"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Friday, December 13, 2013


Friday the 13th, 2013. 


Superstition has it today is usually a bad luck day... Every thing is rather odd and not usually in your favor, you would prefer things to go as usual.. But something about the 13th is a little off. 

Bad luck? I don't believe in that anymore.  No such thing.

I prefer to view 'bad' luck as odd luck. Bad is perception and how bad is it really? Because it caused discomfort? Inconvenience? A shift in my life axle that I didn't foresee? Maybe I needed this. Maybe this was an odd thing to happen, but it was meant to happen the way it did, to remind me of many things.. It had to be delive(red) in an odd way to get me to pay full attention. So 13 is an odd number indeed. 

Odd numbers are funny to me. You were even, until this add on stuck with you, now you're odd but you're holding it down. Lol 3,5,7,9 they hang lol like a hook. Whatever. Anyway. 

2013, 2-13. This year has been pretty odd and as it comes to an end rather swiftly.. I feel I might as well get this off my chest while I remember and have some down time..As the holidays and deadlines approach, time is just so scarce these days.. 

But this year, odd like a motherfucker. I think about the start of the year and today... I feel like I was playing, but that's only because right now, I can see how I could've went around the block I was facing then. All these weird odd blocks seemed to find its way in my life this year.... It's been more annoying, than anything.. Insightful as well, but I guess compa(red) to how stubborn I am.. I see why they had to be annoying. Back then, I couldn't see it. Certain situations, people, myself (alone)/myself with others and in situations showed alot of light through the odd blocks this year.. 

Through the trials this odd year has put me through.. I made it out with my mind made up. If it was clear before, it's Crystal* clear now. 

As this odd year closes out, a new year to get even rolls in... And it's about time. I don't have any New Years resolutions. I look at a new year like, a new year. Just continue applying everything learned from the previous years and embracing new experiences and growth as usual. That's what counts, to me. 

Apply yourself to supply your wealth. Mind body soul. Feel good. Think good thoughts.

People make big fusses over things that really don't pertain to them or to their growth as a person. 

Mind your business for 2014. 
Run with the campaign.

I took the word try out of my vocabulary. 
Either I will or I won't. I do or I don't. I already can do anything I set my mind to, so can't been out the picture for a while now. 

The main thing is to be a better me, first and foremost. I am no good to anyone, let alone myself, if I'm not the best me I can be. And that's an everyday process. Everyday, I make progress. 

Remember to remember. So easy to forget, so easy to get distracted. Our lives are distracting enough.. It's easy to lose focus for a bit. The key is to remind yourself. Where I'm going?.. Oh yeah. 

Get it right. Get it tight. Lol 

This year man.. It's been so odd to me, I have to give it a nice farewell present. It's only right. 

Christmas is coming... Oooh wee. I love the holidays.. The spirit of love and care all in the air. ^-^

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