"God, I ask not forgiveness, for my sins are mine to live with" - Shirley [Baby-sitters]

Straight to the point ..

"I tend to think alot. so I'll just roam from topic to topic .. just because i discuss something doesn't necessarily mean I'm feeling some sort of way.. it may just mean I choose to discuss it .. because I find it interesting. Or I feel some sort of way, my call."

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

she did say ...

"i only stop for pedestrians, or a real bad bad lesbian."
but i bet if there is any type of funny business going on
is just another publicity stunt.

Monday, July 27, 2009


not feeling the haircut,
but the outfit,
the accessories

Thursday, July 23, 2009

i been MiA

it's been crazyy and i'm gettin my college things together ..
but i will be back w| a vengeance .. lol

Monday, July 20, 2009


I'll pretend that you mean the weather when you ask me how things are. I'll say cold and dry.( via i wrote this for you )

Sunday, July 19, 2009


this poem i wrote back when school was in session for my 2nd period Poetry class.

and hoping ..
he can continue
grass green, sky blue;
all this, he knew.
takin' things for granted,
his life gone ?
he couldn't fathom.
and all the material things ?
he had 'em.
and all the girls ?
yep, he bagged 'em.
we thought he had it all,
'til we all seen him fall.
he was always on a roll,
never heard stop;
Freeway, tryna take it to the top.
his fall was something vicious,
no one ever envisioned ..
the "fly cocky dude"
finally lost his cool.
and while everyone was leavin' ..
his only thought was ...
how could he stop breathing.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


this is my first post w|o the center thingy.. lol but whatever.

i suppose people "self-advertise to promote self-esteem, or whatever, i mean i guess it's okay .. but some people tend to over do it, like they promote everything. and i mean everything, from what they own, to who they know, to how many partners they've had [ guys ] and what their boyfriends tell them [ females ]. i don't know if anyone has said anything, but it's a majorrr turn-off. it's annoying, i don't care how much money you make or all your designer labels you own, i don't care if you had sex with 29484 girls and soo many three-somes,i really don't care if you know so and so.i just don't care. bragging is not cool. it's saying you're soo unhappy with your life you feel the need to mask it up with material things, that's okay for you, just don't bother me with your problems. i'm not a therapist, yet anyway and when i do become one, you probably couldn't afford me. lol

now when females brag about shit their boyfriends do, it's like okay that's nice, i really don't care. unless i ask or we're on the subject of boyfriends and relationships. so like something like is unacceptable;

girl 1; yeah, those shoes are soo beautiful and i seen a bag to go with it.
girl 2; omg just yesterday so and so said hello babyy .. ekkkk ! omg i could've just died right where i was standing !!!

no, i have seen this too many times. even when it's not happening to me, it's like ugh. some girls, not all are not aware that there are some things your significant others are just supposed to do, simple things like hanging out, going to places, sweet and sappy convos .. a lil gift from time to time. it's understandable that some girls get all excited, but no need to go into cardiac arrest because of it. alot of people don't care.

oohhhhh when girls promote how "good" their sex is, or the "freaky" shit they like to do, it's aggravating and then when guys expect them to act on it, or treat them a certain way because of what their promoting, they have the audacity to get upset ! are you serious ? .. maybe if you tried not talkin bout how deep down your throat you can shove dicks and how you only stop for a bad bad lesbian maybe, just maybee guys wouldn't treat you like some freak joint.

just a thought.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

aint that the truth.

"If someone betrays you once, it’s their fault;
if they betray you twice, it’s your fault."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


"The brighter you are, the more you have to learn."
Don Herold

item of the night.

ugh i just had to post this.
i love this sweater and i must own it.
they have it in grey and navy.
abercrombie&Fitch -
$60 ..


i suppose i do my best blogging .. late nights and what not.
lately i haven't been able to sleep ..
idk why .. [ shrugs shoulders ]

but anywho,
i'm extremely excited to start
my college life.
i will be attending a community college
w| a campus,
mainly because
i thought i was hot shit in highschool
so my GPA isn't how i want it to look.
plus i plan on attending hunter after i graduate herkimer.

the campus is beautiful and the school is huge,
the dorms are like apartment and houses.
ahhh !
i can not wait til i move in
[ aug. 31st hopefully a lil earlier ]
and meet my roomates
and decorate and all that good stuff.

i will definitely post pictures and what not;
i'm just happy that i made it this far.
i truly made my mother proud,
i couldn't let her down.

this is the beginning of my 7 year plan.
lol odd right ?
well whatever ..
alot of things i do may be conside(red) odd ..

but i'm a go watch family guy ..

post something else later ...


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

fell in love w| this ..

i came across this blog
which i find pretty entertaining and cool.

i saw this post and immediately related to majority of it,
won't say which part.

this shit is REAL.
girlsarethenewboys )

I used to be that girl.

That got daps from her girls when #1 and #2 would page me at the same time, just as #3 was picking me up from school. Back then? I was that girl who had boyfriends to match every outfit and honey, nothing ever went outta style in my closet. I broke up with dudes over voicemails and threw away love letters. Dodged guys in the hallway so I wouldn't have to have "that" talk 'cuz God forbid I went to boat dance with someone from my own school. "No, I don't like u. No, I won't give u a chance. And no, I won't think about it." That girl never played on anyone, but she played with minds ... and most likely hearts ... and definitely feelings.

Then, I became that girl.

That fell in love. And for the first time ever, I entertained the idea of marriage. I wrote my first name and his last, with a promise ring to match. I kept stuffed animals, and ticket stubs, and invitations, and Valentine's Day cards. "I" became "we" and "we"became "us" all without ever losing ME. That girl wrote songs to a melody only they could hear. So I learned to beathe deeper, hug tighter, kiss longer, and dream sweeter. That girl smiled with her eyes, shined on cloudy days, and floated with no wings.

And then, I became that girl.

That needed space. That needed to live. That needed to be free. That needed some time apart. That neeed reassurance. That just wanted to make sure. That needed an excuse. That needed to be "independent." That wanted to meet new faces and touch new bodies and give out her number when it was asked. That wanted to be selfish. That was selfish. That chose to replace love with the thrill of the chase. That took her relationship for granted and swore she meant it when she said, "It's ok. You can date other people too." Until he did.
So I thought I could be that girl.
That just didn't give a fuck. That could fuck the pain away. And have one night stands. And booty calls. And be a gold-digger. And play the role. And hustle MEN. And pretend she didn't care. And asked for favors with a lick of her lips and bat of her eyes. That thought she was a hard rock when she really was a gem. Bumpin Jay-Z all day everyday. "I parts with nothing, yall be front. Me give my heart to a nigga? Not for nothin. Never happen, I BE FOREVER MACKIN. Heart cold as assassins, I gots no passion, I gots no patience and I hate waiting so nigga get ur ass in here and let's ri-i-i-i-i-ide." That girl filled voids and threw away the big picture for momentary happiness and attention. I was the great pretender.
But then inevitably, that girl showed up.
And that girl knew that other girl didn't exist. Who thought she was nothing. Who didn't matter. Who wasn't loved nor felt she deserved to be. Who thought shit was so unfair and never caught a break. Who was worthless and stupid and ugly and every synonym of it. Who knew she would never find happiness again. She didn't want happiness ever again. I cried and cried and cried. In the shower until my fingers became pruny. And in bed, until I fell asleep - hoping and wishing God wouldn't let me wake up. That girl gave up on life, gave up on love, and gave up on herself.
Until, I became this girl.
Who is finally allowing herself to live, love, and be happy once again. Who although is bruised, will never be broken. Who is STILL learning, but learning from her mistakes and learning how to move on. Who is thankful and grateful and blessed. For everything. Who knows she is talented, and intelligent, and beautiful, and will never allow another person to make her forget. Who refuses to settle for anything less than she deserves. Who is humble and knows not to take anything for granted. Who is selfish. Fuck yah, I said it. 'Cuz ain't nothing wrong with wanting more for urself. Who loves life, those in her life, and most importantly loves herself.
And I never, ever, want to be that or that or that girl ever again.

Monday, July 13, 2009

awwww ..

here are a few of my favorite celebrity couples.
Kim Kardashian and Reggie Bush.
Eva Pigford and Lance Gross

David and Victoria Beckham

Amber Rose and Mr. Kanye West

Of Course,
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

Scarlett Johansson <3

i always viewed Scarlett johansson as a
beautiful, smart and talented person.
check out her latest photoshoot.
i think she looks beautiful.

Sunday's At Crissy's

now usually i enjoy my sunday's on a relaxed note.
but today my boyfriend and i
went to see Bruno..

lmao this shit is hilarious.
there were really weird moments;
but it was funny.
i really recommend
people to go watch this movie
unless they're homophobic.
so the movies were good
had my nachos =)
and then i got home
and my aunt sent me a laptop
i guess you can say today was a really good day.
next post will be way more interesting lol

Saturday, July 11, 2009

uber bo(red) ..

i have never been more bo(red)
in my entire 18 years of living.
i may be exaggerating
but you get my point ..
so i took some pics.
and edited them.

just goes to show how bo(red) i am.

Friday, July 10, 2009

blah blah ..

so my summer
is going by slowly.

mainly because
i'm unemployed ..

but i been working on it.


so i should be updating within a week
of my new employment.


well i just felt the need to share this ...

bye now.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Flaws and All ...

first and foremost,
i want to apologize to my blog readers
for not having any recent posts.
i will be giving more of an effort to
post more often.

now it's time to vent.

i'm not perfect, i don't think i am.
i'm a good person, to all ..
that much i do know.
i hate when people expect so much from me
i'm only one fucking person ..
i can't duplicate,
i can't be everywhere
or please everyone.
sometimes i try to be a people pleaser,
when in reality i'm not.
i make mistakes,
like EVERYONE else.
i tend to lie on occasion,
like EVERYONE else.
i do things for ME, MYSELF and i,
i don't tell people how to live Their lives;
i don't judge anyone.
why do people feel the need to advise me on
mines ?
it really aggravates me
when people try and criticize,
the choices i make ..
what gives other people the right ?
i don't think i'm BETTER then anyone
and i certainly don't think anyone is BETTER then me.
everyone is entitled to their opinion and their own way of life.
don't judge me on my choices and how i choose to live.
accept me as i am,
i change for no one but myself.
no one has to put up w| my shit.
if how i live bothers you ..
there's an exit on your left.

well i'm done venting ..
alot of you may be able to relate ..
or not.
i just needed to get that one off my chest.

til later, Crissy.