be the person you would love to be w| .. 

"Whatever you do, make it mean something to you."

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