"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Tuesday, December 31, 2013


The year is not the only thing that's ending... Alot of things are right behind it. 

A new year, new things seems so cliche. But it's not really about the new.. It's about sorting out the old and getting rid of the useless in all aspects.

To fully embrace new things, new experiences, new people you have to be clear of all the old useless things in your life, a new year just so happens to be the perfect time to reflect and make serious adjustments when needed. 

I've been ending things all year.. And as I say my final goodbye to 2013, I'm saying goodbye to people as well. It's been fun, but this won't last in the long run. Honestly. Lets get this clear.

Every ending is a new beginning. 

Speaking of ending, this blog has been around for 4 years... I think it's time I end this chapter. It's like graduation. I spent 4 years on blogspot and rereading every post I see how much I've grown.. 

I'm continuing to grow and I won't ever stop writing, so I want to do something a little different with my blog.. I won't post anything else on here, when I do return to the blog world, it'll be a whole new world I'll welcome you to..

See you in 2014. 

Toast to new beginnings and solid endings.


Monday, December 30, 2013


Opportunity is the outlet to make something happen, but for who? Me? You? Each other? Not always.

What's an opportunity really, because depending on the angle you're looking from you may not see those set of possibilities as an opportunity in the first place.. Lets think about these different types of opportunities.. An opportunity to make something better or an opportunity to better yourself. 

Some people see opportunities everywhere, but some don't. Those who don't are the type to see opportunities only when it's to better themselves;  rarely on how they can make it better. So  when people are called opportunists, it's always in a negative tone, even the definition is described as negative.. But why? Shouldn't we want to seize the opportunity to better ourselves as it presents itself.. Yes, but we shouldn't step on toes to do so. We shouldn't have to compromise our growth as a person to 'better' circumstances. Those people who are often called opportunist don't get to fully enjoy those opportunities, because life is funny like that. They spend their lives chasing opportunities thinking its going to better them but the opportunities that truly better you are the ones you make better. Building. That's what an opportunity truly is. You can always work towards bettering yourself, but when the opportunity arises where you see exactly where you fit in, how you can better something and you execute it, the reward is everlasting. You're a better person for it in the process. It's all around beneficial. 

I think about situations that cross my paths as such, how I can make this better, how can this better me? 
The balance has to be right to do anything. I'm not going to step on toes but I won't go into anything leading into nothing. Life is give and take. I'm not opposed to giving alot but what I'm receiving has to be of use for me in some shape, way or form. Some people give and give and all they get in return is a drained soul... Nope. Not I. I need positivity at all times, so even if I can make something better, if its too negative of a situation, I won't bother. I don't have the time. Only the negative subtracts from you. 
Think about it. 

But anyway, opportunities.. They're everywhere.. If you can see.. Not only how it benefits you, but how you, benefit it.

Shit real.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Self control.

We aren't in control of many things, never fully anyway.. But we can definitely control ourselves. 

Self control varies upon person, but we are ultimately in control. 

I read this article on Forbes titled 'who's in charge here: the surprising science of self control. And it was interesting for a few reasons.. The science was pretty cool. Basically I am, we. I'm made up of several things that all are in control of me. 

Which was hella interesting to me because I already feel like I have all these components within me that all have a hand in my level of self control. 

Self control is important to me because I don't ever want to lose it. That won't be any good, I'm almost sure of it. Thankfully, through life long training.. My self control is pretty high, temptations do occur but when unless all of me is with it, I won't give in. 

Resisting temptation is great training for self control. Not all that tempts you is good for you.. Only when you resist do you see if what tempts you will break you or was meant for you.. 

Patience goes hand in hand with self control. If you can control your urge and keep calm.. You tend to move better. Time reveals all and we all know everything takes time.. Self control can boost you or hinder you in times where patience is requi(red).. Sometimes you are too in control, there are times that call for you to just let go.. Determining when to resist and when to go with the flow is key as well. 

I think about how I like control and how I can gain more by making sure whatever I can control, I can control completely. Little control does nothing for me. Little control is the same as no control. Can't have that. But I have to be patient, I remind myself. The level of control I want in my life is naturally stemming from my own self control.. I can't force nature, I just gotta flow.. Keep everything else under control and my mind on the goals. 

Christmas was pretty sweet. Good times and happy faces, what more can you ask for? 

Next up, 2013's farewell. Shit real.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Shit real.

As the days continue to fly at jet speed.. I am constantly reminded of several things.

Shit is real..

I realized more of why certain things aren't working and why other things are.. More clarity on things I couldn't see through to its core. Things including people.

I feel calmer than ever but this electric wave of ease seems to follow me lately.. Mind you, everything isn't on the up, yet I feel happy.. Not content, but happy. It's like I know, but I don't know. Weird but I'm just gonna follow my vibes like I've been doing. 

I feel change. I feel the shift. I've trained myself to feel it, see it as it moves.. I'm far from naive but if you get caught in the moment (which can easily happen) you can overlook the shift.. Whether its the shift from good to bad, or bad to good.. The shift is the curve.. The curve completes the circle. The circle of life doesn't stop spinning.. The earth is a reminder. It spins and shifts from season to season, and every year it completes one circle. In that one circle, you experience four shifts... Winter to spring.. Spring to summer.. Summer to fall. Fall to winter.. And it repeats every year like clock work. The outcomes of these shifts vary, but the variables are constant. This is life. We experience seasons with things and people, sometimes it works and other times it doesn't. You have to notice the shift though.. The shift when it's about to get good or it's about to go bad.. And you'll feel it before you see it. By the time you see it it's too late. Being aware of shifts is more of an advantage than anything... To forsee the change coming because you noticed the shift and you watch it run its course, you may want to intervene, the shift not always going to shift in your favor but keep in mind you can't stop the shift. You can ride with it until the shift comes back around to your odds which is always 50/50.. 

If you're honest with yourself about your positions in life situations, the shift whether in your favor or not, will allow you to save alot more time than one who ignores the shift and waste precious time trying to reverse shifts. Everyone isn't going to be honest with you. No matter how honest you can be, everyone you encounter isn't guaranteed to reciprocate your level of honesty. So you always have to be honest with yourself. When others aren't, and you are honest about the shift... This gives you an alternative.. This way or that way. You can always break a circle.. But you can't stop one from spinning, I've noticed that. I mean you can, but who wants to be stagnant?

Anyway with all this in mind and everything I'm learning and am reminded of.. My actions are seriously reflecting all of this. The patience I continue to acquire is making alot more possible. My calm demeanor is handling the unpleasant aspects rather swiftly. The shift is shifting.. I suggest you act accordingly, I certainly am. 

Keep calm, end the year strong. 

Friday, December 13, 2013


Friday the 13th, 2013. 


Superstition has it today is usually a bad luck day... Every thing is rather odd and not usually in your favor, you would prefer things to go as usual.. But something about the 13th is a little off. 

Bad luck? I don't believe in that anymore.  No such thing.

I prefer to view 'bad' luck as odd luck. Bad is perception and how bad is it really? Because it caused discomfort? Inconvenience? A shift in my life axle that I didn't foresee? Maybe I needed this. Maybe this was an odd thing to happen, but it was meant to happen the way it did, to remind me of many things.. It had to be delive(red) in an odd way to get me to pay full attention. So 13 is an odd number indeed. 

Odd numbers are funny to me. You were even, until this add on stuck with you, now you're odd but you're holding it down. Lol 3,5,7,9 they hang lol like a hook. Whatever. Anyway. 

2013, 2-13. This year has been pretty odd and as it comes to an end rather swiftly.. I feel I might as well get this off my chest while I remember and have some down time..As the holidays and deadlines approach, time is just so scarce these days.. 

But this year, odd like a motherfucker. I think about the start of the year and today... I feel like I was playing, but that's only because right now, I can see how I could've went around the block I was facing then. All these weird odd blocks seemed to find its way in my life this year.... It's been more annoying, than anything.. Insightful as well, but I guess compa(red) to how stubborn I am.. I see why they had to be annoying. Back then, I couldn't see it. Certain situations, people, myself (alone)/myself with others and in situations showed alot of light through the odd blocks this year.. 

Through the trials this odd year has put me through.. I made it out with my mind made up. If it was clear before, it's Crystal* clear now. 

As this odd year closes out, a new year to get even rolls in... And it's about time. I don't have any New Years resolutions. I look at a new year like, a new year. Just continue applying everything learned from the previous years and embracing new experiences and growth as usual. That's what counts, to me. 

Apply yourself to supply your wealth. Mind body soul. Feel good. Think good thoughts.

People make big fusses over things that really don't pertain to them or to their growth as a person. 

Mind your business for 2014. 
Run with the campaign.

I took the word try out of my vocabulary. 
Either I will or I won't. I do or I don't. I already can do anything I set my mind to, so can't been out the picture for a while now. 

The main thing is to be a better me, first and foremost. I am no good to anyone, let alone myself, if I'm not the best me I can be. And that's an everyday process. Everyday, I make progress. 

Remember to remember. So easy to forget, so easy to get distracted. Our lives are distracting enough.. It's easy to lose focus for a bit. The key is to remind yourself. Where I'm going?.. Oh yeah. 

Get it right. Get it tight. Lol 

This year man.. It's been so odd to me, I have to give it a nice farewell present. It's only right. 

Christmas is coming... Oooh wee. I love the holidays.. The spirit of love and care all in the air. ^-^

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Cc: Man theory 1/?

I am fully aware that I am a woman, and I could never possibly understand a man in his entirety, I'm not a man. I get it. But I love men, they're great, even the not so good ones.. Still great. I watch them, talk to them, deal with him, whether indirectly or directly. Business, personal, family, friend, lover. I take notes and observations of every man I've ever encounte(red). I watched boys become men.. And boys stay boys. But men will be men. Anything I have on file for men is filled in by men.. I have a separate folder for women, but their opinion of men doesn't matter to me... It will never be 100% accurate. My observations will never be 100% accurate, I am a woman, certain things I'll never fully get.. I get it. But this is why it's MY observations.. I'm not passing it as fact, but I've noticed this and if you want to prove me wrong, I'm going to need facts because everything I've witnessed for myself supports my observation. 


Yes. Admit it. We know it already. Even gay men can't stay away and we can't even get them aroused... 

God made Adam, and he gave him the earth as a home... Adam could've went on an expedition.. Probably went swimming, trained a few animals.. All kinds of shit. Anyway, Adam got lonely :( he felt empty.. God told him, nah you just hungry, go eat some fruit..leave me alone I have work to do... Adam kept on about his perfect companion, so God got ti(red) of his nagging, swiftly punched him in the ribs, he fell out from impact.. (God didn't want him to see where he kept everyone else, plus he was getting on his nerves) and when he awoke, there stood Eve. But Eve was NOTHING like Adam. He couldn't believe it. She was his opposite, but she completed him in every way he felt empty before meeting her. Funny.. How just Eve was enough. But she was enough because she was right. God could've brought out Stacey, or Amy.. But Eve was chosen for a reason. She was the right one. Obviously she was put to test Adam on what the right woman to the right man can do.. They just happened to do "wrong". But see the influence. He wasn't even tempted until she brought it up. Whatever. This is just how I see it. I'm not quoting the bible. Ever since then.. Men can't be without women, even if they can't keep a woman for long, they'll always have their mother, who is a woman (if living). 

From here on I'm speaking to the men. So I'm referring this to you as a man.. And I want you to tell me, when you're done.. What you think of my observation. 

I think I realize where alot of y'all go wrong. You have the capability to be the greatest leader of your pack, but somebody gotta have your back.. Who better to have your back than a woman? She already completes you biologically, and a good woman, the right woman can make you unstoppable. But you as a man can get distracted and fooled by visuals.. And women con artists are alive and thriving, they appear to be a certain way, usually perfect for you.. and then, you realize she's wrong too late in the game.. You think you cut your ties, clean.. but making up for the losses tend to ruin a man.

You or someone you may know has actually encounte(red) this.. 

Take this walk with me over a 5 year journey.. You starting out your 5 year life plan.. You got some money you can flip and your foundation is steady enough to get this started, you need one thing, a woman to call your own.. Your grind is gonna become more intense and you need the stability a woman can provide, you have a couple prospects and you pick your girl.. You sweating her, she's everything, she so supportive. You treating her so good.. She making you feel good. You're now even more motivated to grind harder you got your woman waiting at home with the goods. So you doing your thing, you focused.. [Grinding is today's hunting. A real man doesn't feel complete if he's not grinding (hunting) for his own.]

She starts forgetting where y'all headed.. She can't understand why you're not doing what you used to do as often as you used to, now she's on you... Interrogating, wanting to get to the bottom of this cause she didn't sign up for this.. You don't understand what's her problem, you out here doing for y'all, but she wants to talk about what you don't do, for her. And it's not about her, it's about y'all, but she doesn't see that. Because she's the wrong girl. The right girl encourages your grind. The harder you grind, the less you can keep up everything you used to do, because you got shit to do. "C'mon baby I love you, you know this." But she doesn't care, she's at your neck accusing you of things you haven't done yet (she knows she isn't the right one, she doesn't feel she completes you, so she feel you do too and went searching).. You start to stray.. You want to avoid that noise. Come home, She giving you the silent treatment is perfect, you don't even want to talk about what she does because you don't understand. So you start to lose focus and build stress.. Still on your grind even with all the bullshit on your mind. On the grind you meet a sweet little side piece. Woo .. She's fine, top of the line. Lol you on her.. Something about her you like, she doing her own thing so she's not pressed about your thing.. You like that. Now part of your focus on her, you still on the grind but you switch to autopilot every now and then.. Now you feeling side, now you gotta focus on covering tracks so wrong girl doesn't find out, cause you think you love her, maybe. Even though she's wrong, you not letting her go (or she won't, I plan on speaking on relationship entrapment soon, that has to stop.) .. So you juggling wrong, side, and the grind .. Meanwhile you trying to enjoy your life.. All work no play never did anyone any good. Cool.. 

Time passes, you are up my man. You got the juice now. Money flowing, you feeling good, your women are feeling good.. Everything is everything. Granted, a couple months of bliss later.. Side want more now, she ti(red) of playing shadow.. You giving her extra hush money.. Buy her some nice gifts, fuck her good, she still complaining.. So you start to distance yourself, just a bit.. You not trying to hear that shit from wrong, you definitely not trying to hear it from side.. 

Next 15, that new thang came.. You like her, she looking like new side, cause side acting up and she will get replaced, if needed.. as long as wrong is around, she gonna need an assist. Now keep in mind your tab, you got wrong on full time, side part time, you spend money whenever you take new thang out because you are a man. You got it like that. But all these women are taking from your pockets, not adding to it. So they're already liabilities on your tab, not to mention your bills, gas, vices.. Things in that nature. But your money just as long as your tab. Literally.. So you're not even realizing it. The money is flowing in.. So you feel your grind is paying off, but your grind is now supporting your lifestyle.. You aren't grinding for the goal anymore.. You're grinding just as hard, but your expenses are piling up. And none of your bitches are checking you.. Only to tell you when the rent due, or when they're going shopping or the salon... Then just as you about to figure shit out... Everything crumbles. 

Wrong finds out about side, new thang finds out about wrong.. Side outside telling you to come outside and you sitting there counting the losses from the night before... Everybody leaving. Not before the drama of course... Which only frustrates you.. If your focus was off before.. It doesn't even know where the target is.. You fucking up, you're fucked up.. These bitches are getting on your last nerve. You cut them all off, you're fed the fuck up.. You need to clear your mind. You look up and its 5 years later. You're nowhere near finishing your plans.. Time and money gone. And now you're all fucked up emotionally cause you're without a woman and even the randoms you fuck/allow to sleep over cause you lonely doesn't fill the void.. But you're a man.. So you ignore it. And you get back on your grind... Some try again searching for the actual right one, some take the multiple hoes route without heavy commitment, but without emotionally investing into a woman you will never access the power the woman can bring to you that you so instinctively crave.. 

The right woman in a mans ear is unstoppable. The right woman supposed to check you when you're slipping, making sure you know where you're going in case you forgot honey. :) Shes understanding because she matches your grindd.. the right woman is encouraging and fulfilling to a man on all the levels he needs to fully prosper in life. Problem is, alot of men pick the wrong women at the worst times. And it's fucks them up more than when we choose wrong men, as a woman, damsel in distress role pays off. No one pities a weak man. 

So men are dismantled by dealing with the wrong women and waste so much time and energy. Men are the best jugglers. But juggling women is only to make up all the factors that you would prefer to exist in one woman.. But you can't find her.. But you're gonna juggle these bitches until you get ti(red) of juggling, drop them or they want to leave.. But that's a circus act and you're no clown right? You want to grind and build your kingdom, so you have to get the right woman.. Who truly understands your grind and is nothing but an asset all around the board (Queen). Real men don't take money from women, they can get that on their own. What we provide to them is worth more than money.. We provide the encouragment, love, affection, and as well as companionship. We help them understand emotion (this why we're more patient), and they help us with logic.. Thats the trade off.. It's crazy how you can be with someone and feel alone together.. Like you're one. That's how it should feel when it's right. And when it's wrong, catch it early.. Don't let these bitches catch you slipping.. They will ruin you. I am a woman, I knowww, I've seen the side of woman world the dog bitches try so hard to hide from y'all. Don't think it can't happen to you..  Unless you got the right woman already than you're good.. Prosper good man, prosper. I tell yall cause i care about you as men. I want more men to prosper. But they need to pick better women. Plenty out here man.. Don't think there's not. 

I wish you the sight to see through these shady little whores trying to ruin mankind and the sight to see the right woman when she crosses your path. God bless men. 


You could be my intern, and in turn.. I can show you how to cook up summer in the winturrr. 

Winter coming, 2013 on its way out. 

Oh baby it's crunch time. 

Bundle up.. The weather bitter, but the grind doesn't stop. 
